from pymonitor import Backend import datetime import json class ESBackend(Backend): def __init__(self, master, conf): """ Init elasticsearch client """ super().__init__(master, conf) self.mapping = {} self.current_index = None def connect(self): self.logger.debug("connecting to elasticsearch at %s" % self.conf["url"]) from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch = Elasticsearch([self.conf["url"]]) self.logger.debug("connected to backend") for monitor_thread in self.master.threads: self.mapping.update(monitor_thread.imported.mapping) self.logger.debug("final mapping: ", self.mapping) self.create_mapping_template() self.check_index() def get_index_name(self): """ Return name of current index such as 'monitor-2015.12.05' """ return "monitor-%s" %"%Y.%m.%d") def check_index(self): """ Called before adding any data to ES. Checks if a new index should be created due to date change """ indexName = self.get_index_name() if indexName != self.current_index: self.create_index(indexName) def create_index(self, indexName): """ Check if current index exists, and if not, create it """ if not, ignore=400) # ignore already exists error self.current_index = indexName def create_mapping_template(self): default_fields = {"ipaddr": {"type": "ip"}, # TODO i dont like how these default fields are handled in general "hostname": {"type": "text"}, "hostname_raw": {"type": "keyword"}, "@timestamp": {"type": "date"}} #"field": "@timestamp" fields = dict(**self.mapping) fields.update(**default_fields) template = {"index_patterns": ["monitor-*"], "settings": {"number_of_shards": 1}, # TODO shard info from config file "mappings": {"_default_": {"properties": fields}}} self.logger.debug("creating template with body %s", json.dumps(template, indent=4))"monitor", body=template) def add_data(self, metric): """ Submit a piece of monitoring data """ self.check_index() metric.tags.update(**self.sysinfo) metric.values["@timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() metric_dict = {} metric_dict.update(metric.values) metric_dict.update(metric.tags) # We'll likely group by tags on the eventual frontend, and under elasticsearch this works best if the entire # field is handled as a single keyword. Duplicate all tags into ${NAME}_raw fields, expected to be not analyzed for k, v in metric.tags.items(): metric_dict["{}_raw".format(k)] = v self.logger.debug("logging type %s: %s" % (metric.tags["type"], metric)) res =, doc_type="monitor_data", body=metric_dict) self.logger.debug("%s created %s" % (metric.tags["type"], res["_id"]))