Updated youtube formatting

This commit is contained in:
dave 2014-10-05 00:56:32 -07:00
parent c748cbea87
commit 176dc96a0d
1 changed files with 79 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module:: Youtube
:synopsis: Search youtube with .youtube/.yt
.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <dave@davepedu.com>
from modulebase import ModuleBase,ModuleHook
from requests import get
import time
class Youtube(ModuleBase):
def __init__(self, bot, moduleName):
ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName);
self.hooks=[ModuleHook("PRIVMSG", self.youtube)]
def youtube(self, args, prefix, trailing):
cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".youtube", trailing)
if not cmd:
cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".yt", trailing)
if cmd and args[0][0:1]=="#":
#TOTO search youtube
if cmd.args_str.strip() =="":
self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(args[0], '.youtube <query> -- returns the first YouTube search result for <query>')
j = get("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=1", params={"q":trailing}).json()
if 'error' in j or j['data']['totalItems']==0:
self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(args[0], "YouTube: No results found.")
vid_id = j['data']['items'][0]['id']
self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(args[0], "http://youtu.be/%s :: %s" % (vid_id, self.get_video_description(vid_id)))
def get_video_description(self, vid_id):
j = get("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/%s?v=2&alt=jsonc" % vid_id).json()
if j.get('error'):
j = j['data']
out = '\x02\x031,0You\x0f\x030,4Tube\x02\x0f :: \x02%s\x02' % j['title']
if not j.get('duration'):
return out
out += ' - length \x02'
length = j['duration']
if length / 3600: # > 1 hour
out += '%dh ' % (length / 3600)
if length / 60:
out += '%dm ' % (length / 60 % 60)
out += "%ds\x02" % (length % 60)
if 'rating' in j:
out += ' - rated \x02%.2f/5.0\x02 (%d)' % (j['rating'],
if 'viewCount' in j:
out += ' - \x02%s\x02 views' % self.group_int_digits(j['viewCount'])
upload_time = time.strptime(j['uploaded'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
out += ' - \x02%s\x02 on \x02%s\x02' % (
j['uploader'], time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d", upload_time))
if 'contentRating' in j:
out += ' - \x034NSFW\x02'
return out
def group_int_digits(self, number, delimiter=',', grouping=3):
base = str(number).strip()
builder = []
while base:
base = base[:-grouping]
return delimiter.join(builder)