import pytest from tests.lib import * # NOQA - fixtures from unittest.mock import call @pytest.fixture def helpbot(fakebot): """ Provide a bot loaded with the ModInfo module """ fakebot.loadmodule("ModInfo") return fakebot def test_helpindex(helpbot): helpbot.feed_line(".helpindex") helpbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_called_once_with('#test', 'chatter: commands: .help, .helpindex') def test_help(helpbot): helpbot.feed_line(".help") helpbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_has_calls([call('#test', 'ModInfo: .help [command] show the manual for all or [commands]'), call('#test', 'ModInfo: .helpindex show a short list of all commands')], any_order=True) def test_help_one(helpbot): helpbot.feed_line(".help .helpindex") helpbot.act_PRIVMSG.assert_called_once_with('#test', 'RTFM: .helpindex: helpindex show a short list of all commands')