2019-05-02 20:45:05 -07:00

419 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from configparser import ConfigParser
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from os.path import normpath, join, exists
from os import chmod, chown, stat, environ
from enum import Enum
import subprocess
from requests import get, put, head
from threading import Thread
SSH_KEY_PATH = environ["DATADB_KEYPATH"] if "DATADB_KEYPATH" in environ else '/root/.ssh/datadb.key'
RSYNC_DEFAULT_ARGS = ['rsync', '-avzr', '--exclude=.datadb.lock', '--whole-file', '--one-file-system', '--delete']
SSH_CMD = 'ssh -i {} -p {} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
class SyncStatus(Enum):
"Data is on local disk"
"Data is not on local disk"
# Requests will call tell() on the file-like stdout stream if the tell attribute exists. However subprocess'
# stdout stream (_io.BufferedReader) does not support this (raises OSError: [Errno 29] Illegal seek).
# If the tell attribute is missing, requests will fall back to simply iterating on the file-like object,
# so, we support only the iterable interface
class WrappedStdout(object):
BUFFSIZE = 256 * 1024
def __init__(self, stdout):
self.stdout = stdout
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
data =
if not data:
raise StopIteration()
return data
def close(self):
def restore(api_url, profile, conf, force=False): # remote_uri, local_dir, identity='/root/.ssh/datadb.key'
Restore data from datadb
# Sanity check: If the lockfile exists we assume the data is already there, so we wouldn't want to call rsync again
# as it would wipe out local changes. This can be overridden with --force
if not ((status(profile, conf) == SyncStatus.DATA_MISSING) or force):
raise Exception("Data already exists (Use --force?)")
original_perms = stat(conf["dir"])
dest = urlparse(conf["uri"])
status_code = head(api_url + 'get_backup', params={'proto': dest.scheme, 'name': profile}).status_code
if status_code == 404:
print("Connected to datadb, but datasource '{}' doesn't exist. Exiting".format(profile))
# TODO: special exit code >1 to indicate this?
if dest.scheme == 'rsync':
args += ['-e', SSH_CMD.format(SSH_KEY_PATH, dest.port or 22)]
# Request backup server to prepare the backup, the returned dir is what we sync from
rsync_path = get(api_url + 'get_backup', params={'proto': 'rsync', 'name': profile}).text.rstrip()
# Add rsync source path
args.append('nexus@{}:{}'.format(dest.hostname, normpath(rsync_path) + '/'))
# Add local dir
args.append(normpath(conf["dir"]) + '/')
print("Rsync restore call: {}".format(' '.join(args)))
elif dest.scheme == 'archive':
# http request backup server
# download tarball
args_curl = ['curl', '-s', '-v', '-XGET', '{}get_backup?proto=archive&name={}'.format(api_url, profile)]
# unpack
args_tar = [get_tarcmd(), 'zxv', '-C', normpath(conf["dir"]) + '/']
print("Tar restore call: {} | {}".format(' '.join(args_curl), ' '.join(args_tar)))
dl = subprocess.Popen(args_curl, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
extract = subprocess.Popen(args_tar, stdin=dl.stdout)
# TODO: convert to pure python?
if dl.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Could not download archive")
if extract.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Could not extract archive")
# Restore original permissions on data dir
# TODO store these in conf file
chmod(conf["dir"], original_perms.st_mode)
chown(conf["dir"], original_perms.st_uid, original_perms.st_gid)
# TODO apply other permissions
def backup(api_url, profile, conf, force=False):
Backup data to datadb
# Sanity check: If the lockfile doesn't exist we assume the data is missing, so we wouldn't want to call rsync
# again as it would wipe out the backup.
if not ((status(profile, conf) == SyncStatus.DATA_AVAILABLE) or force):
raise Exception("Data is missing (Use --force?)")
dest = urlparse(conf["uri"])
if dest.scheme == 'rsync':
args += ['-e', SSH_CMD.format(SSH_KEY_PATH, dest.port or 22)]
# args += ["--port", str(dest.port or 22)]
# Excluded paths
if conf["exclude"]:
for exclude_path in conf["exclude"].split(","):
if not exclude_path == "":
# Add local dir
args.append(normpath(conf["dir"]) + '/')
new_backup_params = {'proto': 'rsync',
'name': profile,
'keep': conf["keep"]}
if conf["inplace"]:
new_backup_params["inplace"] = 1
# Hit backupdb via http to retreive absolute path of rsync destination of remote server
rsync_path, token = get(api_url + 'new_backup', params=new_backup_params).json()
# Add rsync source path
args.append(normpath('nexus@{}:{}'.format(dest.hostname, rsync_path)) + '/')
# print("Rsync backup call: {}".format(' '.join(args)))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
if cpe.returncode not in [0, 24]: # ignore partial transfer due to vanishing files on our end
# confirm completion if backup wasnt already in place
if not conf["inplace"]:
put(api_url + 'new_backup', params={'proto': 'rsync', 'name': profile, 'token': token,
'keep': conf["keep"]})
elif dest.scheme == 'archive':
# CD to local source dir
# tar+gz data and stream to backup server
args_tar = []
if has_binary("ionice"):
args_tar += ['ionice', '-c', '3']
args_tar += ['nice', '-n', '19']
args_tar += [get_tarcmd(),
# Use pigz if available (Parallel gzip -
if has_binary("pigz"):
args_tar += ["--use-compress-program", "pigz"]
args_tar += ["-z"]
# Excluded paths
if conf["exclude"]:
for exclude_path in conf["exclude"].split(","):
if not exclude_path == "":
args_tar += ['-cv', './']
tar_dir = normpath(conf["dir"]) + '/'
print("Tar call in {}: {}".format(args_tar, tar_dir))
tar = subprocess.Popen(args_tar, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tar_dir)
put_url = '{}new_backup?proto=archive&name={}&keep={}'.format(api_url, profile, conf["keep"])
print("Putting to: {}".format(put_url))
tar_errors = []
error_scanner = Thread(target=scan_errors, args=(tar.stderr, tar_errors), daemon=True)
upload = put(put_url, data=WrappedStdout(tar.stdout))
if upload.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Upload failed with code: {}".format(upload.status_code))
if tar.returncode != 0 and len(tar_errors) > 0:
raise Exception("Tar process exited with nonzero code {}. Tar errors: \n {}".
