:mod:`CardsAgainstHumanity` --- CaH in IRC ========================================== IRC based Cards Against Humanity clone. Requires "black card" messages to be placed in file named ``questions.txt`` in the data dir, and "white card" messages in a file named ``answers.txt``. Commands -------- .. cmdoption:: .joinGame If the game hasn't started yet, join the lobby .. cmdoption:: .ready The game will start when all players are ready; this indicates a player is ready .. cmdoption:: .pick [] ... If the player is not the card czar, play one or more cards from their hand .. cmdoption:: .choose If a player is the card czar, choose the winning card number Class Reference --------------- .. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.CardsAgainstHumanity :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: