import os import json import logging import cherrypy from time import sleep from queue import Queue from threading import Thread from urllib.parse import urlparse from dataclasses import dataclass, field from deluge_client import DelugeRPCClient from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from mediaweb import shows from enum import Enum APPROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../")) @dataclass class Cache: torrents: dict = field(default_factory=dict) shows: dict = field(default_factory=dict) moves: dict = field(default_factory=dict) @dataclass class Client: rpc: DelugeRPCClient pathmap: (str, str) class SortResult(Enum): OK = 0 EXISTED = 1 FAIL = 2 class ClientCache(object): def __init__(self, options, libpath): self.options = options self.clients = {} = Cache() self.q = Queue() self.inflight = False self.libpath = libpath self.background_t = Thread(target=self.background, daemon=True) self.timer_t = Thread(target=self.timer, daemon=True) def start(self): self.background_t.start() self.timer_t.start() def add_client(self, rpc, pathmap): # not thread safe cnum = len(self.clients)[cnum] = {}[cnum] = {} self.clients[cnum] = Client(rpc, pathmap) def refresh(self): if self.q.qsize() <= 1: # guarantees a refresh after your call and also deduplicates effort self.q.put(None) def background(self): while True: self.q.get() # block until we need to do something self.inflight = True"performing background tasks...") self.build_showindex() self.build_torrentindex() self.queue_sorts() self.q.task_done() self.inflight = False"background tasks complete") def timer(self): while True: self.refresh()"scheduling next loop") sleep(300) # TODO configurable task interval def build_torrentindex(self):"refreshing torrents") for cid, client in self.clients.items(): # TODO parallelize[cid] = client.rpc.core.get_torrents_status({"label": self.options["label"]}, ['name', 'label', 'save_path', 'is_seed', 'is_finished', 'progress', 'files', 'paused', 'peers', 'eta']) newkeys =[cid].keys() for key in list([cid].keys()): if key not in newkeys: del[cid][key] # delete precomputed sort operations for torrents that went away def build_showindex(self):"updating show index") data = shows.create_index([self.libpath]) = sorted(data, key=lambda x: def queue_sorts(self):"precomputing sorts") for cid, torrents in for thash, torrent in torrents.items(): if thash not in[cid]: matches = shows.match_episode(get_fname(torrent), if matches:[cid][thash] = matches[0] @property def torrents(self): return {self.format_tkey(cid, thash): torrent for cid, torrents in for thash, torrent in torrents.items()} @property def moves(self): return {self.format_tkey(cid, thash): move for cid, moves in for thash, move in moves.items()} def client(self, tkey): cid, thash = self.extract_key(tkey) return thash, self.clients[cid] @staticmethod def extract_key(tkey): cid, thash = tkey.split(":") return (int(cid), thash) @staticmethod def format_tkey(cid, thash): return f"{cid}:{thash}" class MediaWeb(object): def __init__(self, cache, templater, options): self.tpl = templater self.cache = cache self.options = options def render(self, template, **kwargs): """ Render a template """ return self.tpl.get_template(template).render(options=self.options, torrents=self.cache.torrents, moves=self.cache.moves,, user=cherrypy.request.login, **kwargs, **self.get_default_vars()) def get_default_vars(self): return {} @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return self.render("splash.html") @cherrypy.expose def home(self, action=None): if action: if action == "update": self.cache.refresh() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/home") return self.render("index.html", inflight=self.cache.inflight) @cherrypy.expose def move(self, tkey, dest=None, otherdest=None): thash, client = self.cache.client(tkey) torrent = client.rpc.core.get_torrent_status(thash, []) if cherrypy.request.method == "POST" and (dest or otherdest): # TODO maybe support otherdest list per client target = os.path.join(client.pathmap[0], otherdest or dest) client.rpc.core.move_storage([thash], target) self.cache.refresh() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/home") return self.render("moveform.html", torrent=torrent, tkey=tkey) @cherrypy.expose def sort(self, tkey, score=65, dest=None): thash, client = self.cache.client(tkey) torrent = client.rpc.core.get_torrent_status(thash, []) # find the actual file among the torrent's files - really we just pick the biggest one fname = get_fname(torrent) # find candidate dest locations score = int(score) matches = shows.match_episode(fname,, minscore=score) if cherrypy.request.method == "POST" and dest: # pick the candidate dest the user specified thematch = None for m in matches: if m.dest.dir == dest: thematch = m break result, reason = self.execute_move(tkey, torrent, thematch) self.cache.refresh() return self.render("sortform_done.html", success_torrents=[[torrent, result, reason]], failed_torrents=[]) return self.render("sortform.html", torrent=torrent, matches=matches, tkey=tkey, score=score) def execute_move(self, tkey, torrent, match): result = SortResult.OK # resolve the pathmap thash, client = self.cache.client(tkey) pmap = client.pathmap fname = get_fname(torrent) in_library_path = os.path.join(match.dest.dir, match.subdest, fname) # path relative from the library's root client_full_path = os.path.join(torrent["save_path"], fname) # absolute storage path in deluge assert client_full_path[0:len(pmap[0])] == pmap[0] # sanity check: deluge's path must starts with our pathmap local_torrent_path = os.path.join(pmap[1], client_full_path[len(pmap[0]):].lstrip("/")) # our perspective's path to the file local_library_path = os.path.join(self.options["library_path"], in_library_path) # where we will place the file in the library # check if the dest file already exists: if os.path.exists(local_library_path): # if the src and dest are already linked to the same file, this is a noop if os.stat(local_torrent_path).st_ino == os.stat(local_library_path).st_ino: result = SortResult.EXISTED"dest exists, skipping linking %s -> %s", local_torrent_path, local_library_path) else: return SortResult.FAIL, "destination file already exists and has different contents" else: # hard link into library showdir = os.path.dirname(local_library_path) if not os.path.exists(showdir): os.makedirs(showdir), local_library_path)"linking %s -> %s", local_torrent_path, local_library_path) client_stashdir = os.path.join(pmap[0], self.options["stashprefix"], get_mapped_stashdir(self.options["trackermap"], torrent["trackers"])) # move deluge path to stash dir client.rpc.core.move_storage([torrent["hash"]], client_stashdir) # label torrent as sorted client.rpc.label.set_torrent(torrent["hash"], self.options["label_done"]) return result, None @cherrypy.expose def autosort(self, tkeys): if not isinstance(tkeys, list): tkeys = [tkeys] results = [] for tkey in tkeys: thash, client = self.cache.client(tkey) torrent = client.rpc.core.get_torrent_status(thash, []) # TODO reduce to needed fields res = self.execute_move(tkey, torrent, self.cache.moves[tkey]) results.append([torrent, res[0], res[1]]) self.cache.refresh() return self.render("sortform_done.html", success_torrents=[r for r in results if r[1] != SortResult.FAIL], failed_torrents=[r for r in results if r[1] == SortResult.FAIL]) @cherrypy.expose def modify(self, action, tkey): thash, client = self.cache.client(tkey) if action == "Resume": client.rpc.core.resume_torrent([thash]) elif action == "Pause": client.rpc.core.pause_torrent([thash]) elif action == "Delete": if self.cache.torrents[tkey]["progress"] > 0: raise Exception("Cowardly refusing to delete a torrent with progress > 0") else: client.rpc.core.remove_torrent(thash, True) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) self.cache.refresh() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/home") def get_fname(torrent): finfo = None fsize = 0 for tfile in torrent["files"]: if tfile["size"] > fsize: finfo = tfile return finfo["path"] def get_mapped_stashdir(mapping, trackers): tracker = None for tracker in trackers: for k, v in mapping.items(): if k in tracker["url"]: return v return urlparse(tracker["url"]).hostname.lower() if tracker else "other" def tsortbyname(dict_items): return sorted(dict_items, key=lambda x: x[1]["name"].lower()) def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s") _sentry_dsn = os.environ.get("SENTRY_DSN") if _sentry_dsn: try: import sentry_sdk sentry_sdk.init(_sentry_dsn)"enabled error reporting via sentry") except ImportError as ie: logging.error(f"SENTRY_DSN set, but sentry_sdk unavailable: {ie}") import argparse import signal parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="mediaweb server") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", required=True, help="config file path") parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", help="enable development options") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) with open(args.config) as f: cfg = json.load(f) options = { # :| "movedests": cfg["movedests"], # "pathmap": args.pathmap.split(":"), "library_path": cfg["library_path"], "stashprefix": cfg["stashprefix"], "trackermap": cfg["trackermap"], "label": cfg["label"], "label_done": cfg["label_done"] } tpl_dir = os.path.join(APPROOT, "templates") tpl = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(tpl_dir), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'])) tpl.filters.update(tsortbyname=tsortbyname, len=len, jsond=json.dumps) def validate_password(realm, user, passw): return user == passw # lol rpc_cache = ClientCache(options, cfg["library_path"]) for client in cfg["deluges"]: uri = urlparse(client["uri"]) assert uri.scheme == "deluge" port = uri.port if uri.port else 58846 rpc_cache.add_client(DelugeRPCClient(uri.hostname, port, uri.username, uri.password, decode_utf8=True), tuple(client["pathmap"])) web = MediaWeb(rpc_cache, tpl, options) cherrypy.tree.mount(web, '/', {'/': {'tools.auth_basic.on': True, 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'mediaweb', 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': validate_password, }, '/index': {'tools.auth_basic.on': False}, '/static': {'tools.auth_basic.on': False, 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': os.path.join(APPROOT, 'assets')}}) # General config options cherrypy.config.update({ 'tools.sessions.on': False, 'request.show_tracebacks': True, 'server.show_tracebacks': True, 'server.socket_port': cfg["port"], 'server.thread_pool': 1 if args.debug else 5, 'server.socket_host': '', 'log.screen': False, 'engine.autoreload.on': args.debug }) # Setup signal handling and run it. def signal_handler(signum, stack): logging.warning('Got sig {}, exiting...'.format(signum)) cherrypy.engine.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) try: rpc_cache.start() cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block() finally:"API has shut down") cherrypy.engine.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main() # #