import pytest from time import sleep from unittest.mock import MagicMock from tests.lib import * # NOQA - fixtures @pytest.fixture def linkbot(fakebot): """ Provide a bot loaded with the Calc module. Clear the database. """ fakebot.botconfig["module_configs"]["LinkTitler"] = { "reddit": { "user_agent": "pyircbot3 by /u/(changeme)", "client_id": "test", "client_secret": "test", "username": "test", "password": "test" }, "youtube_api_key": "test" } fakebot.loadmodule("LinkTitler") return fakebot def test_link_html_title(linkbot, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(linkbot.moduleInstances["LinkTitler"], "url_headers", lambda url: {"Content-Type": "text/html"}) monkeypatch.setattr(linkbot.moduleInstances["LinkTitler"], "url_htmltitle", lambda url: "foo bar title") linkbot.feed_line("") sleep(0.1) linkbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_called_once_with('#test', 'chatter: \x02foo bar title\x02') def test_youtube(linkbot, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(linkbot.moduleInstances["LinkTitler"], "_get_video_description_api", lambda vid_id: {"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", "etag": "\"xxxx\"", "pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1, "resultsPerPage": 1}, "items": [{"kind": "youtube#video", "etag": "\"xxxx\"", "id": "SvArQjKr488", "snippet": {"publishedAt": "2009-06-16T06:12:24.000Z", "channelId": "UCgeRcbMDaVTwEHJvO6-hFjQ", "title": "Liquid X - RIoT Rich", "description": "blah", "thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "", "width": 120, "height": 90}, "medium": {"url": "", "width": 320, "height": 180}, "high": {"url": "", "width": 480, "height": 360}}, "channelTitle": "Bieji", "tags": ["liquid", "riot", "rich", "digital", "gangster", "nerd", "life", "rit", "Rochester", "Institute", "of", "Technology"], "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": {"title": "Liquid X - RIoT Rich", "description": "blah"}}, "contentDetails": {"duration": "PT5M39S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "sd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": False, "projection": "rectangular"}, "statistics": {"viewCount": "17141", "likeCount": "193", "dislikeCount": "8", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "31"}}]}) linkbot.feed_line("blah blah blah blah") sleep(0.1) linkbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_called_once_with('#test', '\x02\x031,0You\x0f\x030,4Tube\x02\x0f :: \x02Liquid X - RIoT Rich\x02 - length \x025m 39s\x02 - rated \x024.80/5\x02 - \x0217,141\x02 views - by \x02Bieji\x02 on \x022009.06.16\x02') def test_reddit(linkbot, monkeypatch): fake = MagicMock() fake.title = "TIL X11 forwarding is (basically) as simple as running 'ssh -X user@hostname'" fake.domain = "self.todayilearned" = 6 fake.upvote_ratio = 0.67 fake.over_18 = False fake.num_comments = 6 = "drfrogsplat" fake.created = 1260361210 monkeypatch.setattr(linkbot.moduleInstances["LinkTitler"], "get_reddit_submission", lambda sub_id: fake) linkbot.feed_line("blah blah blah blah") sleep(0.1) linkbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_called_once_with('#test', "👽 \x02\x031,15REDDIT\x0f\x02 :: TIL X11 forwarding is (basically) as simple as running 'ssh -X user@hostname' \x02on \x02self.todayilearned\x02 - points \x026\x02 (67%↑) - comments \x026\x02 - by \x02drfrogsplat\x02 on \x022009.12.09\x02")