Documenting more things

This commit is contained in:
dave 2014-10-02 16:53:54 -07:00
parent f7a3e884ec
commit 40091588e4
12 changed files with 320 additions and 66 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

docs/.DS_Store vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

docs/._.DS_Store Normal file

Binary file not shown.

docs/api/jsonrpc.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
:mod:`jsonrpc` --- JSON RPC Client/server
.. note:: This is a Json RPC library by Roland Koebler and the documentation is
included here only for developer reference.
.. automodule:: core.jsonrpc

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
:mod:`ModuleBase` --- Main class of the bot
:mod:`ModuleBase` --- Base class for Bot modules
yabba blahblah blahblah

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
:mod:`Services` --- Module to provide nick and channel services
yabba blahblah blahblah
.. automodule:: modules.Services

View File

@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
:mod:`BotRPC` --- Main class of the bot
:mod:`BotRPC` --- JSON RPC Controller
yabba blahblah blahblah
PyIRCBot has a json rpc interface for controlling some aspects of the bot
remotely via JSON-RPC.
It's important to know the different states a module can be in.
- **Deported** - Module's code exists on disk but has not been read
- **Imported** - Module's code exists in memory but has not been instantiated
- **Loaded** - Module's code exists in memory and has been instantiated. "Running" modules are of this state.
.. automodule:: core.rpc

View File

@ -11,36 +11,60 @@ import os
import yaml
class ModuleBase:
" All modules must extend this class. "
"""All modules will extend this class
:param bot: A reference to the main bot passed when this module is created
:type bot: PyIRCBot
:param moduleName: The name assigned to this module
:type moduleName: str
def __init__(self, bot, moduleName):
" Module name is passed from the actual module "
" Reference to the bot is saved"
"""Assigned name of this module""" = bot
" Hooks are provided requested by the actual module "
"""Reference to the master PyIRCBot object"""
" Services provided by the actual module "
"""Hooks (aka listeners) this module has"""[]
" Config is blank until the Module calls loadConfig "
"""If this module provides services usable by another module, they're stored
" Set up logging for this module "
"""Configuration dictionary. Blank until loadConfig is called"""
self.log = logging.getLogger("Module.%s" % self.moduleName)
"""Logger object for this module""""Loaded module %s" % self.moduleName)
def loadConfig(self):
"""Loads this module's config into self.config"""
configPath =
if os.path.exists( configPath ):
self.config = yaml.load(open(configPath, 'r'))
def ondisable(self):
"""Called when the module should be disabled. Your module should do any sort
of clean-up operations here like ending child threads or saving data files.
def getConfigPath(self):
"""Returns the absolute path of this module's YML config file"""
def getFilePath(self, f=None):
"""Returns the absolute path to a file in this Module's data dir
:param f: The file name included in the path
:type channel: str
:Warning: .. Warning:: this does no error checking if the file exists or is\
writable. The bot's data dir *should* always be writable"""
return + (f if f else '')
class ModuleHook:

