#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser from pyircbot import PyIRCBot if __name__ == "__main__": " logging level and facility " logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s") log = logging.getLogger('main') " parse command line args " parser = ArgumentParser(description="Run pyircbot") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Path to config file", required=True) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Dump raw irc network") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.debug(args) if not args.config: log.critical("No bot config file specified (-c). Exiting.") sys.exit(0) botconfig = PyIRCBot.load(args.config) log.debug(botconfig) bot = PyIRCBot(botconfig) try: bot.loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: bot.kill(message="Ctrl-C pressed!")