:mod:`ModInfo` --- Module command help system ============================================= Implements global `help` and `helpindex` commands that print help information about all available modules. Modules must import and use a decorator from this module. For example: .. code-block:: python from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info # ... @info("help [command] show the manual for all or [commands]", cmds=["help"]) @command("help") def cmd_help(self, msg, cmd): # ... The `info` decorator takes a mandatory string parameter describing the command. The second, optional, list parameter `cmds` is a list of short names thart are aliases for the function that aide in help lookup. In all cases, the cases, commands will be prefixed with the default command prefix (`from pyircbot.modulebase.command.prefix`). Class Reference --------------- .. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.ModInfo :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: