#!/usr/bin/env python3 from threading import Thread import traceback import os import cherrypy import subprocess from base64 import b64encode from ws4py.server.cherrypyserver import WebSocketPlugin, WebSocketTool from ws4py.websocket import EchoWebSocket from time import sleep, time INTERVAL = 2 cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': 3000, 'server.socket_host': ""}) WebSocketPlugin(cherrypy.engine).subscribe() cherrypy.tools.websocket = WebSocketTool() class CatHandler(Thread): def __init__(self, master): """ Run the image creator subprocess. Every X seconds, delete all images but the newest one """ super().__init__() self.master = master self.proc = None self.start() def run(self): compressed = "" self.startproc() while True: if time() - self.proctime > 15 * 60: # restart proc every 15 minutes self.stopproc() self.startproc() start = time() images = sorted([i.name for i in os.scandir("images")]) # newer images towards end if images: for imname in images[0:-1]: os.unlink(os.path.join("images", imname)) newest = os.path.join("images", images[-1]) if newest != compressed: subprocess.check_call(["convert", "-strip", "-interlace", "Plane", "-gaussian-blur", "0.05", "-quality", "50%", newest, newest]) compressed = newest with open(newest, "rb") as f: self.master.latest = f.read() cherrypy.engine.publish('websocket-broadcast', "data:image/jpeg;base64,{}".format(b64encode(self.master.latest).decode("ascii"))) spent = time() - start sleep(max(0.2, INTERVAL - spent)) def stopproc(self): if not self.proc: raise Exception("No proc to kill") self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def startproc(self): if self.proc: raise Exception("Proc already running!") # initial cleanout for f in os.scandir("images"): os.unlink(f) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(["imagesnap", "-t", str(INTERVAL)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images")) self.proctime = time() class Root(object): def __init__(self): self.latest = None self.cathandler = CatHandler(self) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): with open("page.htm") as f: yield f.read() @cherrypy.expose def latest_jpg(self): if self.latest: cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg' yield self.latest else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) @cherrypy.expose def ws(self): # you can access the class instance through handler = cherrypy.request.ws_handler def main(): cherrypy.quickstart(Root(), '/', config={'/ws': {'tools.websocket.on': True, 'tools.websocket.handler_cls': EchoWebSocket}}) if __name__ == '__main__': main()