import gitea from pprint import pprint import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from subprocess import check_call import json def main(): with open("creds.json") as f: creds = json.load(f) client = gitea.Gitea(creds["gitea"]["url"], creds["gitea"]["token"]) projects = [ for i in os.scandir("tmp") if i.is_dir()] # import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace() futures = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as pool: for project in projects: projdir = os.path.join("tmp", project) with open(projdir + ".txt") as f: description = new_repo = client.create_repo(**{"auto_init": False, "description": description, # "gitignores": "string", # "license": "string", "name": project, "private": True, # "readme": "string" }) if "ssh_url" in new_repo: check_call(["git", "remote", "add", "gitea", new_repo["ssh_url"]], cwd=projdir) futures.append(pool.submit(check_call, ["git", "push", "gitea"], cwd=projdir)) errors = [] for item in futures: e = item.exception() if e: errors.append(e) print("Errors: ", len(errors)) pprint(errors) if __name__ == '__main__': main()