""" .. module:: NFLLive :synopsis: Show upcoming NFL games and current scores. .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info from time import time from requests import get from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime, timedelta class NFLLive(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.cache = None self.cacheAge = 0 @info("nfl", "show nfl schedule & score", cmds=["nfl"]) @command("nfl") def nflitup(self, message, cmd): games = self.getNflGamesCached() msg = [] liveGames = [] gamesLaterToday = [] gamesToday = [] gamesUpcoming = [] gamesEarlierWeek = [] # sort games for game in games["games"]: if game["time"] is not None: liveGames.append(game) elif game["quarter"] == "P" and game["startdate"].day == datetime.now().day: gamesLaterToday.append(game) elif game["startdate"].day == datetime.now().day: gamesToday.append(game) elif game["startdate"].day > datetime.now().day: gamesUpcoming.append(game) else: gamesEarlierWeek.append(game) # create list of formatted games liveGamesStr = [] for game in liveGames: liveGamesStr.append(self.formatGameLive(game)) liveGamesStr = ", ".join(liveGamesStr) gamesLaterTodayStr = [] for game in gamesLaterToday: gamesLaterTodayStr.append(self.formatGameFuture(game)) gamesLaterTodayStr = ", ".join(gamesLaterTodayStr) gamesTodayStr = [] for game in gamesToday: gamesTodayStr.append(self.formatGamePast(game)) gamesTodayStr = ", ".join(gamesTodayStr) gamesUpcomingStr = [] for game in gamesUpcoming: gamesUpcomingStr.append(self.formatGameFuture(game)) gamesUpcomingStr = ", ".join(gamesUpcomingStr) gamesEarlierWeekStr = [] for game in gamesEarlierWeek: gamesEarlierWeekStr.append(self.formatGamePast(game)) gamesEarlierWeekStr = ", ".join(gamesEarlierWeekStr) msgPieces = [] msgPieces.append("\x02NFL week %s\x02:" % (games["season"]["week"])) # Depending on args build the respon pieces if len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "today": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesLaterTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Later today:\x02 %s" % gamesLaterTodayStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) elif len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "live": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) elif len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "scores": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) if not gamesEarlierWeekStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier this week: \x02 %s" % gamesEarlierWeekStr) else: if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesLaterTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Later today:\x02 %s" % gamesLaterTodayStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) if not gamesEarlierWeekStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier this week: \x02 %s" % gamesEarlierWeekStr) if not gamesUpcomingStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Upcoming:\x02 %s" % gamesUpcomingStr) # Collaspe the list into a repsonse string. Fix grammar msg = ", ".join(msgPieces).replace(":, ", ": ") # Nothing means there were probably no games if len(msgPieces) == 1: msg = "No games!" if len(msg) > 0: # The message can be long so chunk it into pieces splitting at commas while len(msg) > 0: piece = msg[0:330] msg = msg[330:] while not piece[-1:] == "," and len(msg) > 0: piece += msg[0:1] msg = msg[1:] self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(message.args[0], "%s: %s" % (message.prefix.nick, piece.strip())) def formatGameLive(self, game): c_vis = 3 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 4 c_home = 4 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 3 return "\x03%s%s(%s)\x03 @ \x03%s%s(%s)\x03 Q%s %s" % ( c_vis, game["visitor"], game["visitor_score"], c_home, game["home"], game["home_score"], game["quarter"], game["time"] ) def formatGameFuture(self, game): return "\x02%s\x02@\x02%s\x02" % ( game["visitor"], game["home"] ) def formatGamePast(self, game): c_vis = 3 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 4 c_home = 4 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 3 return "\x03%s%s(%s)\x03@\x03%s%s(%s)\x03" % ( c_vis, game["visitor"], game["visitor_score"], c_home, game["home"], game["home_score"] ) def getNflGamesCached(self): if time() - self.cacheAge > self.config["cache"]: self.cache = NFLLive.getNflGames() self.cacheAge = time() return self.cache @staticmethod def getNflGames(): result = {} # Fetch NFL information as XML nflxml = get("http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/scorestrip/ss.xml?random=1413140448433") doc = etree.fromstring(nflxml.content) games = doc.xpath("/ss/gms")[0] result["season"] = { "week": games.attrib["w"], "year": games.attrib["y"], "type": NFLLive.translateSeasonType(games.attrib["t"]), # R for regular season, probably P for pre (?) "gameday": int(games.attrib["gd"]), # 1 or 0 for gameday or not (?) "bph": games.attrib["bph"] # not sure } result["games"] = [] for game in games.getchildren(): gameblob = { "home": game.attrib["h"], "home_name": game.attrib["hnn"], "home_score": game.attrib["hs"], "visitor": game.attrib["v"], "visitor_name": game.attrib["vnn"], "visitor_score": game.attrib["vs"], "gametype": game.attrib["gt"], # REGular season, probably P for preseason (?) "quarter": game.attrib["q"], # P if not started, 1-4, F is finished "time": game.attrib["k"] if "k" in game.attrib else None, "id": game.attrib["eid"], "gamenum": game.attrib["gsis"], "starttime": game.attrib["t"], "startdate": datetime.strptime(game.attrib["eid"][0:-2] + " " + game.attrib["t"], "%Y%m%d %I:%M") + \ timedelta(hours=12) # NHL provides a 12 hour EST clock with all times PM. # Add 12 hours so the datetime obj is PM instead of AM. } # Add 4 more hours to make it GMT gameblob["startdate_gmt"] = gameblob["startdate"] + timedelta(hours=4) gameblob["nfl_link"] = "http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/%s/%s/%s%s/%s@%s" % ( gameblob["id"], result["season"]["year"], gameblob["gametype"], result["season"]["week"], gameblob["visitor_name"], gameblob["home_name"]) result["games"].append(gameblob) return result @staticmethod def translateSeasonType(season): if season == "R": return "Regular" if season == "P": return "Pre" return season