from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, MissingDependancyException, command from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info from pyircbot.modules.NickUser import protected from contextlib import closing from decimal import Decimal from time import sleep, time from queue import Queue, Empty from threading import Thread from requests import get from collections import namedtuple from math import ceil from datetime import datetime, timedelta import re import json import traceback RE_SYMBOL = re.compile(r'^([A-Z\-]+)$') DUSTACCT = "#dust" Trade = namedtuple("Trade", "nick buy symbol amount replyto") def format_price(cents, prefix="$", plus=False): """ Formats cents as a dollar value """ return format_decimal((Decimal(cents) / 100) if cents > 0 else 0, # avoids "-0.00" output prefix, plus) def format_decimal(decm, prefix="$", plus=False): """ Formats a decimal as a dollar value """ return "{}{}{:,.2f}".format(prefix, "+" if plus and decm >= 0 else "", decm) class StockPlay(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.sqlite ="sqlite") if self.sqlite is None: raise MissingDependancyException("StockPlay: SQLIite service is required.") self.sql = self.sqlite.opendb("stockplay.db") with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: if not self.sql.tableExists("stockplay_balances"): c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `stockplay_balances` ( `nick` varchar(64) PRIMARY KEY, `cents` integer );""") c.execute("""INSERT INTO `stockplay_balances` VALUES (?, ?)""", (DUSTACCT, 0)) if not self.sql.tableExists("stockplay_holdings"): c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `stockplay_holdings` ( `nick` varchar(64), `symbol` varchar(12), `count` integer, PRIMARY KEY (nick, symbol) );""") if not self.sql.tableExists("stockplay_trades"): c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `stockplay_trades` ( `nick` varchar(64), `time` integer, `type` varchar(8), `symbol` varchar(12), `count` integer, `price` integer );""") if not self.sql.tableExists("stockplay_prices"): c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `stockplay_prices` ( `symbol` varchar(12) PRIMARY KEY, `time` integer, `data` text );""") if not self.sql.tableExists("stockplay_balance_history"): c.execute("""CREATE TABLE `stockplay_balance_history` ( `nick` varchar(64), `day` text, `cents` integer, PRIMARY KEY(nick, day) );""") # Last time the interval tasks were executed self.task_time = 0 # background work executor thread self.asyncq = Queue() self.running = True self.trader = Thread(target=self.trader_background) self.trader.start() # quote updater thread self.pricer = Thread(target=self.price_updater) self.pricer.start() def price_updater(self): """ Perform quote cache updating task """ while self.running:"price_updater") try: updatesym = None with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: row = c.execute("""SELECT * FROM stockplay_prices WHERE symbol in (SELECT symbol FROM stockplay_holdings WHERE count>0) ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1""").fetchone() updatesym = row["symbol"] if row else None if updatesym: self.get_price(updatesym, 0) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() delay = self.config["bginterval"] while self.running and delay > 0: delay -= 1 sleep(1) def ondisable(self): self.running = False self.trader.join() self.pricer.join() def trader_background(self): """ Perform trading, reporting and other background tasks """ while self.running: try: queued = None try: queued = self.asyncq.get(block=True, timeout=1) except Empty: self.do_tasks() continue if queued: action, data = queued if action == "trade": self.do_trade(data) elif action == "portreport": self.do_report(*data) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() continue def do_trade(self, trade): """ Perform a queued trade """ self.log.warning("{} wants to {} {} of {}".format(trade.nick, "buy" if else "sell", trade.amount, trade.symbol)) # Update quote price try: symprice = self.get_price(trade.symbol, self.config["tcachesecs"]) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(), "{}: invalid symbol or api failure, trade aborted!" .format(trade.nick)) return if symprice is None:, "{}: invalid symbol '{}'".format(trade.nick, trade.symbol)) return # invalid stock # calculate various prices needed # symprice -= Decimal("0.0001") # for testing dust collection dprice = symprice * trade.amount price_rounded = int(ceil(dprice * 100)) # now in cents dust = abs((dprice * 100) - price_rounded) # cent fractions that we rounded out"our price: {}".format(price_rounded))"dust: {}".format(dust)) # fetch existing user balances nickbal = self.get_bal(trade.nick) count = self.get_holding(trade.nick, trade.symbol) # check if trade is legal if and nickbal < price_rounded:, "{}: you can't afford {}." .format(trade.nick, format_price(price_rounded))) return # can't afford trade if not and trade.amount > count:, "{}: you don't have that many.".format(trade.nick)) return # asked to sell more shares than they have # perform trade calculations if nickbal -= price_rounded count += trade.amount else: nickbal += price_rounded count -= trade.amount # commit the trade self.set_bal(trade.nick, nickbal) self.set_holding(trade.nick, trade.symbol, count) # save dust dustbal = self.get_bal(DUSTACCT) self.set_bal(DUSTACCT, dustbal + int(dust * 100)) # notify user, "{}: {} {} {} for {}. cash: {}".format(trade.nick, "bought" if else "sold", trade.amount, trade.symbol, format_price(price_rounded), format_price(nickbal))) self.log_trade(trade.nick, time(), "buy" if else "sell", trade.symbol, trade.amount, price_rounded) def do_report(self, lookup, sender, replyto, full): """ Generate a text report of the nick's portfolio :: <@player> .port player: cash: $2,501.73 stock value: ~$7,498.27 total: ~$10,000.00 player: 122xAMD=$2,812.10, 10xFB=$1,673.30, 10xJNUG=$108.80, 5xINTC=$244.20, ... player: 1xJD=$23.99, 1xMFGP=$19.78, 1xNOK=$6.16, 1xNVDA=$148.17, 1xTWTR=$30.01 """ data = self.build_report(lookup) dest = sender if full else replyto # Format holdings as "{symbol}x{price}={total_value}" sym_x_count = [] for symbol, count, symprice in data["holdings"]: sym_x_count.append("{}x{}={}".format(count, symbol, format_decimal(symprice * count))) profit = data["24hgain"] >= 0 gainloss = "(24h {}{} ({:,.2f}%){}\x0f)" \ .format("\x0303" if profit else "\x0304", # green or red format_decimal(data["24hgain"], prefix="", plus=True), data["24hpct"] * 100, "⬆" if profit else "⬇"), "{}: {} cash: {} stock value: ~{} total: ~{} {}" .format(sender, "you have" if lookup == sender else "{} has".format(lookup), format_decimal(data["cash"]), format_decimal(data["holding_value"]), format_decimal(data["cash"] + data["holding_value"]), gainloss)) # print each symbol_count/total value with a max of 10 symbols per line while full and sym_x_count: message_segment = [] for i in range(min(len(sym_x_count), 10)): # show up to 10 "SYMx$d0llar, " strings per message message_segment.append(sym_x_count.pop(0)) if sym_x_count: # if there's more to print, append an ellipsis to indicate a forthcoming message message_segment.append("..."), "{}: {}".format(sender, ", ".join(message_segment))) def build_report(self, nick): """ Return a dict containing the player's cash, stock value, holdings listing, and 24 hour statistics. """ cash = Decimal(self.get_bal(nick)) / 100 # generate a list of (symbol, count, price) tuples of the player's holdings symbol_count = [] holding_value = Decimal(0) with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_holdings WHERE count>0 AND nick=? ORDER BY count DESC", (nick, )).fetchall(): # the API limits us to 5 requests per minute or 500 requests per day or about 1 request every 173s # The background thread updates the oldest price every 5 minutes. Here, we allow even very stale quotes # because it's simply impossible to request fresh data for every stock right now. Recommended rcachesecs # is 86400 (1 day) symprice = Decimal(self.get_price(row["symbol"], self.config["rcachesecs"])) holding_value += symprice * row["count"] symbol_count.append((row["symbol"], row["count"], symprice)) # calculate gain/loss percent # TODO 1 week / 2 week / 1 month averages day_start_bal = self.get_latest_hist_bal(nick) gain_value = Decimal(0) gain_pct = Decimal(0) if day_start_bal: newbal = cash + holding_value startbal = Decimal(day_start_bal["cents"]) / 100 gain_value = newbal - startbal gain_pct = gain_value / startbal return {"cash": cash, "holdings": symbol_count, "holding_value": holding_value, "24hgain": gain_value, "24hpct": gain_pct} def do_tasks(self): """ Do interval tasks such as recording nightly balances """ now = time() if now - 60 < self.task_time: return self.task_time = now self.record_nightly_balances() def get_price(self, symbol, thresh=None): """ Get symbol price, with quote being at most $thresh seconds old """ return self.get_priceinfo_cached(symbol, thresh or 60)["price"] def get_priceinfo_cached(self, symbol, thresh): """ Return the cached symbol price if it's more recent than the last 15 minutes Otherwise, fetch the price then cache and return it. """ cached = self._get_cache_priceinfo(symbol, thresh) if not cached: cached = self.fetch_priceinfo(symbol) if cached: self._set_cache_priceinfo(symbol, cached) numfields = set(['open', 'high', 'low', 'price', 'volume', 'change', 'previous close']) return {k: Decimal(v) if k in numfields else v for k, v in cached.items()} def _set_cache_priceinfo(self, symbol, data): with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: c.execute("REPLACE INTO stockplay_prices VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (symbol, time(), json.dumps(data))) def _get_cache_priceinfo(self, symbol, thresh): with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: row = c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_prices WHERE symbol=?", (symbol, )).fetchone() if not row: return if time() - row["time"] > thresh: return return json.loads(row["data"]) def fetch_priceinfo(self, symbol): """ Request a stock quote from the API. The API provides the format:: {'Global Quote': { {'01. symbol': 'MSFT', '02. open': '104.3900', '03. high': '105.7800', '04. low': '104.2603', '05. price': '105.6700', '06. volume': '21461093', '07. latest trading day':'2019-02-08', '08. previous close':'105.2700', '09. change': '0.4000', '10. change percent': '0.3800%'}} Reformat as:: {'symbol': 'AMD', 'open': '22.3300', 'high': '23.2750', 'low': '22.2700', 'price': '23.0500', 'volume': '78129280', 'latest trading day': '2019-02-08', 'previous close': '22.6700', 'change': '0.3800', 'change percent': '1.6762%'} """ keys = set(['symbol', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'price', 'volume', 'latest trading day', 'previous close', 'change', 'change percent'])"fetching api quote for symbol: {}".format(symbol)) data = get("", params={"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE", "symbol": symbol, "apikey": self.config["apikey"]}, timeout=10).json() data = data["Global Quote"] if not data: return None return {k[4:]: v for k, v in data.items() if k[4:] in keys} def checksym(self, s): """ Validate that a string looks like a stock symbol """ if len(s) > 12: return s = s.upper() if not RE_SYMBOL.match(s): return return s @info("buy ", "buy of stock ", cmds=["buy"]) @command("buy", require_args=True, allow_private=True) @protected() def cmd_buy(self, message, command): """ Command to buy stocks """ self.check_nick(message.prefix.nick) amount = int(command.args[0]) symbol = self.checksym(command.args[1]) if not symbol or amount <= 0: return self.asyncq.put(("trade", Trade(message.prefix.nick, True, symbol, amount, message.args[0] if message.args[0].startswith("#") else message.prefix.nick))) @info("sell ", "buy of stock ", cmds=["sell"]) @command("sell", require_args=True, allow_private=True) @protected() def cmd_sell(self, message, command): """ Command to sell stocks """ self.check_nick(message.prefix.nick) amount = int(command.args[0]) symbol = self.checksym(command.args[1]) if not symbol or amount <= 0: return self.asyncq.put(("trade", Trade(message.prefix.nick, False, symbol, amount, message.args[0] if message.args[0].startswith("#") else message.prefix.nick))) @info("port", "show portfolio holdings", cmds=["port", "portfolio"]) @command("port", "portfolio", allow_private=True) @protected() def cmd_port(self, message, command): """ Portfolio report command """ full = False lookup = message.prefix.nick if command.args: if command.args[0] == "full": full = True else: lookup = command.args[0] if len(command.args) > 1 and command.args[1] == "full": full = True self.asyncq.put(("portreport", (lookup, message.prefix.nick, message.prefix.nick if full or not message.args[0].startswith("#") else message.args[0], full))) def check_nick(self, nick): """ Set up a user's account by setting the initial balance """ if not self.nick_exists(nick): self.set_bal(nick, self.config["startbalance"] * 100) # initial balance for user # TODO welcome message # TODO maybe even some random free shares for funzies def nick_exists(self, name): """ Check whether a nick has a record """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: return c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM stockplay_balances WHERE nick=?", (name, )).fetchone()["num"] and True def set_bal(self, nick, amount): """ Set a player's balance :param amount: new balance in cents """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: c.execute("REPLACE INTO stockplay_balances VALUES (?, ?)", (nick, amount, )) def get_bal(self, nick): """ Get player's balance :return: balance in cents """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: return c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_balances WHERE nick=?", (nick, )).fetchone()["cents"] def get_holding(self, nick, symbol): """ Return the number of stocks of a certain symbol a player has """ assert symbol == symbol.upper() with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: r = c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_holdings WHERE nick=? AND symbol=?", (nick, symbol, )).fetchone() return r["count"] if r else 0 def set_holding(self, nick, symbol, count): """ Set the number of stocks of a certain symbol a player that """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: c.execute("REPLACE INTO stockplay_holdings VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (nick, symbol, count, )) def log_trade(self, nick, time, type, symbol, count, price): """ Append a record of a trade to the database log """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: c.execute("INSERT INTO stockplay_trades VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (nick, time, type, symbol, count, price, )) def get_latest_hist_bal(self, nick): """ Return the most recent historical balance of a player. Aka their "opening" value. """ with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: return c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_balance_history WHERE nick=? ORDER BY DAY DESC LIMIT 1", (nick, )).fetchone() def record_nightly_balances(self): """ Create a record for each user's balance at the start of each day. """ now = ( + timedelta(seconds=self.config.get("midnight_offset", 0))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c: for row in c.execute("""SELECT * FROM stockplay_balances WHERE nick NOT IN (SELECT nick FROM stockplay_balance_history WHERE day=?)""", (now, )).fetchall(): data = self.build_report(row["nick"]) total = int((data["cash"] + data["holding_value"]) * 100)"Recording {} daily balance for {}".format(now, row["nick"])) c.execute("INSERT INTO stockplay_balance_history VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (row["nick"], now, total))