import os import logging import subprocess from time import time from threading import Thread from pysonic.database import LETTER_GROUPS from pysonic.types import MUSIC_TYPES, TYPE_TO_EXTENSION from pysonic.apilib import formatresponse, ApiResponse import cherrypy logging = logging.getLogger("api") def extension(mime): r = TYPE_TO_EXTENSION.get(mime) print(f"getting extension for {mime}: {r}") return r class PysonicSubsonicApi(object): def __init__(self, db, options): self.db = db self.options = options @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def index(self): response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("totals", **self.db.get_stats()) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def ping_view(self, **kwargs): # Called when the app hits the "test connection" server option return ApiResponse() @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getLicense_view(self, **kwargs): # Called after ping.view response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("license", valid="true", email="admin@localhost", licenseExpires="2100-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", trialExpires="2100-01-01T01:01:00.000Z") return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getMusicFolders_view(self, **kwargs): response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("musicFolders") for folder in self.db.get_libraries(): response.add_child("musicFolder", _parent="musicFolders", id=folder["id"], name=folder["name"]) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getIndexes_view(self, **kwargs): # Get listing of top-level dir response = ApiResponse() # TODO real lastmodified date # TODO deal with ignoredArticles response.add_child("indexes", lastModified="1502310831000", ignoredArticles="The El La Los Las Le Les") artists = self.db.get_artists(sortby="name", order="asc") for letter in LETTER_GROUPS: index = response.add_child("index", _parent="indexes", name=letter.upper()) for artist in artists: if artist["name"][0].lower() in letter: response.add_child("artist", _real_parent=index, id=artist["dir"], name=artist["name"]) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getAlbumList_view(self, type, size=250, offset=0, **kwargs): qargs = {} if type == "random": qargs.update(sortby="random") elif type == "alphabeticalByName": qargs.update(sortby="name", order="asc") elif type == "newest": qargs.update(sortby="added", order="desc") elif type == "recent": qargs.update(sortby="played", order="desc") elif type == "frequent": qargs.update(sortby="plays", order="desc") qargs.update(limit=(offset, size)) albums = self.db.get_albums(**qargs) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("albumList") for album in albums: album_kw = dict(id=album["dir"], parent=album["artistdir"], isDir="true", title=album["name"], album=album["name"], artist=album["artistname"], coverArt=album["coverid"], playCount=album["plays"], #year=TODO #created="2016-05-08T05:31:31.000Z"/>) ) response.add_child("album", _parent="albumList", **album_kw) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getMusicDirectory_view(self, id, **kwargs): """ List either and artist or album dir """ dir_id = int(id) dirtype, dirinfo, entity = self.db.get_subsonic_musicdir(dirid=dir_id) response = ApiResponse() # artists just need this response.add_child("directory", name=entity['name'], id=entity['dir']) if dirtype == "album": # albums can also have # - parent (album dir id) # - playcount response.set_attrs(_path="directory", parent=dirinfo["parent"], playCount=entity["plays"]) #TODO refactor meeeeee for childtype, child in entity["children"]: # omit not dirs and media in browser # if not item["isdir"] and item["type"] not in MUSIC_TYPES: # continue # item_meta = item['metadata'] moreargs = {} if childtype == "album": moreargs.update(name=child["name"], isDir="true", # TODO song files in artist dir parent=entity["dir"], id=child["dir"]) if child["coverid"]: moreargs.update(coverArt=child["coverid"]) # album=item["name"], # title=item["name"], # TODO dupe? # artist=artist["name"], # coverArt=item["coverid"], elif childtype == "song": moreargs.update(title=child["title"], albumId=entity["dir"], album=entity["name"], artistId=child["_artist"]["dir"], artist=child["_artist"]["name"], contentType=child["format"], id=child["id"], duration=child["length"], isDir="false", parent=entity["dir"], track=child["track"], playCount=child["plays"], #TODO suffix can be null/omitted, which causes the client to cache files wrong, while # this isn't ideal, fixing it properly would require significant changes to the scanner. suffix=extension(child["format"]), path=child["file"], # bitRate # discNumber # created= # year=1999 # genre="Alternative & Punk" ) if entity["coverid"]: moreargs.update(coverArt=entity["coverid"]) response.add_child("child", _parent="directory", size="4096", type="music", **moreargs) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' return response @cherrypy.expose def stream_view(self, id, maxBitRate="256", **kwargs): maxBitRate = int(maxBitRate) assert maxBitRate >= 32 and maxBitRate <= 320 song = self.db.get_songs(id=int(id))[0] fpath = os.path.join(song["root"], song["file"]) media_bitrate = song.get("bitrate") / 1024 if song.get("bitrate") else 320 to_bitrate = min(maxBitRate, self.options.max_bitrate, media_bitrate) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'audio/mpeg' #if "media_length" in meta: # cherrypy.response.headers['X-Content-Duration'] = str(int(meta['media_length'])) cherrypy.response.headers['X-Content-Kbitrate'] = str(to_bitrate) if (self.options.skip_transcode or (song.get("bitrate") and media_bitrate == to_bitrate)) \ and song["format"] == "audio/mpeg": def content(): with open(fpath, "rb") as f: while True: data = * 1024) if not data: break yield data return content() else: # transcode_meta = "transcoded_{}_size".format(to_bitrate) # if transcode_meta in meta: # cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(int(meta[transcode_meta])) transcode_args = ["ffmpeg", "-i", fpath, "-map", "0:0", "-b:a", "{}k".format(to_bitrate), "-v", "0", "-f", "mp3", "-"]' '.join(transcode_args)) proc = subprocess.Popen(transcode_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def content(proc): length = 0 # completed = False start = time() try: while True: data = * 1024) if not data: # completed = True break yield data length += len(data) finally: proc.poll() if proc.returncode is None or proc.returncode == 0: logging.warning("transcoded {} in {}s".format(id, int(time() - start))) # if completed: # self.db.report_transcode(id, to_bitrate, length) else: logging.error("transcode of {} exited with code {} after {}s".format(id, proc.returncode, int(time() - start))) def stopit(proc): try: proc.wait(timeout=90) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logging.warning("killing timed-out transcoder") proc.kill() proc.wait() Thread(target=stopit, args=(proc, )).start() return content(proc) stream_view._cp_config = {'': True} @cherrypy.expose def getCoverArt_view(self, id, **kwargs): """ id is a string and if it's a number it's the album at for a...?? could be song or album either by id or directory id lol it could also be: pl-1234 - playlist for now, if the first character isn't a number, we error """ if id.startswith("pl-"): # get art from first track in playlist playlist_id = int(id[len("pl-"):]) songs = self.db.get_playlist_songs(playlist_id) for song in songs: if song["albumcoverid"]: id = song["albumcoverid"] break else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, message=f"no art for any of the {len(songs)} tracks in playlist {playlist_id}") elif id[0] not in "0123456789": #TODO print("TODO support getCoverArt id format", repr(id)) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, message=f"coverid format {repr(id)} not supported") else: id = int(id) fpath = self.db.get_cover_path(id) type2ct = { 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'png': 'image/png', 'gif': 'image/gif' } cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = type2ct[fpath[-3:]] def content(): total = 0 with open(fpath, "rb") as f: while True: data = if not data: break total += len(data) yield data"sent {} bytes for {}".format(total, fpath)) return content() getCoverArt_view._cp_config = {'': True} @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getArtistInfo_view(self, id, includeNotPresent="true", **kwargs): info = self.db.get_artist_info(id) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("artistInfo") response.set_attrs("artistInfo", **info) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getUser_view(self, username, **kwargs): user = {} if self.options.disable_auth else self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("user", username=user["username"], email=user["email"], scrobblingEnabled="false", adminRole="true" if user["admin"] else "false", settingsRole="false", downloadRole="true", uploadRole="false", playlistRole="true", coverArtRole="false", commentRole="false", podcastRole="false", streamRole="true", jukeboxRole="false", shareRole="true", videoConversionRole="false", avatarLastChanged="2017-08-07T20:16:24.596Z", folder=0) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def star_view(self, id, **kwargs): self.db.set_starred(cherrypy.request.login, int(id), starred=True) return ApiResponse() @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def unstar_view(self, id, **kwargs): self.db.set_starred(cherrypy.request.login, int(id), starred=False) return ApiResponse() @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getStarred_view(self, **kwargs): children = self.db.get_starred(cherrypy.request.login) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("starred") for item in children: # omit not dirs and media in browser if not item["isdir"] and item["type"] not in MUSIC_TYPES: continue item_meta = item['metadata'] itemtype = "song" if item["type"] in MUSIC_TYPES else "album" response.add_child(itemtype, _parent="starred", **self.render_node(item, item_meta, {}, {})) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getRandomSongs_view(self, size=50, genre=None, fromYear=0, toYear=0, **kwargs): """ Get a playlist of random songs :param genre: genre name to find songs under :type genre: str """ response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("randomSongs") children = self.db.get_songs(limit=size, sortby="random") for song in children: moreargs = {} if song["format"]: moreargs.update(contentType=song["format"]) if song["albumcoverid"]: moreargs.update(coverArt=song["albumcoverid"]) if song["length"]: moreargs.update(duration=song["length"]) if song["track"]: moreargs.update(track=song["track"]) if song["year"]: moreargs.update(year=song["year"]) response.add_child("song", _parent="randomSongs", title=song["title"], album=song["albumname"], artist=song["artistname"], id=song["id"], isDir="false", parent=song["albumid"], size=song["size"], suffix=extension(song["format"]), type="music", **moreargs) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getGenres_view(self, **kwargs): response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("genres") for row in