auth beginnings

This commit is contained in:
dave 2018-09-22 15:12:23 -07:00
parent 4ba10fb739
commit 8fec641e66
2 changed files with 81 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ class PhotosWeb(object):
ret = {
"all_tags": s.query(Tag).order_by(Tag.title).all(),
"all_albums": s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.is_album == True).order_by(Tag.title).all(),
"path": cherrypy.request.path_info
"path": cherrypy.request.path_info,
"auth": auth()
return ret
@ -115,21 +116,37 @@ class PhotosWeb(object):
yield self.render("map.html", images=query.all(), zoom=int(zoom))
def create_tags(self, fromdate=None, tag=None, newtag=None):
def create_tags(self, fromdate=None, uuid=None, tag=None, newtag=None, remove=None):
Tag multiple items addressable in one of a couple ways
TODO move this somewhere better?
/create_tags - tag multiple items selected by day of photo
:param fromdate: act upon photos taken on this day
:param uuid: act upon a single photo with this uuid
:param tag: target photos will have a tag specified by this uuid added
:param remove: target photos will have the tag specified by this uuid removed
:param newtag: new tag name to create
s = self.session()
photos = None
num_photos = None
if fromdate:
dt = datetime.strptime(fromdate, "%Y-%m-%d")
dt_end = dt + timedelta(days=1)
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(and_( >= dt, < dt_end)).order_by(
num_photos = s.query(func.count( \
filter(and_( >= dt, < dt_end)).order_by(
def get_photos():
if fromdate:
dt = datetime.strptime(fromdate, "%Y-%m-%d")
dt_end = dt + timedelta(days=1)
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(and_( >= dt, < dt_end)).order_by(
num_photos = s.query(func.count( \
filter(and_( >= dt, < dt_end)).order_by(
if uuid:
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid)
num_photos = s.query(func.count( == uuid).scalar()
return photos, num_photos
if remove:
rmtag = s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == remove).first()
photoq, _ = get_photos()
for photo in photoq:
s.query(TagItem).filter(TagItem.tag_id ==, TagItem.set_id ==
if newtag:
# TODO validate uuid ?
@ -138,6 +155,8 @@ class PhotosWeb(object):
# raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/photo/{}/tag'.format(uuid), 302)
photos, num_photos = get_photos()
if tag: # Create the tag on all the photos
tag = s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == tag).first()
for photo in photos.all():
@ -147,7 +166,23 @@ class PhotosWeb(object):
alltags = s.query(Tag).order_by(Tag.title).all()
yield self.render("create_tags.html", images=photos, alltags=alltags, num_photos=num_photos, fromdate=fromdate)
yield self.render("create_tags.html", images=photos, alltags=alltags,
num_photos=num_photos, fromdate=fromdate, uuid=uuid)
def login(self):
/login - enable super features by logging into the app
cherrypy.session['authed'] = cherrypy.request.login
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/feed', 302)
def sess(self):
/sess - TODO DELETE ME dump session contents for debugging purposes
yield cherrypy.session['authed']
@ -262,41 +297,8 @@ class PhotoView(object):
uuid = uuid.split(".")[0]
s = self.master.session()
photo = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid).first()
yield self.master.render("photo.html", image=photo)
# yield "viewing {}".format(uuid)
def tag(self, uuid):
s = self.master.session()
photo = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid).first()
alltags = s.query(Tag).order_by(Tag.title).all()
yield self.master.render("photo_tag.html", image=photo, alltags=alltags)
def tag_create(self, uuid, tag):
# TODO validate uuid ?
s = self.master.session()
s.add(Tag(title=tag)) # TODO slug
# TODO generate slug now or in model?
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/photo/{}/tag'.format(uuid), 302)
def tag_add(self, uuid, tag):
# TODO validate uuid ?
# TODO validate tag ?
s = self.master.session()
tag = s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == tag).first()
item = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(PhotoSet.uuid == uuid).first()
except IntegrityError: # tag already applied
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/photo/{}/tag'.format(uuid), 302)
class TagView(object):
@ -312,10 +314,19 @@ class TagView(object):
page = int(page)
pgsize = 100
s = self.master.session()
tag = s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid).first()
numphotos = s.query(func.count( == uuid).scalar()
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).join(TagItem).join(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid).order_by( * pgsize).limit(pgsize).all()
yield self.master.render("album.html", tag=tag, images=photos, total_items=numphotos, pgsize=100, page=page)
if uuid == "untagged":
numphotos = s.query(func.count(
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).filter(\
offset(page * pgsize).limit(pgsize).all()
yield self.master.render("untagged.html", images=photos, total_items=numphotos, pgsize=pgsize, page=page)
tag = s.query(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid).first()
numphotos = s.query(func.count( == uuid).scalar()
photos = s.query(PhotoSet).join(TagItem).join(Tag).filter(Tag.uuid == uuid). \
order_by( * pgsize).limit(pgsize).all()
yield self.master.render("album.html", tag=tag, images=photos,
total_items=numphotos, pgsize=pgsize, page=page)
def op(self, uuid, op):
@ -355,34 +366,27 @@ def main():
web = PhotosWeb(library, tpl_dir)
web_config = {}
# TODO make auth work again
if True or args.disable_auth:
logging.warning("starting up with auth disabled")
def validate_password(realm, username, password):
print("I JUST VALIDATED {}:{} ({})".format(username, password, realm))
return True
web_config.update({'tools.auth_basic.on': True,
'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'pysonic',
'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': validate_password})
def validate_password(realm, username, password):
print("I JUST VALIDATED {}:{} ({})".format(username, password, realm))
return True
cherrypy.tree.mount(web, '/', {'/': web_config,
'/static': {"tools.staticdir.on": True,
"tools.staticdir.dir": os.path.join(APPROOT, "styles/dist") if not args.debug else os.path.abspath("styles/dist")}})
"tools.staticdir.dir": os.path.join(APPROOT, "styles/dist")
if not args.debug else os.path.abspath("styles/dist")},
'/login': {'tools.auth_basic.on': True,
'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'photolib',
'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': validate_password}})
# 'sessionFilter.on': True,
# 'tools.sessions.on': True,
# 'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit',
# 'tools.sessions.timeout': 525600,
# 'tools.gzip.on': True,
'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit',
'tools.sessions.timeout': 525600,
'request.show_tracebacks': True,
'server.socket_port': args.port,
'server.thread_pool': 25,
'server.socket_host': '',
'server.show_tracebacks': True,
# 'server.socket_timeout': 5,
'log.screen': False,
'engine.autoreload.on': args.debug

