:mod:`CryptoWallet` --- BitcoinD RPC Service ============================================ Module to provide a multi-type cryptocurrency wallet Config ------ .. code-block:: json { "types": { "BTC": { "name": "Bitcoin", "abbr": "BTC", "host": "", "username": "bobby", "password": "propane", "port": 8332, "precision": 8, "reserve": 0.0005, "link": "https://bitcoin.org/" } } } .. cmdoption:: types Dictionary of supported crypto currencies, keyed abbreviation => detail. All fields required. .. cmdoption:: types.TYPE.precision Number of decimal places the currency supports .. cmdoption:: types.TYPE.reserve: Minimum balance; this is to cover tx fees Commands -------- .. cmdoption:: .curinfo [] See list of supported currencies, or info about a specific one. .. cmdoption:: .getbal Get current user's balance of a specific currency .. cmdoption:: .setaddr
Set current user's withdrawal address for to
.. cmdoption:: .withdraw Request a withdrawal of to current user's withdraw address of .. cmdoption:: .getaddr Get deposit address for Class Reference --------------- .. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.CryptoWallet :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: