========= Changelog ========= * :release:`4.1.0 <2019-02-10>` * :support:`-` First documented release in awhile. Many new modules and tests have been added. See the git log if you so desire. * :feature:`-` Added StockPlay module * :feature:`-` Upgraded docker base image to ubuntu:bionic * :feature:`-` Misc macOs related fixes * :feature:`-` Misc python 3.7 related fixes * :feature:`-` Misc fixes preventing doc building * :release:`4.0.0 <2017-03-28>` * :support:`-` Added a changelog * :feature:`-` Dropped use of deprecated asynchat in favor of asyncio - Python 3.5+ now required. * :support:`-` Minor docs cleanup * :feature:`-` Upgraded docker base image to ubuntu:xenial