from mirror import SSHAgent from subprocess import check_call from collections import defaultdict import json import gitlab class DlGitlabProjects(object): def __init__(self, agent, gl): self.agent = agent = gl def run(self): projects = self.get_gitlab_projects() hooks = defaultdict(list) for name, project in projects.items(): # import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace() for hook in hooks[name].append(hook.url) with open("./hooks.json", "w") as f: json.dump(dict(hooks), f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def get_gitlab_projects(self): page = 0 all_projects = {} while True: projects =, page=page, owned=True) page += 1 if not projects: break for item in projects: # if item.visibility == 'public': # or "githubmirror" not in item.tag_list: # continue all_projects[] = item return all_projects def main(): with open("creds.json") as f: creds = json.load(f) gitlab_api = gitlab.Gitlab(creds["gitlab"]["url"], creds["gitlab"]["token"], api_version=4) with SSHAgent() as agent: check_call(["ssh-add", creds["identity"]], env={"SSH_AUTH_SOCK": agent}) DlGitlabProjects(agent, gitlab_api).run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()