import os import sys import traceback from time import time from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from photoapp.types import Base, Photo, PhotoSet # need to be loaded for orm setup from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from collections import defaultdict from multiprocessing import Process from PIL import Image, ImageOps class PhotoLibrary(object): def __init__(self, db_path, lib_path): self.path = lib_path self.cache_path = "./cache" # TODO param self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///{}'.format(db_path), connect_args={'check_same_thread': False}, poolclass=StaticPool, echo=False) Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) self.session = sessionmaker() self.session.configure(bind=self.engine) self._failed_thumbs_cache = defaultdict(dict) def add_photoset(self, photoset): """ Commit a populated photoset object to the library. The paths in the photoset's file list entries will be updated as the file is moved to the library path. """ # Create target directory path = os.path.join(self.path, self.get_datedir_path( os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) moves = [] # Track files moved. If the sql transaction files, we'll undo these for file in photoset.files: dest = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(file.path)) # Check if the name is already in use, rename new file if needed dupe_rename = 1 while os.path.exists(dest): fname = os.path.basename(file.path).split(".") fname[-2] += "_{}".format(dupe_rename) dest = os.path.join(path, '.'.join(fname)) dupe_rename += 1 os.rename(file.path, dest) moves.append((file.path, dest)) file.path = dest.lstrip(self.path) s = self.session() s.add(photoset) try: s.commit() except IntegrityError: # Commit failed, undo the moves for move in moves: os.rename(move[1], move[0]) raise def get_datedir_path(self, date): """ Return a path like 2018/3/31 given a datetime object representing the same date """ return os.path.join(str(date.year), str(date.month), str( def make_thumb(self, photo, style): """ Create a thumbnail of the given photo, scaled/cropped to the given named style :return: local path to thumbnail file or None if creation failed or was blocked """ styles = {"feed": (250, 250), "preview": (1024, 768), "big": (2048, 1536)} dest = os.path.join(self.cache_path, "thumbs", style, "{}.jpg".format(photo.uuid)) if os.path.exists(dest): return os.path.abspath(dest) if photo.uuid not in self._failed_thumbs_cache[style]: width = min(styles[style][0], photo.width if photo.width > 0 else 999999999) height = min(styles[style][1], photo.height if photo.height > 0 else 999999999) # TODO this is bad. p = Process(target=self.gen_thumb, args=(os.path.join(self.path, photo.path), dest, width, height)) p.start() p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: self._failed_thumbs_cache[style][photo.uuid] = True # dont retry failed generations return None return os.path.abspath(dest) return None @staticmethod def gen_thumb(src_img, dest_img, width, height): try: start = time() # TODO lock around the dir creation os.makedirs(os.path.split(dest_img)[0], exist_ok=True) image = thumb =, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS), 'JPEG') print("Generated {} in {}s".format(dest_img, round(time() - start, 4))) except: traceback.print_exc() if os.path.exists(dest_img): os.unlink(dest_img) sys.exit(1)