#!/usr/bin/env python """ .. module:: DogeDice :synopsis: Module to provide a game for gambling Dogecoin .. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase,ModuleHook import random import os import time import math import hashlib from threading import Timer class DogeDice(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName); self.hooks=[ModuleHook("PRIVMSG", self.gotMsg)] self.loadConfig() # Load attribute storage self.attr = self.bot.getBestModuleForService("attributes") # Load doge RPC self.doge = self.bot.getBestModuleForService("dogerpc") # Dict of #channel -> game object self.games = {} def gotMsg(self, args, prefix, trailing): prefixObj = self.bot.decodePrefix(prefix) # Ignore messages from users not logged in loggedinfrom = self.attr.getKey(prefixObj.nick, "loggedinfrom") if loggedinfrom==None: # Send them a hint? return elif prefixObj.hostname == loggedinfrom: if args[0][0] == "#": # create a blank game obj if there isn't one (and whitelisted ? ) if not args[0] in self.games and (not self.config["channelWhitelistOn"] or (self.config["channelWhitelistOn"] and args[0][1:] in self.config["channelWhitelist"]) ): self.games[args[0]]=gameObj(self, args[0]) # Channel message self.games[args[0]].gotMsg(args, prefix, trailing) else: # Private message #self.games[args[0].gotPrivMsg(args, prefix, trailing) pass else: # Ignore potential spoofing pass def removeGame(self, channel): del self.games[channel] def ondisable(self): self.log.info("DogeDice: Unload requested, ending games...") while len(self.games)>0: first = list(self.games.keys())[0] self.games[first].gameover() class gameObj: def __init__(self, master, channel): self.master = master self.channel = channel # Game state # 0 = waiting for players # - advertise self? # - players must be registered and have enough doge for current bet # 1 = enough players, countdown # - Last warning to pull out # 2 = locked in / game setup # - Move doge from player's wallets to table wallet. kick players if they can't afford # 3 = start of a round # - Each player's turn to roll # 4 = determine winner, move doge # - if > 10 doge, house fee? self.step = 0 # Bet amount self.bet = 0.0 # players list self.players = [] # min players self.minPlayers = 2 # max players self.maxPlayers = 4 # Lobby countdown timer self.startCountdownTimer = None # pre-result timer self.endgameResultTimer = None # in-game timeout self.playTimeout = None # Wallet for this game self.walletName = None def getPlayer(self, nick): for player in self.players: if player.nick == nick: return player return None def gotPrivMsg(self, args, prefix, trailing): prefix = self.master.bot.decodePrefix(prefix) pass def gotMsg(self, args, prefix, trailing): prefix = self.master.bot.decodePrefix(prefix) if self.step == 0 or self.step == 1: # Join game cmd = self.master.bot.messageHasCommand(".join", trailing) if cmd: if len(self.players)-1 < self.maxPlayers: if self.getPlayer(prefix.nick)==None: userWallet = self.master.attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "dogeaccountname") if userWallet == None: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You don't have enough DOGE!" % (prefix.nick)) return balance = self.master.doge.getBal(userWallet) # check if the room is 'opened' already: if len(self.players)==0: # require an amount if len(cmd.args)==1: # Check if they have enough coins try: bet = float(cmd.args[0]) except: return if bet < self.master.config["minBet"]: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: Minimum bet is %s DOGE!" % (prefix.nick, self.master.config["minBet"])) return if balance>=bet: newPlayer = playerObj(self, prefix.nick) newPlayer.dogeWalletName = userWallet self.players.append(newPlayer) self.bet = bet self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You have joined!" % (prefix.nick)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You don't have enough DOGE!" % (prefix.nick)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You need to specify a bet amount: .join 10" % (prefix.nick)) else: # no amount required if balance>=self.bet: newPlayer = playerObj(self, prefix.nick) newPlayer.dogeWalletName = userWallet self.players.append(newPlayer) self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You have joined!" % (prefix.nick)) if self.canStart() and self.startCountdownTimer == None: self.initStartCountdown() self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "The game will start in %s seconds! Bet is %s DOGE each!" % (self.master.config["lobbyIdleSeconds"], self.bet)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You don't have enough DOGE!" % (prefix.nick)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: you're already in the game. Quit with .leave" % (prefix.nick)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: the game is full (%s/%)! Cannot join." % (prefix.nick, len(self.players), self.maxPlayers)) # Leave