View File

@ -21,7 +21,12 @@
<ul class="tags-picker">
{% for tagi in images[0].tags %}
<a href="/tag/{{ tagi.tag.uuid }}">{{ tagi.tag.title }}</a>
<form action="/create_tags" method="post">
{% if fromdate %}<input type="hidden" name="fromdate" value="{{ fromdate }}" />{% endif %}
{% if uuid %}<input type="hidden" name="uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" />{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" name="remove" value="{{ tagi.tag.uuid }}" />
<input class="submit-link" type="submit" value="{{ tagi.tag.title }}" />
{% endfor %}
@ -33,6 +38,7 @@
<form action="/create_tags" method="post">
{% if fromdate %}<input type="hidden" name="fromdate" value="{{ fromdate }}" />{% endif %}
{% if uuid %}<input type="hidden" name="uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" />{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" name="tag" value="{{ tag.uuid }}" />
<input class="submit-link" type="submit" value="{{ tag.title }}" />
@ -44,6 +50,7 @@
<h2>Add tag</h2>
<form action="/create_tags" method="post" class="pure-form">
{% if fromdate %}<input type="hidden" name="fromdate" value="{{ fromdate }}" />{% endif %}
{% if uuid %}<input type="hidden" name="uuid" value="{{ uuid }}" />{% endif %}
<input type="text" name="newtag" placeholder="new tag name" />
<input type="submit" value="Add" class="pure-button pure-button-primary" />