import zmq from threading import Semaphore from time import sleep, time class PublishSetupException(Exception): pass class MsgbusSubClient(object): def __init__(self, host, port=None, pubport=None): = host self.port = port self.pubport = pubport self._ctx = None # ZMQ context self.sub_socket = None # listener sockets self.subscriptions = [] self.pub_socket = None # publisher socket self.lock = Semaphore(1) # self.connect() def close(self): if self.sub_socket: self.sub_socket.close() if self.pub_socket: self.pub_socket.close() if self.ctx: self.ctx.destroy() @property def ctx(self): if not self._ctx: self._ctx = zmq.Context() return self._ctx def connect(self): if self.port and not self.sub_socket: self.connect_sub(, self.port) if self.pubport and not self.pub_socket: self.connect_pub(, self.pubport) def connect_sub(self, host, port): self.sub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(host, port)) def connect_pub(self, host, port): pub_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) pub_socket.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(host, port)) self.pub_socket = pub_socket def sub(self, channel=None): if channel is None: channel = '' assert type(channel) is str if not self.sub_socket: self.connect_sub(, self.port) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, channel.encode("utf-8")) self.subscriptions.append(channel) def unsub(self, channel): assert type(channel) is str if channel in self.subscriptions: self.subscriptions.remove(channel) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.UNSUBSCRIBE, channel.encode("utf-8")) def recv(self, decode=True, block=True): recv_args = (zmq.NOBLOCK, ) if not block else () message = self.sub_socket.recv(*recv_args) channel, body = message.split(b' ', 1) return channel.decode("utf-8"), (body.decode('utf-8') if decode else body) def _setup_publish_socket(self, timeout=5): start = time() try: self.sub("__msgbus_meta") while not timeout or time() < start + timeout: try: channel, message = self.recv(block=False) except zmq.error.Again: sleep(0.01) continue if channel != "__msgbus_meta": continue meta, args = message.split(" ", 1) if meta != "__my_info": continue server_name, subport, subproto, pubport, pubproto = args.split(" ") self.pubport = subport self.connect_pub(, self.pubport) return raise PublishSetupException("Could not establish publisher socket") finally: self.unsub("__msgbus_meta") def pub(self, channel, message, encode_msg=True, settle=True, timeout=5): if encode_msg: message = message.encode("utf-8") if not self.pub_socket: with self.lock: self.prepare_pub(timeout=timeout, settle=settle) self.pub_socket.send(channel.encode("utf-8") + b' ' + message) def prepare_pub(self, timeout=5, settle=True): self._setup_publish_socket(timeout) if settle: sleep(1)