********************* Initial Configuration ********************* This is a quick-start guide for the minimal setup to run PyIRCBot. Getting Started =============== PyIRCBot is modular. The core bot files will reside whereever your system keeps python modules. User modules and data are kept where you want. This way, setups can be created where many unprivileged users may rely one one set of core/module files they cannot edit, but can customize their instance. Configuration is stored in 2 locations: - **Instance config** - Information about one instance of the bot, such as where module data for the instance will be stored, server address, etc. - **Module config** - Where module configuration settings are be stored Instance Configuration ====================== .. code-block:: json { "bot":{ "datadir":"./data/", "rpcbind":"", "rpcport":1876, "usermodules": [ "./data/modules/" ] }, "connection":{ "servers": [ ["weber.freenode.net", 6667], ["asimov.freenode.net", 6667], ["card.freenode.net", 6667], ["dickson.freenode.net", 6667], ["morgan.freenode.net", 6667] ], "ipv6":"off" }, "modules":[ "PingResponder", "Services" ] } In the example directory, this is stored in `config.json`. This may be substituted for a YML file with the same data structure. This contains several options: .. cmdoption:: bot.datadir Location where module data will be stored. This directory must contains two directories: `config` and `data`. Config contains a config file for each module of the same name (for example: Services.json for ``Services`` module). Data can be empty, the bot will create directories for each module as needed. .. cmdoption:: bot.rpcbind Address on which to listen for RPC conncetions. RPC has no authentication so using is reccommended. .. cmdoption:: bot.rpcport Port on which RPC will listen .. cmdoption:: bot.usermodules Paths to directories where modules where also be included from .. cmdoption:: connection.servers List of hostnames or IP addresses and ports of the IRC server to connection to. First entry will be used for the initial connection on startup. If we the bot must reconnect to the IRC server later, the next server will be used. .. cmdoption:: connection.ipv6 Enable or disable defaulting to IPv6 using the value "off" or "on" .. cmdoption:: modules A list of modules to load. Modules are loaded in the order they are listed here. :doc:`PingResponder ` and :doc:`Services ` are the *bare minimum* needed to open and maintain and IRC connection.