self.db.get_genres(): response.add_child("genre", _parent="genres", value=row["name"], songCount=420, albumCount=69) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def scrobble_view(self, id, submission, **kwargs): """ :param id: song id being played :param submission: True if end of song reached. False on start of track. """ submission = True if submission == "true" else False # TODO save played track stats and/or do bullshit return ApiResponse() @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def search2_view(self, query, artistCount, albumCount, songCount, **kwargs): response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("searchResult2") artistCount = int(artistCount) albumCount = int(albumCount) songCount = int(songCount) query = query.replace("*", "") # TODO handle this artists = 0 for item in self.db.get_artists(name_contains=query): response.add_child("artist", _parent="searchResult2", id=item["dir"], name=item["name"]) artists += 1 if artists >= artistCount: break # TODO make this more efficient albums = 0 for album in self.db.get_albums(name_contains=query): response.add_child("album", _parent="searchResult2", id=album["dir"], parent=album["artistdir"], isDir="true", title=album["name"], album=album["name"], artist=album["artistname"], coverArt=album["coverid"], playCount=album["plays"], #year=TODO #created="2016-05-08T05:31:31.000Z"/>) ) albums += 1 if albums >= albumCount: break # TODO make this more efficient songs = 0 for song in self.db.get_songs(title_contains=query): response.add_child("song", _parent="searchResult2", id=song["id"], parent=song["albumdir"], isDir="false", title=song["title"], album=song["albumname"], artist=song["artistname"], track=song["track"], year=song["year"], genre=song["genrename"], coverArt=song["albumcoverid"], size=song["size"], contentType=song["format"], duration=song["length"], bitRate=song["bitrate"], path=song["file"], playCount=song["plays"], albumId=song["albumid"], type="music", suffix=extension(song["format"]), # created="2012-09-17T22:35:19.000Z" ) songs += 1 if songs > songCount: break return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def setRating_view(self, id, rating): # rating is 1-5 pass @cherrypy.expose def savePlayQueue_view(self, id, current, position, **kwargs): print("TODO save playqueue with items {} current {} position {}".format(id, repr(current), repr(position))) current = int(current) song = self.db.get_songs(id=current)[0] self.db.update_album_played(song['albumid'], time()) self.db.increment_album_plays(song['albumid']) if int(position) == 0: self.db.increment_track_plays(current) # TODO save playlist with items ['378', '386', '384', '380', '383'] current 383 position 4471 # id entries are strings! @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def createPlaylist_view(self, name, songId, **kwargs): if type(songId) != list: songId = [songId] user = self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) self.db.add_playlist(user["id"], name, songId) return ApiResponse() #TODO the response should be the new playlist, check the cap @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getPlaylists_view(self, **kwargs): user = self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("playlists") for playlist in self.db.get_playlists(user["id"]): response.add_child("playlist", _parent="playlists", id=playlist["id"], name=playlist["name"], owner=user["username"], public=playlist["public"], songCount=69, duration=420, # changed="2018-04-05T23:23:38.263Z" # created="2018-04-05T23:23:38.252Z" coverArt="pl-{}".format(playlist["id"]) ) return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def getPlaylist_view(self, id, **kwargs): id = int(id) user = self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) plinfo = self.db.get_playlist(id) songs = self.db.get_playlist_songs(id) response = ApiResponse() response.add_child("playlist", id=plinfo["id"], name=plinfo["name"], # TODO this element should match getPlaylists_view owner=user["username"], # TODO translate id to name public=plinfo["public"], songCount=69, duration=420) for song in songs: response.add_child("entry", _parent="playlist", id=song["id"], parent=song["albumid"], # albumid seems wrong? should be dir parent? isDir="false", title=song["title"], album=song["albumname"], artist=song["artistname"], track=song["track"], year=song["year"], genre=song["genrename"], coverArt=song["albumcoverid"], size=song["size"], contentType=song["format"], suffix=extension(song["format"]), duration=song["length"], bitRate=song["bitrate"] / 1024 if song["bitrate"] else None, #TODO macro for this sort of logic path=song["file"], playCount=song["plays"], # created="2015-06-09T15:26:01.000Z" albumId=song["albumid"], artistId=song["artistid"], type="music") return response @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def updatePlaylist_view(self, playlistId, songIndexToRemove=None, songIdToAdd=None, **kwargs): playlistId = int(playlistId) user = self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) plinfo = self.db.get_playlist(playlistId) assert plinfo["ownerid"] == user["id"] if songIndexToRemove: self.db.remove_index_from_playlist(playlistId, songIndexToRemove) elif songIdToAdd: self.db.add_to_playlist(playlistId, songIdToAdd) #TODO there are more modification methods return ApiResponse() @cherrypy.expose @formatresponse def deletePlaylist_view(self, id, **kwargs): user = self.db.get_user(cherrypy.request.login) plinfo = self.db.get_playlist(int(id)) assert plinfo["ownerid"] == user["id"] self.db.delete_playlist(plinfo["id"]) return ApiResponse()