View File

@ -29,10 +29,14 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
version = "1.0a1-git"
""" PyIRCBot version """
def __init__(self, coreconfig, botconfig):
"""If we're connected or not"""
self.log = logging.getLogger('PyIRCBot')
"""Reference to logger object"""
@ -42,24 +46,27 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
self.botconfig = botconfig
"""saved copy of the instance config"""
" rpc "
self.rpc = BotRPC(self)
"""Reference to BotRPC thread"""
" stringio object as buffer "
self.buffer = StringIO()
" line terminator "
"""cSTringIO used as a buffer"""
# IRC Messages are terminated with \r\n
" Setup hooks for modules "
# Set up hooks for modules
" Load modules "
# Load modules
# Connect to IRC
def kill(self):
" Close RPC Socket "
"""Shut down the bot violently"""
#TODO: have rpc thread be daemonized so it just dies
# self.rpc.server._Server__transport.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR)
#except Exception as e:
@ -69,28 +76,31 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
except Exception as e:
" Kill RPC thread "
#Kill RPC thread
" Close all modules "
#Close all modules
" Net related code "
" Net related code here on down "
def getBuf(self):
" return buffer and clear "
"""Return the network buffer and clear it"""
data =
self.buffer = StringIO()
return data
def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
" Recieve data from stream, add to buffer "
"""Recieve data from the IRC server, append it to the buffer
:param data: the data that was recieved
:type data: str"""
self.log.debug("<< %(message)s", {"message":repr(data)})
def found_terminator(self):
" A complete command was pushed through, so clear the buffer and process it."
"""A complete command was pushed through, so clear the buffer and process it."""
line = None
buf = self.getBuf()
@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def handle_close(self):
" called on socket shutdown "
"""Called when the socket is disconnected. We will want to reconnect. """
@ -114,9 +124,11 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def handle_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Called on fatal network errors."""
self.log.warning("Connection failed.")
def _connect(self):
"""Connect to IRC"""
self.log.debug("Connecting to %(server)s:%(port)i", {"server":self.botconfig["connection"]["server"], "port":self.botconfig["connection"]["port"]})
socket_type = socket.AF_INET
if self.botconfig["connection"]["ipv6"]:
@ -129,13 +141,17 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def handle_connect(self):
" Called when the first packets come through, so we ident here "
"""When asynchat indicates our socket is connected, fire the connect hook"""
self.log.debug("handle_connect: setting USER and NICK")
self.log.debug("handle_connect: complete")
def sendRaw(self, text):
"""Send a raw string to the IRC server
:param text: the string to send
:type text: str"""
if self.connected:
self.log.debug(">> "+text)
self.send( (text+"\r\n").encode("ascii"))
@ -143,7 +159,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
self.log.warning("Send attempted while disconnected. >> "+text)
def process_data(self, data):
" called per line of irc sent through "
"""Process one line of tet irc sent us
:param data: the data to process
:type data: str"""
if data.strip() == "":
@ -172,12 +191,9 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
self.fire_hook(command, args=args, prefix=prefix, trailing=trailing)
" Module related code "
def initHooks(self):
"""Defines hooks that modules can listen for events of"""
self.hooks = [
'_CONNECT', # Called when the bot connects to IRC on the socket level
'NOTICE', # NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
@ -218,6 +234,17 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def fire_hook(self, command, args=None, prefix=None, trailing=None):
"""Run any listeners for a specific hook
:param command: the hook to fire
:type command: str
:param args: the list of arguments, if any, the command was passed
:type args: list
:param prefix: prefix of the sender of this command
:type prefix: str
:param trailing: data payload of the command
:type trailing: str"""
for hook in self.hookcalls[command]:
hook(args, prefix, trailing)
@ -225,7 +252,7 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
self.log.warning("Error processing hook: \n%s"% self.trace())
def initModules(self):
" load modules specified in config "
"""load modules specified in instance config"""
" storage of imported modules "
self.modules = {}
" instances of modules "
@ -239,7 +266,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def importmodule(self, name):
" import a module by name "
"""Import a module
:param moduleName: Name of the module to import
:type moduleName: str"""
" check if already exists "
if not name in self.modules:
" attempt to load "
@ -257,7 +287,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return (False, "Module already imported")
def deportmodule(self, name):
" remove a module from memory by name "
"""Remove a module's code from memory. If the module is loaded it will be unloaded silently.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to import
:type moduleName: str"""
" unload if necessary "
if name in self.moduleInstances:
@ -271,7 +304,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
del sys.modules[name]
def loadmodule(self, name):
" load a module and activate it "
"""Activate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to activate
:type moduleName: str"""
" check if already loaded "
if name in self.moduleInstances:
self.log.warning( "Module %s already loaded" % name )
@ -287,7 +323,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def unloadmodule(self, name):
" unload a module by name "
"""Deactivate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to deactivate
:type moduleName: str"""
if name in self.moduleInstances:
" notify the module of disabling "
@ -304,7 +343,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return (False, "Module not loaded")
def reloadmodule(self, name):
" unload then load a module by name "
"""Deactivate and activate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str"""
" make sure it's imporeted"
if name in self.modules:
" remember if it was loaded before"
@ -319,7 +361,10 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return (False, "Module is not loaded")
def redomodule(self, name):
" reload a modules code from disk "
"""Reload a running module from disk
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str"""
" remember if it was loaded before "
loadedbefore = name in self.moduleInstances
" unload/deport "
@ -334,16 +379,30 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return (True, None)
def loadModuleHooks(self, module):
"""**Internal.** Enable (connect) hooks of a module
:param module: module object to hook in
:type module: object"""
" activate a module's hooks "
for hook in module.hooks:
self.addHook(hook.hook, hook.method)
def unloadModuleHooks(self, module):
