#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ .. module::ModInfo :synopsis: Provides manpage-like info for commands """ from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command class info(object): """ Decorator for tagging module methods with help text .. code-block:: python from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info ... @info("help [command] show the manual for all or [commands]", cmds=["help", "rtfm"]) @command("help") def cmd_help(self, msg, cmd): ... :param docstring: command help formatted as above :type docstring: str :param cmds: enable command names or aliases this function implements, as a list of strings. E.g. if the "help" command has the alias "rtfm" :type cmds: list """ def __init__(self, docstring, cmds=None): self.docstring = docstring self.commands = cmds or [] def __call__(self, func): if hasattr(func, "irchelp"): func.irchelp.append(self.docstring) else: setattr(func, "irchelp", [self.docstring]) if hasattr(func, "irchelpc"): func.irchelpc.append(self.commands) else: setattr(func, "irchelpc", [self.commands]) return func class ModInfo(ModuleBase): @info("help [command] show the manual for all or [commands]", cmds=["help"]) @command("help") def cmd_help(self, msg, cmd): """ Get help on a command """ if cmd.args: for modname, module, helptext, helpcommands in self.iter_modules(): if cmd.args[0] in ["{}{}".format(command.prefix, i) for i in helpcommands]: self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(msg.args[0], "RTFM: {}: {}".format(cmd.args[0], helptext)) else: for modname, module, helptext, helpcommands in self.iter_modules(): self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(msg.args[0], "{}: {}{}".format(modname, command.prefix, helptext)) @info("helpindex show a short list of all commands", cmds=["helpindex"]) @command("helpindex") def cmd_helpindex(self, msg, cmd): """ Short index of commands """ commands = [] for modname, module, helptext, helpcommands in self.iter_modules(): commands += ["{}{}".format(command.prefix, i) for i in helpcommands] self.bot.act_PRIVMSG(msg.args[0], "{}: commands: {}".format(msg.prefix.nick, ", ".join(commands))) def iter_modules(self): """ Iterator that cycles through module methods that are tagged with help information. The iterator yields tuples of: (module_name, module_object, helptext, command_list) """ for modname, module in self.bot.moduleInstances.items(): for attr_name in dir(module): attr = getattr(module, attr_name) if callable(attr) and hasattr(attr, "irchelp"): for cmdhelp, cmdaliases in zip(getattr(attr, "irchelp"), getattr(attr, "irchelpc")): yield (modname, module, cmdhelp, cmdaliases, ) raise StopIteration()