#!/usr/bin/env python """ .. module:: DuckHunt :synopsis: An animal hunting IRC game .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info import time import json import random from threading import Timer import os class DuckHunt(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.jsonPath = self.getFilePath("scores.json") self.timer = None self.isDuckOut = False self.outStart = 0 self.misses = {} self.startHunt() @info("huntscore", "show your duckhunt score", cmds=["huntscore"]) @command("huntscore", allow_private=True) def hunt(self, msg, cmd): scores = self.loadScores() fromWho = msg.prefix.nick if fromWho not in scores: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(fromWho, "You have no points :(") else: scores = scores[fromWho] kills = 0 runts = 0 prime = 0 weight = 0.0 shots = 0 misses = 0 for kill in scores: if kill["prime"]: prime += 1 if kill["runt"]: runts += 1 kills += 1 weight += kill["weight"] shots += 1 shots += kill["misses"] misses += kill["misses"] self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(fromWho, "You've shot %s %s for a total weight of %s lbs." % (kills, self.config["animalSpeciesPlural"], weight)) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(fromWho, "%s prime catches, %s runts, %s bullets used and %s misses." % (prime, runts, shots, misses)) # self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(fromWho, "More info & highscores: http://duckhunt.xmopx.net/") @info("shoot", "shoot active targets", cmds=["shoot"]) @command("shoot") def cmd_shoot(self, msg, args): if self.isDuckOut: fromWho = msg.prefix.nick if fromWho not in self.misses: self.misses[fromWho] = 0 shotIn = round(time.time() - self.outStart, 2) if random.randint(0, 100) <= self.config["missChance"]: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.config["activeChannel"], "%s fires after %s seconds and misses!" % (fromWho, shotIn)) self.misses[fromWho] += 1 return self.isDuckOut = False bagged = { "species": self.config["animalSpecies"], "gender": "M" if random.randint(0, 1) == 1 else "F", "time": shotIn, "prime": False, "runt": False, "weight": 0.0, "date": time.time(), "misses": self.misses[fromWho] } message = "%s %s " % (fromWho, "bags") if random.randint(0, 100) <= self.config["primeChance"]: bagged["prime"] = True bagged["weight"] = self.getRandWeight(self.config["weightMax"], self.config["weightFat"]) message += "a prime catch, a " elif random.randint(0, 100) <= self.config["runtChance"]: bagged["runt"] = True bagged["weight"] = self.getRandWeight(self.config["weightRunt"], self.config["weightMin"]) message += "a runt of a catch, a " else: bagged["weight"] = self.getRandWeight(self.config["weightMin"], self.config["weightMax"]) message += "a " message += "%s lb " % (bagged["weight"]) if bagged["gender"] == "M": message += self.config["animalNameMale"] + " " else: message += self.config["animalNameFemale"] + " " message += "in %s seconds!" % shotIn self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.config["activeChannel"], message) self.addKillFor(fromWho, bagged) self.misses = {} self.startHunt() def startHunt(self): " Creates a timer that waits a certain amount of time then sends out a bird \\_o< quack" delay = self.config["delayMin"] + random.randint(0, self.config["delayMax"] - self.config["delayMin"]) self.timer = Timer(delay, self.duckOut) self.timer.start() self.log.info(" Sending out animal in %s seconds" % delay) def duckOut(self): self.isDuckOut = True self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.config["activeChannel"], self.config["animal"]) self.outStart = time.time() def getRandWeight(self, minW, maxW): weight = maxW - minW weight = float(weight) * random.random() return round(weight + minW, 2) def addKillFor(self, playername, kill): scores = self.loadScores() if scores is None: scores = {} if playername not in scores: scores[playername] = [] scores[playername].append(kill) self.saveScores(scores) def loadScores(self): if not os.path.exists(self.jsonPath): json.dump({}, open(self.jsonPath, 'w')) return json.load(open(self.jsonPath, 'r')) def saveScores(self, scores): json.dump(scores, open(self.jsonPath, 'w')) def ondisable(self): self.timer.cancel()