import os import sqlite3 import logging from hashlib import sha512 from time import time from contextlib import closing from collections import Iterable from pysonic.scanner import PysonicFilesystemScanner logger = logging.getLogger("database") LETTER_GROUPS = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "xyz", "0123456789"] keys_in_table = ["title", "album", "artist", "type", "size"] def dict_factory(c, row): d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(c.description): d[col[0]] = row[idx] return d class NotFoundError(Exception): pass class DuplicateRootException(Exception): pass def hash_password(unicode_string): return sha512(unicode_string.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest() def cursor(func): """ Provides a cursor to the wrapped method as the first arg. """ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if len(args) >= 2 and isinstance(args[1], sqlite3.Cursor): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: with closing(self.db.cursor()) as c: return func(self, c, *args[1:], **kwargs) return wrapped class PysonicDatabase(object): def __init__(self, path): self.sqlite_opts = dict(check_same_thread=False) self.path = path self.db = None self.migrate() self.scanner = PysonicFilesystemScanner(self) def open(self): with open(self.path, "rb"): # sqlite doesn't give very descriptive permission errors, but this does pass self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.path, **self.sqlite_opts) self.db.row_factory = dict_factory def update(self): """ Start the library media scanner ands """ self.scanner.init_scan() def migrate(self): # Create db queries = ["""CREATE TABLE 'libraries' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'name' TEXT, 'path' TEXT UNIQUE);""", """CREATE TABLE 'dirs' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'library' INTEGER, 'parent' INTEGER, 'name' TEXT, UNIQUE(parent, name) )""", """CREATE TABLE 'genres' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'name' TEXT UNIQUE)""", """CREATE TABLE 'artists' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'libraryid' INTEGER, 'dir' INTEGER UNIQUE, 'name' TEXT)""", """CREATE TABLE 'albums' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'artistid' INTEGER, 'coverid' INTEGER, 'dir' INTEGER, 'name' TEXT, 'added' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, 'played' INTEGER, 'plays' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (artistid, dir));""", """CREATE TABLE 'songs' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'library' INTEGER, 'albumid' BOOLEAN, 'genre' INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, 'file' TEXT UNIQUE, -- path from the library root 'size' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, 'title' TEXT NOT NULL, 'lastscan' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, 'format' TEXT, 'length' INTEGER, 'bitrate' INTEGER, 'track' INTEGER, 'year' INTEGER, 'plays' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 )""", """CREATE TABLE 'covers' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 'library' INTEGER, 'type' TEXT, 'size' TEXT, 'path' TEXT UNIQUE);""", """CREATE TABLE 'users' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, 'username' TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, 'password' TEXT NOT NULL, 'admin' BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, 'email' TEXT)""", """CREATE TABLE 'stars' ( 'userid' INTEGER, 'songid' INTEGER, primary key ('userid', 'songid'))""", """CREATE TABLE 'playlists' ( 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, 'ownerid' INTEGER, 'name' TEXT, 'public' BOOLEAN, 'created' INTEGER, 'changed' INTEGER, 'cover' INTEGER, UNIQUE ('ownerid', 'name'))""", """CREATE TABLE 'playlist_entries' ( 'playlistid' INTEGER, 'songid' INTEGER, 'order' FLOAT)""", """CREATE TABLE 'meta' ( 'key' TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'value' TEXT);""", """INSERT INTO meta VALUES ('db_version', '1');"""] with closing(self.db.cursor()) as c: c.execute("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='meta'") # Initialize DB if len(c.fetchall()) == 0: logger.warning("Initializing database") for query in queries: c.execute(query) c.execute("COMMIT") else: # Migrate if old db exists # c.execute("""UPDATE meta SET value=? WHERE key="db_version";""", (str(version), )) # logger.warning("db schema is version {}".format(version)) pass def get_artist_info(self, item_id): #TODO return {"biography": "placeholder biography", "musicBrainzId": "playerholder", "lastFmUrl": "", "smallImageUrl": "", "mediumImageUrl": "", "largeImageUrl": "", "similarArtists": []} @cursor def get_stats(self, c): songs = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM songs").fetchone()['cnt'] artists = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM artists").fetchone()['cnt'] albums = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM albums").fetchone()['cnt'] return dict(songs=songs, artists=artists, albums=albums) # Music related @cursor def add_root(self, c, path, name="Library"): """ Add a new library root. Returns the root ID or raises on collision :param path: normalized absolute path to add to the library :type path: str: :return: int :raises: sqlite3.IntegrityError """ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) try: c.execute("INSERT INTO libraries ('name', 'path') VALUES (?, ?)", (name, path, )) c.execute("COMMIT") return c.lastrowid except sqlite3.IntegrityError: raise DuplicateRootException("Root '{}' already exists".format(path)) @cursor def get_libraries(self, c, id=None): libs = [] q = "SELECT * FROM libraries" params = [] conditions = [] if id: conditions.append("id = ?") params.append(id) if conditions: q += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) c.execute(q, params) for row in c: libs.append(row) return libs @cursor def get_artists(self, c, id=None, dirid=None, sortby="name", order=None, name_contains=None): assert order in ["asc", "desc", None] artists = [] q = "SELECT * FROM artists" params = [] conditions = [] if id: conditions.append("id = ?") params.append(id) if dirid: conditions.append("dir = ?") params.append(dirid) if name_contains: conditions.append("name LIKE ?") params.append("%{}%".format(name_contains)) if conditions: q += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) if sortby: q += " ORDER BY {} {}".format(sortby, order.upper() if order else "ASC") c.execute(q, params) for row in c: artists.append(row) return artists @cursor def get_albums(self, c, id=None, artist=None, sortby="name", order=None, limit=None, name_contains=None): """ :param limit: int or tuple of int, int. translates directly to sql logic. """ if order: order = {"asc": "ASC", "desc": "DESC"}[order] if sortby == "random": sortby = "RANDOM()" albums = [] q = """ SELECT alb.*, as artistname, dirs.parent as artistdir FROM albums as alb INNER JOIN artists as art on alb.artistid = INNER JOIN dirs on = alb.dir """ params = [] conditions = [] if id: conditions.append("id = ?") params.append(id) if artist: conditions.append("artistid = ?") params.append(artist) if name_contains: conditions.append(" LIKE ?") params.append("%{}%".format(name_contains)) if conditions: q += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) if sortby: q += " ORDER BY {}".format(sortby) if order: q += " {}".format(order) if limit: q += " LIMIT {}".format(limit) if isinstance(limit, int) \ else " LIMIT {}, {}".format(*limit) c.execute(q, params) for row in c: albums.append(row) return albums @cursor def get_songs(self, c, id=None, genre=None, sortby="title", order=None, limit=None, title_contains=None): # TODO make this query massively uglier by joining albums and artists so that artistid etc can be a filter # or maybe lookup those IDs in the library layer? if order: order = {"asc": "ASC", "desc": "DESC"}[order] if sortby == "random": sortby = "RANDOM()" songs = [] q = """ SELECT s.*, lib.path as root, as albumname, alb.coverid as albumcoverid, as artistname, as genrename, as albumdir FROM songs as s INNER JOIN libraries as lib on s.library == INNER JOIN albums as alb on s.albumid == INNER JOIN dirs as albdir on = alb.dir INNER JOIN artists as art on alb.artistid = LEFT JOIN genres as g on s.genre == """ params = [] conditions = [] if id and isinstance(id, int): conditions.append(" = ?") params.append(id) elif id and isinstance(id, Iterable): conditions.append(" IN ({})".format(",".join("?" * len(id)))) params += id if genre: conditions.append(" = ?") params.append(genre) if title_contains: conditions.append("s.title LIKE ?") params.append("%{}%".format(title_contains)) if conditions: q += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) if sortby: q += " ORDER BY {}".format(sortby) if order: q += " {}".format(order) if limit: q += " LIMIT {}".format(limit) # TODO support limit pagination c.execute(q, params) for row in c: songs.append(row) return songs @cursor def get_genres(self, c, genre_id=None): genres = [] q = "SELECT * FROM genres" params = [] conditions = [] if genre_id: conditions.append("id = ?") params.append(genre_id) if conditions: q += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) c.execute(q, params) for row in c: genres.append(row) return genres @cursor def get_cover(self, c, cover_id): cover = None for cover in c.execute("SELECT * FROM covers WHERE id = ?", (cover_id, )): return cover def get_cover_path(self, cover_id): cover = self.get_cover(cover_id) library = self.get_libraries(cover["library"])[0] return os.path.join(library["path"], cover["path"]) @cursor