#!/usr/bin/env python """ .. module:: AttributeStorage :synopsis: An item key->value storage engine based on mysql .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ from modulebase import ModuleBase,ModuleHook class AttributeStorage(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName); self.hooks=[] self.services=["attributes"] self.db = None serviceProviders = self.bot.getmodulesbyservice("mysql") if len(serviceProviders)==0: self.log.error("AttributeStorage: Could not find a valid mysql service provider") else: self.log.info("AttributeStorage: Selecting mysql service provider: %s" % serviceProviders[0]) self.db = serviceProviders[0] if not self.db.connection.tableExists("attribute"): self.log.info("AttributeStorage: Creating table: attribute") c = self.db.connection.query("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `attribute` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `attribute` varchar(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `attribute` (`attribute`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;""") c.close() if not self.db.connection.tableExists("items"): self.log.info("AttributeStorage: Creating table: items") c = self.db.connection.query("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item` varchar(512) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;""") c.close() if not self.db.connection.tableExists("values"): self.log.info("AttributeStorage: Creating table: values") c = self.db.connection.query("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `values` ( `itemid` int(11) NOT NULL, `attributeid` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(512) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`itemid`,`attributeid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;""") c.close() # self.getItem('xMopxShell', 'name') # self.getKey('xMopxShell', 'name') # self.setKey('xMopxShell', 'name', 'dave') # SELECT `i`.`id`, `i`.`item`, `a`.`attribute`, `v`.`value` FROM `items` `i` INNER JOIN `values` `v` on `v`.`itemid`=`i`.`id` INNER JOIN `attribute` `a` on `a`.`id`=`v`.`attributeid` ORDER BY `i`.`id` ASC, `a`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1000 ; def getItem(self, name): """Get all values for a item :param name: the item :type name: str :returns: dict -- the item's values expressed as a dict""" c = self.db.connection.query("""SELECT `i`.`id`, `i`.`item`, `a`.`attribute`, `v`.`value` FROM `items` `i` INNER JOIN `values` `v` on `v`.`itemid`=`i`.`id` INNER JOIN `attribute` `a` on `a`.`id`=`v`.`attributeid` WHERE `i`.`item`=%s;""", (name,) ) item = {} while True: row = c.fetchone() if row == None: break item[row["attribute"]]=row["value"] c.close() if len(item)==0: return {} return item def getKey(self, item, key): """Get the value of an key on an item :param item: the item to fetch a key from :type item: str :param key: they key who's value to return :type key: str :returns: str -- the item from the database or **None**""" c = self.db.connection.query("""SELECT `i`.`id`, `i`.`item`, `a`.`attribute`, `v`.`value` FROM `items` `i` INNER JOIN `values` `v` on `v`.`itemid`=`i`.`id` INNER JOIN `attribute` `a` on `a`.`id`=`v`.`attributeid` WHERE `i`.`item`=%s AND `a`.`attribute`=%s;""", (item,key) ) row = c.fetchone() c.close() if row == None: return None return row["value"] def setKey(self, item, key, value): """Set the key on an item :param item: the item name to set the key on :type item: str :param key: the key to set :type key: tuple :param value: the value to set :type value: str""" item = item.lower() attribute = key.lower() # Check attribute exists c = self.db.connection.query("SELECT `id` FROM `attribute` WHERE `attribute`=%s;", (attribute)) row = c.fetchone() attributeId = -1 if row == None: c = self.db.connection.query("INSERT INTO `attribute` (`attribute`) VALUES (%s);", (attribute)) attributeId = c.lastrowid else: attributeId = row["id"] c.close() # check item exists c = self.db.connection.query("SELECT `id` FROM `items` WHERE `item`=%s;", (item)) row = c.fetchone() itemId = -1 if row == None: c = self.db.connection.query("INSERT INTO `items` (`item`) VALUES (%s);", (item)) itemId = c.lastrowid else: itemId = row["id"] c.close() if value == None: # delete it c = self.db.connection.query("DELETE FROM `values` WHERE `itemid`=%s AND `attributeid`=%s ;", (itemId, attributeId)) self.log.debug("AttributeStorage: Stored item %s attribute %s value: %s (Deleted)" % (itemId, attributeId, value)) else: # add attribute c = self.db.connection.query("REPLACE INTO `values` (`itemid`, `attributeid`, `value`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", (itemId, attributeId, value)) self.log.debug("AttributeStorage: Stored item %s attribute %s value: %s" % (itemId, attributeId, value)) c.close()