game cmd = self.master.bot.messageHasCommand(".leave", trailing) if cmd: if self.getPlayer(prefix.nick)==None: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You're not in the game." % (prefix.nick)) else: self.removePlayer(prefix.nick) self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s: You have left the game!" % (prefix.nick)) if not self.canStart() and self.startCountdownTimer: self.clearTimer(self.startCountdownTimer) self.startCountdownTimer = None self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "Game start aborted." ) self.step = 0 elif self.step == 2: pass elif self.step == 3: # Ignore cmds from people outside the game player = self.getPlayer(prefix.nick) if not player: return # handle a .roll cmd = self.master.bot.messageHasCommand(".roll", trailing) if cmd and not player.hasRolled: roll1 = random.randint(1,6) roll2 = random.randint(1,6) self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s rolls %s and %s!" % (prefix.nick, roll1, roll2)) player.hasRolled = True player.rollValue = roll1+roll2 # Check if all players have rolled for player in self.players: if not player.hasRolled: return # start endgame timer self.step = 4 self.endgameResultTimer = Timer(2, self.endgameResults) self.endgameResultTimer.start() elif self.step == 4: pass #senderIsOp = self.master.attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "op")=="yes" def clearTimer(self, timer): if timer: timer.cancel() timer = None def removePlayer(self, playerNick): pos = -1 for i in range(0, len(self.players)): if self.players[i].nick == playerNick: pos = i break if pos >= 0: self.players.pop(pos) def canStart(self): # Return true if the step is 'lobby' mode and player count is OK return self.step == 0 and len(self.players)>=self.minPlayers def initStartCountdown(self): # Start the game-start countdown self.startCountdownTimer = Timer(self.master.config["lobbyIdleSeconds"], self.lobbyCountdownDone) self.startCountdownTimer.start() self.step = 1 def lobbyCountdownDone(self): self.step = 2 self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "Collecting DOGE and starting game.. Type .roll !") # Make a wallet for this game self.walletName = "DogeDice-"+self.channel # Generate an address to 'create' a wallet self.master.doge.getAcctAddr(self.walletName) # Verify and move funds from each player for player in self.players: playerBalance = self.master.doge.getAcctBal(player.dogeWalletName) if playerBalance < self.bet: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "%s was dropped from the game!") self.removePlayer(player.nick) if len(self.players) <= 1: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "1 or players left - game over!") self.resetGame() return # Take doges for player in self.players: self.master.doge.move(player.dogeWalletName, self.walletName, self.bet) # Pre-game setup (nothing !) # Accept game commands self.step = 3 # Start play timeout self.playTimeout = Timer(30, self.gamePlayTimeoutExpired) self.playTimeout.start() def gamePlayTimeoutExpired(self): # Time out - return doges self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "Time expired! Returning all doges.") # TODO: Option beteen this and user surrenders their coins on timeout if self.step == 3: # In game step. Refund doges for player in self.players: self.master.doge.move(self.walletName, player.dogeWalletName, self.bet) self.resetGame() def endgameResults(self): maxRollNames = [] maxRollValue = 0 for player in self.players: if player.rollValue > maxRollValue: maxRollNames = [] maxRollNames.append(player.nick) maxRollValue = player.rollValue if player.rollValue == maxRollValue: if not player.nick in maxRollNames: maxRollNames.append(player.nick) pot = self.master.doge.getAcctBal(self.walletName) DOGEeachDec = pot/len(maxRollNames) DOGEeach = math.floor(DOGEeachDec*100000000) / 100000000 if len(maxRollNames)==1: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "We have a winner - %s! Winnings are: %s DOGE" % (maxRollNames[0], DOGEeach)) else: self.master.bot.act_PRIVMSG(self.channel, "We have a tie between %s - The take is %s DOGE each" % (' and '.join(maxRollNames), DOGEeach)) # Pay out for nick in maxRollNames: player = self.getPlayer(nick) self.master.doge.move(self.walletName, player.dogeWalletName, DOGEeach) # the end! self.resetGame() def resetGame(self): self.clearTimer(self.startCountdownTimer) self.startCountdownTimer = None self.clearTimer(self.endgameResultTimer) self.endgameResultTimer = None self.clearTimer(self.playTimeout) self.playTimeout = None self.master.removeGame(self.channel) def gameover(self): self.gamePlayTimeoutExpired() class playerObj: def __init__(self, game, nick): self.game = game self.nick = nick # Save the player's wallet name self.dogeWalletName = None # Set to true after they roll self.hasRolled = False # Sum of their dice self.rollValue = None