format(tar.returncode, "\n ".join(tar_errors)))
def scan_errors(stream, error_list):
Read and print lines from a stream, appending messages that look like errors to error_list
# Tar does not have an option to ignore file-removed errors. The warnings can be hidden but even with
# --ignore-failed-read, file-removed errors cause a non-zero exit. So, hide the warnings we don't care about
# using --warnings=no-xxx and scan output for unknown messages, assuming anything found is bad.
for line in stream:
line = line.decode("UTF-8").strip()
if not line.startswith("./"):
if line not in error_list:
def status(profile, conf):
Check status of local dir - if the lock file is in place, we assume the data is there
lockfile = join(conf["dir"], '.datadb.lock')
if exists(lockfile):
return SyncStatus.DATA_AVAILABLE
return SyncStatus.DATA_MISSING
def shell_exec(cmd, workdir='/tmp/'):
Execute a command in shell, wait for exit.
print("Calling: {}".format(cmd))
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=workdir).wait()
def get_tarcmd():
return "gtar" if has_binary("gtar") else "tar"
def has_binary(name):
Check if the passed command is available
:return: boolean
subprocess.check_call(['which', name], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
return True
def main():
Excepts a config file at /etc/datadb.ini. Example:
Each [section] defines one backup task.
*uri*: Destination/source for this instance's data. Always fits the following format:
<procotol>://<server>/<backup name>
Valid protocols:
rsync - rsync executed over SSH. The local dir will be synced with the remote backup dir using rsync.
archive - tar archives transported over HTTP. The local dir will be tarred and PUT to the backup server's
remote dir via http.
*dir*: Local dir for this backup
*keep*: Currently unused. Number of historical copies to keep on remote server
*auth*: Currently unused. Username:password string to use while contacting the datadb via HTTP.
*restore_preexec*: Shell command to exec before pulling/restoring data
*restore_postexec*: Shell command to exec after pulling/restoring data
*export_preexec*: Shell command to exec before pushing data
*export_postexec*: Shell command to exec after pushing data
*exclude*: if the underlying transport method supports excluding paths, a comma separated list of paths to exclude.
Applies to backup operations only.
*inplace*: rsync only. if enabled, the server will keep only a single copy that you will rsync over. intended for
single copies of LARGE datasets. overrides "keep".
required_conf_params = ['dir', 'uri']
conf_params = {'export_preexec': None,
'exclude': None,
'keep': 5,
'restore_preexec': None,
'restore_postexec': None,
'auth': '',
'export_postexec': None,
'inplace': False}
conf_path = environ["DATADB_CONF"] if "DATADB_CONF" in environ else "/etc/datadb.ini"
# Load profiles
config = ConfigParser()
config = {section: {k: config[section][k] for k in config[section]} for section in config.sections()}
global_config = {}
for conf_k, conf_dict in config.items():
if conf_k == "_backupdb":
global_config = conf_dict
for expect_param, expect_default in conf_params.items():
if expect_param not in conf_dict.keys():
conf_dict[expect_param] = expect_default
for expect_param in required_conf_params:
if expect_param not in conf_dict.keys():
raise Exception("Required parameter {} missing for profile {}".format(expect_param, conf_k))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Backupdb Agent depends on config: /etc/datadb.ini")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', default=False, action='store_true',
help='force restore operation if destination data already exists')
parser.add_argument('--http-api', help="http endpoint", default=environ.get('DATADB_HTTP_API'))
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-exec', default=False, action='store_true', help='don\'t run pre/post-exec commands')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--no-pre-exec', default=False, action='store_true', help='don\'t run pre-exec commands')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--no-post-exec', default=False, action='store_true',
help='don\'t run post-exec commands')
parser.add_argument('profile', type=str, choices=config.keys(), help='Profile to restore')
# parser.add_argument('-i', '--identity',
# help='Ssh keyfile to use', type=str, default='/root/.ssh/datadb.key')
# parser.add_argument('-r', '--remote',
# help='Remote server (rsync://...)', type=str, required=True)
# parser.add_argument('-l', '--local_dir',
# help='Local path', type=str, required=True)
subparser_modes = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode', help='modes (only "rsync")')
subparser_modes.add_parser('backup', help='backup to datastore')
subparser_modes.add_parser('restore', help='restore from datastore')
subparser_modes.add_parser('status', help='get info for profile')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.http_api:
api = args.http_api
api = global_config.get("http_api", None)
if not api:
parser.error("--http-api is requried")
if args.no_exec:
args.no_pre_exec = True
args.no_post_exec = True
if args.mode == 'restore':
if not args.no_pre_exec and config[args.profile]['restore_preexec']:
restore(api, args.profile, config[args.profile], force=args.force)
if not args.no_post_exec and config[args.profile]['restore_postexec']:
elif args.mode == 'backup':
if not args.no_pre_exec and config[args.profile]['export_preexec']:
backup(api, args.profile, config[args.profile], force=args.force)
if not args.no_post_exec and config[args.profile]['export_postexec']:
elif args.mode == 'status':
info = status(args.profile, config[args.profile])
if __name__ == '__main__':