from appdirs import user_config_dir import os import json import yaml import argparse import requests import tempfile import subprocess import sys APPNAME = "npcli" CONFDIR = user_config_dir(APPNAME) CONFPATH = os.path.join(CONFDIR, "conf.json") def editorloop(fpath, validator): """ Open the editor until the user provides valid yaml. Raises if we fail to edit the file. """ content = "" while True: subprocess.check_call([os.environ["EDITOR"], fpath]) # XXX commented for testing with open(fpath) as f: content = try: yaml.load(content) break except Exception as e: print(e) if input("Reopen editor? Y/n: ").lower() in ["", "y"]: continue else: raise return content def main(): conf = {"host": "", "username": "", "password": ""} if os.path.exists(CONFPATH): with open(CONFPATH) as cf: conf = json.load(cf) else: os.makedirs(CONFDIR, exist_ok=True) with open(CONFPATH, "w") as cf: json.dump(conf, cf) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Nodepupper cli", epilog="host/username/password will be saved to {} " "after first use.".format(CONFPATH)) parser.add_argument("--host", default=conf["host"], help="http/s host to connect to") # parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="username") # parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="password") spr_action = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action", help="action to take") spr_action.add_parser("classlist", help="show list of classes") spr_action.add_parser("nodelist", help="show list of nodes") spr_new = spr_action.add_parser("new", help="create a node") spr_new.add_argument("node", help="name of node to create") spr_edit = spr_action.add_parser("edit", help="edit a node") spr_edit.add_argument("node", help="name of node to edit") spr_del = spr_action.add_parser("del", help="delete a node") spr_del.add_argument("node", help="name of node to delete") spr_addc = spr_action.add_parser("addclass", help="add a class") spr_addc.add_argument("cls", help="name of class to add") spr_delc = spr_action.add_parser("delclass", help="delete a class") spr_delc.add_argument("cls", help="name of class to delete") spr_dump = spr_action.add_parser("dump", help="dump the database") spr_import = spr_action.add_parser("import", help="import a database dump") spr_import.add_argument("fname", help="db dump yaml file to import") args = parser.parse_args() r = requests.session() def getnode(nodename): req = r.get("/") + "/api/node/" + nodename) req.raise_for_status() return req.text def putnode(nodename, body): return r.put("/") + "/api/node/" + nodename, data=body) if args.action == "new": putnode(args.node, yaml.dump({"body": {}, "classes": {}, "parents": []})).raise_for_status() elif args.action == "del": r.delete("/") + "/api/node/" + args.node).raise_for_status() elif args.action == "edit": # TODO refuse if editor is unset body = getnode(args.node) newbody = None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d: tmppath = os.path.join(d, args.node) with open(tmppath, "w") as f: f.write(body) newbody = editorloop(tmppath, lambda content: yaml.load(content)) if newbody != body: try: putnode(args.node, newbody).raise_for_status() except Exception: print("Your edits:\n") print(newbody, "\n\n") raise else: print("No changes, exiting") elif args.action == "nodelist": print(r.get("/") + "/api/node").text) elif args.action == "classlist": print(r.get("/") + "/api/class").text) elif args.action == "addclass": r.put("/") + "/api/class/" + args.cls).raise_for_status() elif args.action == "delclass": r.delete("/") + "/api/class/" + args.cls).raise_for_status() elif args.action == "dump": nodes = yaml.load(r.get("/") + "/api/node").text)["nodes"] dump = {"classes": yaml.load(r.get("/") + "/api/class").text)["classes"], "nodes": {}} for nodename in nodes: dump["nodes"][nodename] = yaml.load(getnode(nodename)) print(yaml.dump(dump, default_flow_style=False)) elif args.action == "import": with open(args.fname) as f: dump = yaml.load(f) for clsname in dump["classes"]: r.put("/") + "/api/class/" + clsname).raise_for_status() # just make the nodes first for nodename, nodebody in dump["nodes"].items(): putnode(nodename, yaml.dump({"body": {}, "classes": {}, "parents": []})).raise_for_status() # then fill out node bodies to avoid missing parent ordering issues for nodename, nodebody in dump["nodes"].items(): putnode(nodename, yaml.dump(nodebody)).raise_for_status() if __name__ == "__main__": main()