"""**Internal.** Disable (disconnect) hooks of a module
:param module: module object to unhook
:type module: object"""
" remove a modules hooks "
for hook in module.hooks:
self.removeHook(hook.hook, hook.method)
def addHook(self, command, method):
"""**Internal.** Enable (connect) a single hook of a module
:param command: command this hook will trigger on
:type command: str
:param method: callable method object to hook in
:type method: object"""
" add a single hook "
if command in self.hooks:
@ -352,6 +411,12 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return False
def removeHook(self, command, method):
"""**Internal.** Disable (disconnect) a single hook of a module
:param command: command this hook triggers on
:type command: str
:param method: callable method that should be removed
:type method: object"""
" remove a single hook "
if command in self.hooks:
for hookedMethod in self.hookcalls[command]:
@ -362,13 +427,21 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return False
def getmodulebyname(self, name):
" return a module specified by the name "
"""Get a module object by name
:param name: name of the module to return
:type name: str
:returns: object -- the module object"""
if not name in self.moduleInstances:
return None
return self.moduleInstances[name]
def getmodulesbyservice(self, service):
" get a list of modules that provide the specified service "
"""Get a list of modules that provide the specified service
:param service: name of the service searched for
:type service: str
:returns: list -- a list of module objects"""
validModules = []
for module in self.moduleInstances:
if service in self.moduleInstances[module].services:
@ -376,13 +449,18 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
return validModules
def getBestModuleForService(self, service):
"""Get the first module that provides the specified service
:param service: name of the service searched for
:type service: str
:returns: object -- the module object, if found. None if not found."""
m = self.getmodulesbyservice(service)
if len(m)>0:
return m[0]
return None
def closeAllModules(self):
" Deport all modules (for shutdown). Modules are unloaded in the opposite order listed in the config. "
""" Deport all modules (for shutdown). Modules are unloaded in the opposite order listed in the config. """
loaded = list(self.moduleInstances.keys())
loadOrder = self.botconfig["modules"]
@ -395,17 +473,29 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
" Filesystem Methods "
def getDataPath(self, moduleName):
"""Return the absolute path for a module's data dir
:param moduleName: the module who's data dir we want
:type moduleName: str"""
if not os.path.exists("%s/data/%s" % (self.botconfig["bot"]["datadir"], moduleName)):
os.mkdir("%s/data/%s/" % (self.botconfig["bot"]["datadir"], moduleName))
return "%s/data/%s/" % (self.botconfig["bot"]["datadir"], moduleName)
def getConfigPath(self, moduleName):
"""Return the absolute path for a module's config file
:param moduleName: the module who's config file we want
:type moduleName: str"""
return "%s/config/%s.yml" % (self.botconfig["bot"]["datadir"], moduleName)
" Utility methods "
def decodePrefix(prefix):
" Returns an object with nick, username, hostname attributes"
"""Given a prefix like nick!username@hostname, return an object with these properties
:param prefix: the prefix to disassemble
:type prefix: str
:returns: object -- an UserPrefix object with the properties `nick`, `username`, `hostname` or a ServerPrefix object with the property `hostname`"""
if "!" in prefix:
ob = type('UserPrefix', (object,), {})
ob.nick, prefix = prefix.split("!")
@ -418,10 +508,19 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def trace():
"""Return the stack trace of the bot as a string"""
return traceback.format_exc()
def messageHasCommand(command, message, requireArgs=False):
"""Check if a message has a command with or without args in it
:param command: the command string to look for, like !ban
:type command: str
:param message: the message string to look in, like "!ban Lil_Mac"
:type message: str
:param requireArgs: if true, only validate if the command use has any amount of trailing text
:type requireArgs: bool"""
# Check if the message at least starts with the command
messageBeginning = message[0:len(command)]
if messageBeginning!=command:
@ -452,26 +551,63 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
" Data Methods "
def get_nick(self):
"""Get the bot's current nick
:returns: str - the bot's current nickname"""
return self.config["nick"]
" Action Methods "
def act_PONG(self, data):
"""Use the `/pong` command - respond to server pings
:param data: the string or number the server sent with it's ping
:type data: str"""
self.sendRaw("PONG :%s" % data)
def act_USER(self, username, hostname, realname):
"""Use the USER protocol command. Used during connection
:param username: the bot's username
:type username: str
:param hostname: the bot's hostname
:type hostname: str
:param realname: the bot's realname
:type realname: str"""
self.sendRaw("USER %s %s %s :%s" % (username, hostname, self.botconfig["connection"]["server"], realname))
def act_NICK(self, newNick):
"""Use the `/nick` command
:param newNick: new nick for the bot
:type newNick: str"""
self.sendRaw("NICK %s" % newNick)
def act_JOIN(self, channel):
"""Use the `/join` command
:param channel: the channel to attempt to join
:type channel: str"""
self.sendRaw("JOIN %s"%channel)
def act_PRIVMSG(self, towho, message):
"""Use the `/msg` command
:param towho: the target #channel or user's name
:type towho: str
:param message: the message to send
:type message: str"""
self.sendRaw("PRIVMSG %s :%s"%(towho,message))
def act_MODE(self, channel, mode, extra=None):
"""Use the `/mode` command
:param channel: the channel this mode is for
:type channel: str
:param mode: the mode string. Example: +b
:type mode: str
:param extra: additional argument if the mode needs it. Example: user@*!*
:type extra: str"""
if extra != None:
self.sendRaw("MODE %s %s %s" % (channel,mode,extra))
@ -480,22 +616,20 @@ class PyIRCBot(asynchat.async_chat):
def act_ACTION(self, channel, action):
"""Use the `/me <action>` command
:param channel: The channel name or target's name the message is sent to
:param channel: the channel name or target's name the message is sent to
:type channel: str
:param action: The text to send
:type action: str
:param action: the text to send
:type action: str"""
self.sendRaw("PRIVMSG %s :\x01ACTION %s"%(channel,action))
def act_KICK(self, channel, who, comment=""):
"""Use the `/kick <user> <message>` command
:param channel: The channel from which the user will be kicked
:param channel: the channel from which the user will be kicked
:type channel: str
:param who: The nickname of the user to kick
:param who: the nickname of the user to kick
:type action: str
:param comment: The kick message
:type comment: str
:param comment: the kick message
:type comment: str"""
self.sendRaw("KICK %s %s :%s" % (channel, who, comment))

