convert api to MethodDispatcher

This commit is contained in:
dave 2023-01-12 23:36:31 -08:00
parent 183dcca0ba
commit 163b4e820e
2 changed files with 91 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -19,24 +19,38 @@ class LibraryManager(object): = storage
class PhotosApi(object):
def __init__(self, library):
self.library = library
self.v1 = PhotosApiV1(self.library)
class PhotosApiV1(object):
def __init__(self, library):
self.library = library
self.library = library # TODO: move library to a cherrypy tool
self.upload = PhotosApiV1Upload(library)
self.byhash = PhotosApiV1ByHash()
self.set = PhotosApiV1Set() = PhotosApiV1Download()
self.user = PhotosApiV1User()
self.stats = PhotosApiV1Stats() = PhotosApiV1Photos()
self.tags = PhotosApiV1PhotoTags()
def index(self):
def GET(self):
cherrypy.response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/plain"
return "Hello! This is the Photolib V1 API.\n"
def upload(self, files, meta):
class PhotosApiV1Upload(object):
def __init__(self, library):
self.library = library
def POST(self, files, meta):
upload accepts one photoset (multiple images)
@ -150,24 +164,31 @@ class PhotosApiV1(object):
return ps_json
def byhash(self, sha):
class PhotosApiV1ByHash(object):
def GET(self, sha):
f = db.query(Photo).filter(Photo.hash == sha).first()
if not f:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
return f.to_json()
def set(self, uuid):
class PhotosApiV1Set(object):
def GET(self, uuid):
s = db.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid).first()
if not s:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
return s.to_json()
def download(self, uuid):
class PhotosApiV1Download(object):
def GET(self, uuid):
#TODO fix me
f = db.query(Photo).filter(Photo.uuid == uuid).first()
if not f:
@ -175,17 +196,21 @@ class PhotosApiV1(object):
return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(os.path.abspath(os.path.join("./library", f.path)),
f.format)#TODO no hardcode path
def user(self, username=None, password_hash=None):
if username is None: # list all users
class PhotosApiV1User(object):
def GET(self): # list all users
return [u.to_json() for u in db.query(User).all()]
elif username and cherrypy.request.method == "DELETE": # delete user
def DELETE(self, username): # delete user
u = db.query(User).filter( == username).first()
if not u:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
elif username and password_hash: # create/update user
return "ok"
def POST(self, username, password_hash): # create/update user
u = db.query(User).filter( == username).first()
if u:
u.password = password_hash
@ -193,19 +218,23 @@ class PhotosApiV1(object):
db.add(User(name=username, password=password_hash))
return "ok"
def stats(self):
class PhotosApiV1Stats(object):
def GET(self):
return {"photos": db.query(PhotoSet).count(),
"files": db.query(Photo).count(),
"tags": db.query(Tag).count(),
"users": db.query(User).count(),
"public_photos": db.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.status == PhotoStatus.public).count()}
def photos(self, uuid=None, page=0, pagesize=50):
class PhotosApiV1Photos(object):
def GET(self, uuid=None, page=0, pagesize=50):
if uuid:
p = db.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid).first()
if not p:
@ -217,27 +246,13 @@ class PhotosApiV1(object):
return [p.to_json() for p in
db.query(PhotoSet).order_by( * page).limit(pagesize).all()]
def tags(self, uuid=None, name=None, page=0, pagesize=50):
if cherrypy.request.method == "POST": # creating tag
tagdata = json.loads(
tagname = tagdata.get("name")
title=tagdata.get("title", None) or tagname.capitalize(),
description=tagdata.get("description", None),
return {}
elif uuid and cherrypy.request.method == "DELETE": # deleting tag
tag = db.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid).first()
db.query(TagItem).fitler(TagItem.tag_id ==
return {}
elif uuid or name: # getting tag
class PhotosApiV1PhotoTags(object):
def GET(self, uuid=None, name=None, page=0, pagesize=50): # getting tag/s
if uuid or name:
q = db.query(Tag)
if uuid:
q = q.filter(Tag.uuid == uuid)
@ -252,3 +267,20 @@ class PhotosApiV1(object):
page, pagesize = int(page), int(pagesize)
return [t.to_json() for t in
db.query(Tag).order_by( * page).limit(pagesize).all()]
def DELETE(self, uuid): # deleting tag
tag = db.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid).first()
db.query(TagItem).fitler(TagItem.tag_id ==
return {}
def POST(self): # creating tag
tagdata = json.loads(
tagname = tagdata.get("name")
title=tagdata.get("title", None) or tagname.capitalize(),
description=tagdata.get("description", None),
return {}

View File

@ -689,7 +689,8 @@ def main():
'tools.auth_basic.on': True,
'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'photolib',
'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': validate_password,
'tools.db.on': True}})
'tools.db.on': True,
'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()}})
# General config options