#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ .. module::ASCII :synopsis: Spam chat with awesome ascii texts """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, hook from threading import Thread from glob import iglob from collections import defaultdict from time import sleep import re import os RE_ASCII_FNAME = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$') class ASCII(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.running_asciis = defaultdict(lambda: None) self.killed_channels = defaultdict(lambda: False) @hook("PRIVMSG") def listen_msg(self, msg): """ Handle commands :param msg: Message object to inspect """ # Ignore PMs if not msg.args[0].startswith("#"): return # provide a listing of available asciis if self.bot.messageHasCommand(".listascii", msg.trailing): fnames = [os.path.basename(f).split(".", 2)[0] for f in iglob(os.path.join(self.getFilePath(), "*.txt"))] fnames.sort() message = "Avalable asciis: {}".format(", ".join(fnames[0:self.config.get("list_max")])) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(msg.args[0], message) if len(fnames) > self.config.get("list_max"): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(msg.args[0], "...and {} more".format(len(fnames) - self.config.get("list_max"))) return # Send out an ascii cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".ascii", msg.trailing, requireArgs=True) if self.bot.messageHasCommand(".ascii", msg.trailing): # Prevent parallel spamming in same channel if self.running_asciis[msg.args[0]]: return # Prevent parallel spamming in different channels if not self.config.get("allow_parallel") and any(self.running_asciis.values()): return ascii_name = cmd.args.pop(0) if not RE_ASCII_FNAME.match(ascii_name): return ascii_path = self.getFilePath(ascii_name + ".txt") if os.path.exists(ascii_path): args = [ascii_path, msg.args[0]] if self.config.get("allow_hilight", False) and len(cmd.args) >= 1: args.append(cmd.args.pop(0)) self.running_asciis[msg.args[0]] = Thread(target=self.print_ascii, args=args, daemon=True) self.running_asciis[msg.args[0]].start() return # stop running asciis if self.bot.messageHasCommand(".stopascii", msg.trailing): if self.running_asciis[msg.args[0]]: self.killed_channels[msg.args[0]] = True def print_ascii(self, ascii_path, channel, hilight=None): """ Print the contents of ascii_path to channel :param ascii_path: file path to the ascii art file to read and print :param channel: channel name to print to """ delay = self.config.get("line_delay") with open(ascii_path, "rb") as f: content = [i.rstrip() for i in f.read().decode("UTF-8", errors="ignore").split("\n")] for line in content: if self.killed_channels[channel]: break if not line: line = " " if hilight: line = "{}: {}".format(hilight, line) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(channel, line) if delay: sleep(delay) del self.running_asciis[channel] del self.killed_channels[channel]