def get_subsonic_musicdir(self, c, dirid): """ The world is a harsh place. Again, this bullshit exists only to serve subsonic clients. Given a directory ID it returns a dict containing: - the directory itself - its parent - its child dirs - its child media that's a lie, it's a tuple and it's full of BS. read the code """ # find directory dirinfo = None for dirinfo in c.execute("SELECT * FROM dirs WHERE id = ?", (dirid, )): pass assert dirinfo ret = None # see if it matches the artists or albums table artist = None for artist in c.execute("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE dir = ?", (dirid, )): pass # if artist: # get child albums if artist: ret = ("artist", dirinfo, artist) children = [] for album in c.execute("SELECT * FROM albums WHERE artistid = ?", (artist["id"], )): children.append(("album", album)) ret[2]['children'] = children return ret # else if album: # get child tracks album = None for album in c.execute("SELECT * FROM albums WHERE dir = ?", (dirid, )): pass if album: ret = ("album", dirinfo, album) artist_info = c.execute("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id = ?", (album["artistid"], )).fetchall()[0] children = [] for song in c.execute("SELECT * FROM songs WHERE albumid = ? ORDER BY track, title ASC;", (album["id"], )): song["_artist"] = artist_info children.append(("song", song)) ret[2]['children'] = children return ret # Playlist related @cursor def add_playlist(self, c, ownerid, name, song_ids, public=False): """ Create a playlist """ now = time() c.execute("INSERT INTO playlists (ownerid, name, public, created, changed) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (ownerid, name, public, now, now)) plid = c.lastrowid for song_id in song_ids: self.add_to_playlist(c, plid, song_id) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def add_to_playlist(self, c, playlist_id, song_id): # TODO deal with order column c.execute("INSERT INTO playlist_entries (playlistid, songid) VALUES (?, ?)", (playlist_id, song_id)) @cursor def get_playlist(self, c, playlist_id): return c.execute("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id=?", (playlist_id, )).fetchone() @cursor def get_playlist_songs(self, c, playlist_id): songs = [] q = """ SELECT s.*, as albumname, alb.coverid as albumcoverid, as artistname, as artistid, as genrename FROM playlist_entries as pe INNER JOIN songs as s on pe.songid == INNER JOIN albums as alb on s.albumid == INNER JOIN artists as art on alb.artistid = LEFT JOIN genres as g on s.genre == WHERE pe.playlistid = ? ORDER BY pe.'order' ASC; """ for row in c.execute(q, (playlist_id, )): songs.append(row) return songs @cursor def get_playlists(self, c, user_id): playlists = [] for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE ownerid=? or public=1", (user_id, )): playlists.append(row) return playlists @cursor def remove_index_from_playlist(self, c, playlist_id, index): c.execute("DELETE FROM playlist_entries WHERE playlistid=? LIMIT ?, 1", (playlist_id, index, )) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def empty_playlist(self, c, playlist_id): #TODO combine with delete_playlist c.execute("DELETE FROM playlist_entries WHERE playlistid=?", (playlist_id, )) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def delete_playlist(self, c, playlist_id): c.execute("DELETE FROM playlist_entries WHERE playlistid=?", (playlist_id, )) c.execute("DELETE FROM playlists WHERE id=?", (playlist_id, )) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def update_album_played(self, c, album_id, last_played=None): c.execute("UPDATE albums SET played=? WHERE id=?", (last_played, album_id, )) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def increment_album_plays(self, c, album_id): c.execute("UPDATE albums SET plays = plays + 1 WHERE id=?", (album_id, )) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def increment_track_plays(self, c, track_id): c.execute("UPDATE songs SET plays = plays + 1 WHERE id=?", (track_id, )) c.execute("COMMIT") # User related @cursor def add_user(self, c, username, password, is_admin=False): c.execute("INSERT INTO users (username, password, admin) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (username, hash_password(password), is_admin)) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def update_user(self, c, username, password, is_admin=False): c.execute("UPDATE users SET password=?, admin=? WHERE username=?;", (hash_password(password), is_admin, username)) c.execute("COMMIT") @cursor def get_user(self, c, user): try: column = "id" if type(user) is int else "username" return c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE {}=?;".format(column), (user, )).fetchall()[0] except IndexError: raise NotFoundError("User doesn't exist")