View File

@ -32,63 +32,115 @@ class BotRPC(Thread):
def run(self):
"""Internal, starts the RPC server"""
def importModule(self, moduleName):
"""Import a module
:param moduleName: Name of the module to import
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling importModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def deportModule(self, moduleName):
"""Remove a module's code from memory. If the module is loaded it will be unloaded silently.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to import
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling deportModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def loadModule(self, moduleName):
"""Activate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to activate
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling loadModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def unloadModule(self, moduleName):
"""Deactivate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the module to deactivate
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling unloadModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def reloadModule(self, moduleName):
"""Deactivate and activate a module.
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling reloadModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def redoModule(self, moduleName):
"""Reload a running module from disk
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str""""RPC: calling redoModule(%s)"%moduleName)
def getLoadedModules(self):
"""Return a list of active modules
:returns: list -- ['ModuleName1', 'ModuleName2']""""RPC: calling getLoadedModules()")
return list(
def pluginCommand(self, pluginName, methodName, argList):
plugin =
def pluginCommand(self, moduleName, methodName, argList):
"""Run a method of an active module
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str
:param methodName: Name of the target method
:type methodName: str
:param argList: List of positional arguments to call the method with
:type argList: list
:returns: mixed -- Any basic type the target method may return"""
plugin =
if not plugin:
return (False, "Plugin not found")
method = getattr(plugin, methodName)
if not method:
return (False, "Method not found")"RPC: calling %s.%s(%s)" % (pluginName, methodName, argList))"RPC: calling %s.%s(%s)" % (moduleName, methodName, argList))
return (True, method(*argList))
def getPluginVar(self, pluginName, pluginVarName):
plugin =
if pluginName == "_core":
plugin =
if not plugin:
return (False, "Plugin not found")"RPC: getting %s.%s" % (pluginName, pluginVarName))
return (True, getattr(plugin, pluginVarName))
def getPluginVar(self, moduleName, moduleVarName):
"""Extract a property from an active module and return it
def setPluginVar(self, pluginName, pluginVarName, value):
plugin =
if pluginName == "_core":
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str
:param moduleVarName: Name of the target property
:type moduleVarName: str
:returns: mixed -- Any basic type extracted from an active module"""
plugin =
if moduleName == "_core":
plugin =
if not plugin:
return (False, "Plugin not found")"RPC: setting %s.%s = %s )" % (pluginName, pluginVarName, value))
setattr(plugin, pluginVarName, value)"RPC: getting %s.%s" % (moduleName, moduleVarName))
return (True, getattr(plugin, moduleVarName))
def setPluginVar(self, moduleName, moduleVarName, value):
"""Set a property of an active module
:param moduleName: Name of the target module
:type moduleName: str
:param moduleVarName: Name of the target property
:type moduleVarName: str
:param value: Value the target property will be set to
:type value: str"""
plugin =
if moduleName == "_core":
plugin =
if not plugin:
return (False, "Plugin not found")"RPC: setting %s.%s = %s )" % (moduleName, moduleVarName, value))
setattr(plugin, moduleVarName, value)
return (True, "Var set")

View File

@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ class Error(ModuleBase):
self.hooks=[ModuleHook("PRIVMSG", self.error)]
def error(self, args, prefix, trailing):
"""If the message recieved from IRC has the string "error" in it, cause a ZeroDivisionError
:param args: IRC args received
:type args: list
:param prefix: IRC prefix of sender
:type prefix: str
:param trailing: IRC message body
:type trailing: str"""
if "error" in trailing:

View File

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module:: Services
:synopsis: Provides the ability to configure a nickname, password, channel auto-join
.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <>
from modulebase import ModuleBase,ModuleHook
from time import sleep