Docker ZNC ========== Suitable for creating docker containers running ZNC. Now with pisg! Setup ===== **General steps:** * Build image: `docker build -t znc .` * Run container: `docker run -it -p 8022:22 -p 6667:6667 -p 80:80 znc /start` * Configure znc * Find the new container in your list: `docker ps -a` * Run it in the background: `docker start mycontainer` If you wish to preserve data outside the container, mount: * `-v /host/znc/ssh_keys:/etc/ssh/keys` * `-v /host/znc/zncdata:/srv/znc` When you first run the image, you'll be presented with two ways to configure znc: Set up a new znc instance ========================= If no import of existing znc data is available, the znc configuration will run. Set it up as needed; the port znc listens on must be exposed in the command used to start the container (-p 4421:4421 above). The final question asks if you want to start znc, **choose `NO`!!**. Import an existing znc instance's configuration =============================================== You may migrate an existing ZNC instance into this container by providing a tarball of the source .znc directory. The tarball should contain the .znc directory, only, with everything inside it. The start script will prompt you to insert the .tar.gz file. Pisg ==== This container creates [pisg]-style channel statistics ([example]) for any ZNC users with the "log" module enabled. The stats are regenerated nightly and nginx serves the files on port 80 with a directory structure like this: * znc username * znc network name * \#channelname.html The channel information is private, nginx is configured with HTTP basic authentication; the password is prompted for during setup. Individual channel statistic files can be made public by symlinking each, for example, to /home/znc/pisg/output/.pub/mychannel.html, which is public at http://server-ip/pub/mychannel.html. Directory listing for /pub/ is disabled. TODO ==== * Ensure pisg cache files don't use too much disk space (/home/znc/pisg/cache) * If this is a problem, maybe tar/gz channel groups and extract when necessary when running pisg * Provide a way to make certain channel stat files public * Provide a way to share channel files with secret links * Provide all-time, yearly, and monthly pisg outputs * Compile provided ZNC modules into the image * Prompt to change ALL default passwords on first start [pisg]: [example]: