#!/usr/bin/env python """ .. module:: Error :synopsis: Module to provide a multi-type cryptocurrency wallet .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase,ModuleHook import time import hashlib class CryptoWallet(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName); self.hooks=[ModuleHook("PRIVMSG", self.gotmsg)] def gotmsg(self, args, prefix, trailing): channel = args[0] if channel[0] == "#": # Ignore channel messages pass else: self.handlePm(args, prefix, trailing) def getMods(self): return (self.bot.getBestModuleForService("attributes"), self.bot.getBestModuleForService("login"), self.bot.getBestModuleForService("bitcoinrpc")) def handle_setaddr(self, args, prefix, trailing, cmd): usage = ".setaddr
" attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() # Check login if not login.check(prefix.nick, prefix.hostname): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: Please .login to use this command.") return # Check for args if not len(cmd.args)==2: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: usage: %s" % usage) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: usage: .setaddr BTC 1xyWx6X5EABprhe3s9XduNxLn5NCtpSNB") return # Check if currency is known if not rpc.isSupported(cmd.args[0]): supportedStr = ', '.join(rpc.getSupported()) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: '%s' is not a supported currency. Supported currencies are: %s" % (cmd.args[0], supportedStr)) return if len(cmd.args[1])<16 or len(cmd.args[1])>42: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: '%s' appears to be an invalid address." % (cmd.args[1])) return # Just make sure they have a wallet self.checkUserHasWallet(prefix.nick, cmd.args[0]) # Set their address attr.setKey(prefix.nick, "cryptowallet-%s-address"%cmd.args[0].lower(), cmd.args[1]) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".setaddr: Your address has been saved as: %s. Please verify that this is correct or your coins could be lost." % (cmd.args[1])) def handle_getbal(self, args, prefix, trailing, cmd): usage = ".getbal " attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() # Check login if not login.check(prefix.nick, prefix.hostname): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getbal: Please .login to use this command.") return # Check for args if not len(cmd.args)==1: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getbal: usage: %s" % usage) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getbal: usage: .getbal BTC") return # Check if currency is known if not rpc.isSupported(cmd.args[0]): supportedStr = ', '.join(rpc.getSupported()) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getbal: '%s' is not a supported currency. Supported currencies are: %s" % (cmd.args[0], supportedStr)) return # Just make sure they have a wallet self.checkUserHasWallet(prefix.nick, cmd.args[0]) # fetch RPC and tell them the balance walletname = attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "cryptowallet-account-%s"%cmd.args[0].lower()) amount = 0.0 if walletname: client = rpc.getRpc(cmd.args[0].lower()) amount = client.getBal(walletname) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, "Your balance is: %s %s" % (amount, cmd.args[0].upper())) def handle_withdraw(self, args, prefix, trailing, cmd): usage = ".withdraw " attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() # Check login if not login.check(prefix.nick, prefix.hostname): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: Please .login to use this command.") return # Check for args if not len(cmd.args)==2: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: usage: %s" % usage) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: usage: .getbal BTC 0.035") return # Check if currency is known if not rpc.isSupported(cmd.args[0]): supportedStr = ', '.join(rpc.getSupported()) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getbal: '%s' is not a supported currency. Supported currencies are: %s" % (cmd.args[0], supportedStr)) return # Just make sure they have a wallet self.checkUserHasWallet(prefix.nick, cmd.args[0]) # check that they have a withdraw addr withdrawaddr = attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "cryptowallet-%s-address"%cmd.args[0].lower()) if withdrawaddr == None: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: You need to set a withdraw address before withdrawing. Try .setaddr") return # fetch RPC and check balance walletname = attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "cryptowallet-account-%s"%cmd.args[0].lower()) balance = 0.0 client = rpc.getRpc(cmd.args[0].lower()) balance = client.getBal(walletname) withdrawamount = float(cmd.args[1]) if balance < withdrawamount or withdrawamount<0: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: You don't have