# docker-nexus **A nginx/cgi/sshd server for prototyping services or data hubs.** ## Quick start * Clone: `git clone ssh://git@gitlab.xmopx.net:222/dave/docker-nexus.git` * Build: `cd docker-nexus ; docker build -t nexus .` * Run: `docker run nexus` ## Usage Nexus offers a couple services: ### SSHD For shell related activities, an sshd daemonr runs on the standard port. Username and password, by default, is `nexus`. ### Nginx For accessing data or calling CGI scripts, nginx runs on the standard port. The document root is `/nexus/`. ### CGI Standard CGI scripts can be placed in `/nexus/cgi-bin/`. Some sample scripts exist in `./examples/cgi-scripts/`. ### Cron Cron is present in the container. ## TODO * Allow ssh password to be set by passing an env var * More sample CGI scripts