
76 lines
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import os
import json
from threading import Thread
class PysonicFilesystemScanner(object):
def __init__(self, library):
self.library = library
def init_scan(self):
self.scanner = Thread(target=self.rescan, daemon=True)
def rescan(self):
# Perform directory scan
for parent in self.library.get_libraries():
meta = json.loads(parent["metadata"])
# print("Scanning {}".format(meta["fspath"]))
def recurse_dir(path, parent):
# print("Scanning {} with parent {}".format(path, parent))
# create or update the database of nodes by comparing sets of names
fs_entries = set(os.listdir(path))
db_entires = self.library.db.getnodes(parent["id"])
db_entires_names = set([i['name'] for i in db_entires])
to_delete = db_entires_names - fs_entries
to_create = fs_entries - db_entires_names
# Create any nodes not found in the db
for create in to_create:
new_node = self.library.db.addnode(parent, path, create)
# Delete any db nodes not found on disk
for delete in to_delete:
print("Prune ", delete, "in parent", path)
node = [i for i in db_entires if i["name"] == delete]
if node:
deleted = self.library.db.delnode(node[0]["id"])
print("Pruned {}, deleting total of {}".format(node, deleted))
for entry in db_entires:
if entry["name"] in to_delete:
if int(entry['isdir']): # 1 means dir
recurse_dir(os.path.join(path, entry["name"]), entry)
# Populate all files for this top-level root
recurse_dir(meta["fspath"], parent)
# Add simple metadata
for artist_dir in self.library.db.getnodes(parent["id"]):
artist = artist_dir["name"]
for album_dir in self.library.db.getnodes(artist_dir["id"]):
album = album_dir["name"]
album_meta = self.library.db.get_metadata(album_dir["id"])
for track_file in self.library.db.getnodes(album_dir["id"]):
title = track_file["name"]
if not track_file["title"]:
self.library.db.update_metadata(track_file["id"], artist=artist, album=album, title=title)
print("Adding simple metadata for {}/{}/{} #{}".format(artist, album,
title, track_file["id"]))
if not album_dir["album"]:
self.library.db.update_metadata(album_dir["id"], artist=artist, album=album)
print("Adding simple metadata for {}/{} #{}".format(artist, album, album_dir["id"]))
if not artist_dir["artist"]:
self.library.db.update_metadata(artist_dir["id"], artist=artist)
print("Adding simple metadata for {} #{}".format(artist, artist_dir["id"]))
if title == "cover.jpg" and 'cover' not in album_meta:
# // add cover art
self.library.db.update_metadata(album_dir["id"], cover=track_file["id"])
print("added cover for {}".format(album_dir['id']))
print("Metadata scan complete.")