import os import re import logging from contextlib import closing import mimetypes from time import time from threading import Thread from pysonic.types import KNOWN_MIMES, MUSIC_TYPES, MPX_TYPES, FLAC_TYPES, WAV_TYPES, MUSIC_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_TYPES from mutagen.id3 import ID3 from mutagen import MutagenError from mutagen.id3._util import ID3NoHeaderError from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 logging = logging.getLogger("scanner") RE_NUMBERS = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)') class PysonicFilesystemScanner(object): def __init__(self, library): self.library = library def init_scan(self): self.scanner = Thread(target=self.rescan, daemon=True) self.scanner.start() def rescan(self): """ Perform a full scan of the media library's files """ start = time() logging.warning("Beginning library rescan") for parent in self.library.db.get_libraries():"Scanning {}".format(parent["path"])) self.scan_root(parent["id"], parent["path"]) logging.warning("Rescan complete in %ss", round(time() - start, 3)) def scan_root(self, pid, root): """ Scan a single root the library :param pid: parent ID :param root: absolute path to scan """ logging.warning("Beginning file scan for library %s", pid) root_depth = len(self.split_path(root)) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root): child = self.split_path(path)[root_depth:] self.scan_dir(pid, root, child, dirs, files) logging.warning("Beginning metadata scan for library %s", pid) self.scan_metadata(pid, root, freshonly=True) logging.warning("Finished scan for library %s", pid) def scan_dir(self, pid, root, path, dirs, files): """ Scan a single directory in the library. :param pid: parent id :param root: library root path :param path: scan location path, as a list of subdirs within the root :param dirs: dirs in the current path :param files: files in the current path """ # If there are no files then just bail if not files: return # If it is the library root just bail if len(path) == 0: return # Guess an artist from the dir artist = path[0] # Guess an album from the dir, if possible album = None if len(path) > 1: album = path[-1] with closing(self.library.db.db.cursor()) as cursor: # Create artist entry cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE dir = ?", (artist, )) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: artist_id = row['id'] else: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO artists (libraryid, dir, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (pid, artist, artist)) artist_id = cursor.lastrowid # Create album entry album_id = None libpath = os.path.join(*path) if album: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM albums WHERE artistid = ? AND dir = ?", (artist_id, libpath, )) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: album_id = row['id'] else: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO albums (artistid, dir, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (artist_id, libpath, path[-1])) album_id = cursor.lastrowid new_files = False for file in files: if not any([file.endswith(".{}".format(i)) for i in MUSIC_EXTENSIONS]): continue fpath = os.path.join(libpath, file) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM songs WHERE file=?", (fpath, )) if not cursor.fetchall(): # We leave most fields blank now and return later cursor.execute("INSERT INTO songs (albumid, file, size, title) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (album_id, fpath, os.stat(os.path.join(root, fpath)).st_size, file, )) new_files = True # Create cover entry TODO we can probably skip this if there were no new audio files? if album_id: for file in files: if not any([file.endswith(".{}".format(i)) for i in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS]): continue fpath = os.path.join(libpath, file) cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM covers WHERE path=?", (fpath, )) if not cursor.fetchall(): # We leave most fields blank now and return later cursor.execute("INSERT INTO covers (path) VALUES (?);", (fpath, )) cursor.execute("UPDATE albums SET coverid=? WHERE id=?", (cursor.lastrowid, album_id)) break if new_files: # Commit after each dir IF audio files were found. no audio == dump the artist cursor.execute("COMMIT") def split_path(self, path): """ Given a path like /foo/bar, return ['foo', 'bar'] """ parts = [] head = path while True: head, tail = os.path.split(head) if tail: parts.append(tail) else: break parts.reverse() return parts def scan_metadata(self, pid, root, freshonly=False): """ Iterate through files in the library and update metadata :param freshonly: only update metadata on files that have never been scanned before """ q = "SELECT * FROM songs " if freshonly: q += "WHERE lastscan = -1 " q += "ORDER BY albumid" with closing(self.library.db.db.cursor()) as reader, \ closing(self.library.db.db.cursor()) as writer: processed = 0 # commit batching counter for row in reader.execute(q): # Find meta, bail if the file was unreadable # TODO file metadata scanning could be done in parallel meta = self.scan_file_metadata(os.path.join(root, row['file'])) if not meta: continue # Meta may have additional keys that arent in the songs table, omit them song_attrs = ["title", "lastscan", "format", "length", "bitrate", "track", "year"] song_meta = {k: v for k, v in meta.items() if k in song_attrs} # Update the song row q = "UPDATE songs SET " params = [] for key, value in song_meta.items(): q += "{}=?, ".format(key) params.append(value) q += "lastscan=? WHERE id=?" params += [int(time()), row["id"]] writer.execute(q, params) # If the metadata has an artist or album name, update the relevant items if "album" in meta: writer.execute("UPDATE albums SET name=? WHERE id=?", (meta["album"], row["albumid"])) if "artist" in meta: album = writer.execute("SELECT artistid FROM albums WHERE id=?", (row['albumid'], )).fetchone() writer.execute("UPDATE artists SET name=? WHERE id=?", (meta["artist"], album["artistid"])) # Commit every 50 items processed += 1 if processed > 50: writer.execute("COMMIT") processed = 0 if processed != 0: writer.execute("COMMIT") def scan_file_metadata(self, fpath): """ Scan the file for metadata. :param fpath: path to the file to scan """ ftype, extra = mimetypes.guess_type(fpath) if ftype in MUSIC_TYPES: return self.scan_mutagen_metadata(fpath, ftype) def scan_mutagen_metadata(self, fpath, ftype): meta = {"format": ftype} try: # Open file with mutagen if ftype in MPX_TYPES: audio = MP3(fpath) if logging.warning("media reported as sketchy: %s", fpath) elif ftype in FLAC_TYPES: audio = FLAC(fpath) else: audio = ID3(fpath) except ID3NoHeaderError: return except MutagenError as m: logging.error("failed to read audio information: %s", m) return try: meta["length"] = int( except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass try: bitrate = int( meta["bitrate"] = bitrate # meta["kbitrate"] = int(bitrate / 1024) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass try: meta["track"] = int(RE_NUMBERS.findall(''.join(audio['TRCK'].text))[0]) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass try: meta["artist"] = ''.join(audio['TPE1'].text) except KeyError: pass try: meta["album"] = ''.join(audio['TALB'].text) except KeyError: pass try: meta["title"] = ''.join(audio['TIT2'].text) except KeyError: pass try: meta["year"] = audio['TDRC'].text[0].year except (KeyError, IndexError): pass"got all media info from %s", fpath) return meta