import os import sys import traceback from time import time from collections import defaultdict from multiprocessing import Process from PIL import Image, ImageOps import tempfile from shutil import copyfileobj class ThumbGenerator(object): def __init__(self, library, cache_path): self.library = library self.cache_path = cache_path self._failed_thumbs_cache = defaultdict(dict) def get_datedir_path(self, date): """ Return a path like 2018/3/31 given a datetime object representing the same date """ return os.path.join(str(date.year), str(date.month), str( def make_thumb(self, photo, style): """ Create a thumbnail of the given photo, scaled/cropped to the given named style :return: local path to thumbnail file or None if creation failed or was blocked """ # style tuples: max x, max y, rotate ok) # rotate ok means x and y maxes can be swapped if it fits the image's aspect ratio better styles = {"tiny": (80, 80, False), "small": (100, 100, False), "feed": (250, 250, False), "preview": (1024, 768, True), "big": (2048, 1536, True)} dest = os.path.join(self.cache_path, "thumbs", style, "{}.jpg".format(photo.uuid)) if os.path.exists(dest): return os.path.abspath(dest) if photo.width is None: # todo better detection of images that PIL can't open return None if photo.uuid not in self._failed_thumbs_cache[style]: thumb_width, thumb_height, flip_ok = styles[style] i_width = photo.width i_height = photo.height im_is_rotated = photo.orientation % 2 != 0 or i_height > i_width if im_is_rotated and flip_ok: thumb_width, thumb_height = thumb_height, thumb_width thumb_width = min(thumb_width, i_width if i_width > 0 else 999999999) # TODO do we even have photo.width if PIL can't read the image? thumb_height = min(thumb_height, i_height if i_height > 0 else 999999999) # TODO this seems bad # TODO have the subprocess download the file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: fpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, "image") with, 'rb') as fsrc, open(fpath, 'wb') as fdest: copyfileobj(fsrc, fdest) p = Process(target=self.gen_thumb, args=(fpath, dest, thumb_width, thumb_height, photo.orientation)) p.start() p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: self._failed_thumbs_cache[style][photo.uuid] = True # dont retry failed generations return None return os.path.abspath(dest) return None @staticmethod def gen_thumb(src_img, dest_img, width, height, rotation): try: start = time() # TODO lock around the dir creation os.makedirs(os.path.split(dest_img)[0], exist_ok=True) image = image = image.rotate(90 * rotation, expand=True) thumb =, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS), 'JPEG') print("Generated {} in {}s".format(dest_img, round(time() - start, 4))) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if os.path.exists(dest_img): os.unlink(dest_img) sys.exit(1)