""" .. module:: ModuleBase :synopsis: Base class that modules will extend .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ import logging import os from .pyircbot import PyIRCBot class ModuleBase: """All modules will extend this class :param bot: A reference to the main bot passed when this module is created :type bot: PyIRCBot :param moduleName: The name assigned to this module :type moduleName: str """ def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): self.moduleName=moduleName """Assigned name of this module""" self.bot = bot """Reference to the master PyIRCBot object""" self.hooks=[] """Hooks (aka listeners) this module has""" self.services=[] """If this module provides services usable by another module, they're stored here""" self.config={} """Configuration dictionary. Blank until loadConfig is called""" self.log = logging.getLogger("Module.%s" % self.moduleName) """Logger object for this module""" self.loadConfig() self.log.info("Loaded module %s" % self.moduleName) def loadConfig(self): """Loads this module's config into self.config""" configPath = self.bot.getConfigPath(self.moduleName) if not configPath == None: self.config = PyIRCBot.load(configPath) def ondisable(self): """Called when the module should be disabled. Your module should do any sort of clean-up operations here like ending child threads or saving data files. """ pass def getConfigPath(self): """Returns the absolute path of this module's YML config file""" return self.bot.getConfigPath(self.moduleName) def getFilePath(self, f=None): """Returns the absolute path to a file in this Module's data dir :param f: The file name included in the path :type channel: str :Warning: .. Warning:: this does no error checking if the file exists or is\ writable. The bot's data dir *should* always be writable""" return self.bot.getDataPath(self.moduleName) + (f if f else '') class ModuleHook: def __init__(self, hook, method): self.hook=hook self.method=method