from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info from threading import Thread from time import sleep, time import requests import traceback API_URL = "{apikey}" def bits(is_gain): if is_gain: return ("\x0303", "⬆", "+", ) return ("\x0304", "⬇", "-", ) class StockIndex(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): super().__init__(bot, moduleName) self.session = requests.session() self.updater = None self.running = True self.last_update = 0 self.start_cache_updater() def start_cache_updater(self): self.updater = Thread(target=self.cache_updater, daemon=True) self.updater.start() def ondisable(self): self.running = False self.updater.join() def cache_updater(self): while self.running: try: self.update_cache() except: traceback.print_exc() delay = self.config.get("cache_update_interval", 600) while self.running and delay > 0: delay -= 1 sleep(1) def update_cache(self): data = self.session.get(API_URL.format(**self.config), timeout=self.config.get("cache_update_timeout", 10)).json() self.cache = {item["symbol"]: item for item in data} self.last_update = time() @info("djia", "get the current value of the DJIA", cmds=["djia"]) @command("djia", allow_private=True) def cmd_djia(self, message, command): self.send_quote("^DJI", "DJIA", message.replyto) @info("nasdaq", "get the current value of the NASDAQ composite index", cmds=["nasdaq"]) @command("nasdaq", allow_private=True) def cmd_nasdaq(self, message, command): self.send_quote("^IXIC", "NASDAQ", message.replyto) @info("vix", "get the current value of the vix/fear index", cmds=["vix"]) @command("vix", allow_private=True) def cmd_vix(self, message, command): self.send_quote("^VIX", "VIX", message.replyto) def send_quote(self, key, symbol, to): index = self.cache[key] is_gain = index["price"] >= index["previousClose"] color, arrow, plusmin = bits(is_gain) change = float(index["price"]) - float(index["previousClose"]) percentchange = float(change) / float(index["previousClose"]) * 100 warn_thresh = self.config.get("warning_thresh", 1800) warning = "" if time() - self.last_update < warn_thresh else " \x030(quote is out-of-date)", "{} ${:,.2f} {}{}{:,.2f} ({:.2f}%){}{}".format(symbol, index["price"], color, plusmin, change, percentchange, arrow, warning))