#!/usr/bin/env python3 from _common import get_args from contextlib import closing from msgbus.client import MsgbusSubClient from json import dumps, loads def main(): args = get_args() with closing(MsgbusSubClient(args.host, args.port)) as client: client.sub("pyircbot_command_ping") # subscribe to .ping commnad while True: channel, msg = client.recv() _, rest = msg.split(" ", 1) channel, sender, trailing, extras = loads(rest) channel = channel[0] if not channel[0] == "#": # ignore PMs continue print("Pong: {} in {}".format(sender, channel)) client.pub("pyircbot_send", "default privmsg {}".format(dumps([channel, "{}: pong".format(sender)]))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()