enough %s to withdraw %s" % (cmd.args[0].upper(), withdrawamount)) return if not client.reserve == 0 and balance - client.reserve < withdrawamount: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: Withdrawing that much would put you below the reserve (%s %s)." % (client.reserve, cmd.args[0].upper())) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: The reserve is to cover network transaction fees. To recover it you must close your account. (Talk to an admin)") return # Check if the precision is wrong if not client.checkPrecision(withdrawamount): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: %s has maximum %s decimal places" % (cmd.args[0].upper(), client.precision)) return # Create a transaction txn = client.send(walletname, withdrawaddr, withdrawamount) if txn: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: %s %s sent to %s. Transaction ID: %s"% (withdrawamount, client.name, withdrawaddr, txn)) else: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".withdraw: Transaction create failed. Maybe the transaction was too large for the network? Try a smaller increment.") def handle_getaddr(self, args, prefix, trailing, cmd): attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() usage = ".getaddr " attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() # Check login if not login.check(prefix.nick, prefix.hostname): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getaddr: Please .login to use this command.") return # Check for args if not len(cmd.args)==1: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getaddr: usage: %s" % usage) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getaddr: usage: .getaddr BTC") return # Check if currency is known if not rpc.isSupported(cmd.args[0]): supportedStr = ', '.join(rpc.getSupported()) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".getaddr: '%s' is not a supported currency. Supported currencies are: %s" % (cmd.args[0], supportedStr)) return # Just make sure they have a wallet self.checkUserHasWallet(prefix.nick, cmd.args[0]) walletaddr = attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "cryptowallet-depoaddr-%s"%cmd.args[0].lower()) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, "Your %s deposit address is: %s" % (cmd.args[0].upper(), walletaddr)) def handle_curinfo(self, args, prefix, trailing, cmd): attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() usage = ".curinfo []" attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() # Check for args if len(cmd.args)==0: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".curinfo: supported currencies: %s. Use '.curinfo BTC' to see details. " % ', '.join([x.upper() for x in rpc.getSupported()])) return else: if not rpc.isSupported(cmd.args[0]): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".curinfo: '%s' is not a supported currency. Supported currencies are: %s" % (cmd.args[0], ', '.join([x.upper() for x in rpc.getSupported()]))) return else: info = rpc.getInfo(cmd.args[0]) self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(prefix.nick, ".curinfo: %s - %s. More info: %s" % (args[0], info["name"], info["link"])) def checkUserHasWallet(self, username, currency): # Ensure the user has a wallet in the client attr,login,rpc = self.getMods() currency = currency.lower() if attr.getKey(username, "cryptowallet-account-%s"%currency)==None: randName = self.md5(str(time.time()))[0:16] attr.setKey(username, "cryptowallet-account-%s"%currency, randName) # Generate a deposit addr to nudge the wallet wallet = rpc.getRpc(currency.lower()) address = wallet.getAcctAddr(randName) attr.setKey(username, "cryptowallet-depoaddr-%s"%currency, address) elif attr.getKey(username, "cryptowallet-depoaddr-%s"%currency)==None: walletName = attr.getKey(username, "cryptowallet-account-%s"%currency) wallet = rpc.getRpc(currency.lower()) address = wallet.getAcctAddr(walletName) attr.setKey(username, "cryptowallet-depoaddr-%s"%currency, address) def handlePm(self, args, prefix, trailing): prefix = self.bot.decodePrefix(prefix) cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".setaddr", trailing) if cmd: self.handle_setaddr(args, prefix, trailing, cmd) cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".getbal", trailing) if cmd: self.handle_getbal(args, prefix, trailing, cmd) cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".withdraw", trailing) if cmd: self.handle_withdraw(args, prefix, trailing, cmd) cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".getaddr", trailing) if cmd: self.handle_getaddr(args, prefix, trailing, cmd) cmd = self.bot.messageHasCommand(".curinfo", trailing) if cmd: self.handle_curinfo(args, prefix, trailing, cmd) def md5(self, data): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(data.encode("ascii")) return m.hexdigest()