========= Changes ========= 2.1.2 (unreleased) ================== - Nothing changed yet. 2.1.1 (2019-01-07) ================== - Avoid deleting attributes of DB driver modules we import. Fixes :issue:`206` reported by Josh Zuech. 2.1.0 (2018-02-07) ================== - Document that installing RelStorage from source requires a working CFFI compilation environment. Fixes :issue:`187`, reported by Johannes Raggam. - Test with MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.6, up from 2.1.5. Note that PyPy 5.8.0 is known to *not* work with MySQL Connector/Python (although PyPy 5.6.0 did). 2.1a2 (2017-04-15) ================== - Implemented the storage ``afterCompletion`` method, which allows RelStorage storages to be notified of transaction endings for transactions that don't call the two-phase commit API. This allows resources to be used more efficiently because it prevents RDBMS transactions from being held open. Fixes: :issue:`147` (At least for ZODB 5.2.) - Oracle: Fix two queries that got broken due to the performance work in 2.1a1. - MySQL: Workaround a rare issue that could lead to a ``TypeError`` when getting new OIDs. See :issue:`173`. - The ``len`` of a RelStorage instance now correctly reflects the approximate number of objects in the database. Previously it returned a hardcoded 0. See :issue:`178`. - MySQL: Writing blobs to the database is much faster and scales much better as more blobs are stored. The query has been rewritten to use existing primary key indexes, whereas before it used a table scan due to deficiencies in the MySQL query optimizer. Thanks to Josh Zuech and enfold-josh. See :issue:`175`. 2.1a1 (2017-02-01) ================== - 3.6.0 final release is tested on CI servers. - Substantial performance improvements for PostgreSQL, both on reading and writing. Reading objects can be 20-40% faster. Writing objects can be 15-25% faster (the most benefit will be seen by history-free databases on PostgreSQL 9.5 and above). MySQL may have a (much) smaller improvement too, especially for small transactions. This was done through the use of prepared statements for the most important queries and the new `'ON CONFLICT UPDATE' `_ syntax. See :pr:`157` and :issue:`156`. - The umysqldb driver no longer attempts to automatically reconnect on a closed cursor exception. That fails now that prepared statements are in use. Instead, it translates the internal exception to one that the higher layers of RelStorage recognize as requiring reconnection at consistent times (transaction boundaries). - Add initial support for the `MySQL Connector/Python `_ driver. See :issue:`155`. - Backport `ZODB #140 `_ to older versions of ZODB. This improves write performance, especially in multi-threaded scenarios, by up to 10%. See :pr:`160`. - MySQL temporary tables now use the InnoDB engine instead of MyISAM. See :pr:`162`. 2.0.0 (2016-12-23) ================== - MySQL and Postgres now use the same optimized methods to get the latest TID at transaction commit time as they do at poll time. This is similar to :issue:`89`. - MySQL now releases the commit lock (if acquired) during pre-pack with GC of a history-free storage at the same time as PostgreSQL and Oracle did (much earlier). Reported and initial fix provided in :pr:`9` by jplouis. 2.0.0rc1 (2016-12-12) ===================== - Writing persistent cache files has been changed to reduce the risk of stale temporary files remaining. Also, files are kept open for a shorter period of time and removed in a way that should work better on Windows. - RelStorage is now tested on Windows for MySQL and PostgreSQL thanks to AppVeyor. - Add support for Python 3.6. 2.0.0b9 (2016-11-29) ==================== - The MySQL adapter will now produce a more informative error if it gets an unexpected result taking the commit lock. Reported by Josh Zuech. - Compatibility with transaction 2.0 on older versions of ZODB (prior to the unreleased version that handles encoding meta data for us), newer versions of ZODB (that do the encoding), while maintaining compatibility with transaction 1.x. In particular, the ``history`` method consistently returns bytes for username and description. - In very rare cases, persistent cache files could result in a corrupt cache state in memory after loading them, resulting in AttributeErrors until the cache files were removed and the instance restarted. Reported in :issue:`140` by Carlos Sanchez. 2.0.0b8 (2016-10-02) ==================== - List CFFI in `setup_requires` for buildout users. 2.0.0b7 (2016-10-01) ==================== - Add the ability to limit the persistent cache files size. Thanks to Josh Zuech for the suggestion, which led to the next change. - Move the RelStorage shared cache to a `windowed-LFU with segmented LRU `_ instead of a pure LRU model. This can be a nearly optimal caching strategy for many workloads. The caching code itself is also faster in all tested cases. It's especially helpful when using persistent cache files together with a file size limit, as we can now ensure we write out the most frequently useful data to the file instead of just the newest. For more information see :issue:`127` and :pr:`128`. Thanks to Ben Manes for assistance talking through issues related to the cache strategy. For write-heavy workloads, you may want to increase ``cache_delta_size_limit``. The internal implementation details of the cache have been completely changed. Only the ``StorageCache`` class remains unchanged (though that's also an implementation class). CFFI is now required, and support for PyPy versions older than 2.6.1 has been dropped. - On CPython, use LLBTrees for the cache delta maps. This allows using a larger, more effective size while reducing memory usage. Fixes :issue:`130`. - Persistent cache files use the latest TID in the cache as the file's modification time. This allows a more accurate choice of which file to read at startup. Fixes :issue:`126`. - Fix packing of history-preserving Oracle databases. Reported in :issue:`135` by Peter Jacobs. 2.0.0b6 (2016-09-08) ==================== - Use ``setuptools.find_packages`` and ``include_package_data`` to ensure wheels have all the files necessary. This corrects an issue with the 2.0.0b5 release on PyPI. See :issue:`121` by Carlos Sanchez. 2.0.0b5 (2016-08-24) ==================== - Supporting new databases should be simpler due to a code restructuring. Note that many internal implementation classes have moved or been renamed. - The umysqldb support handles query transformations more efficiently. - umysqldb now raises a more informative error when the server sends too large a packet. .. note:: If you receive "Socket receive buffer full" errors, you are likely experiencing `this issue `_ in ultramysql and will need a patched version, such as the one provided in `this pull request `_. - The local persistent cache file format has been changed to improve reading and writing speed. Old files will be cleaned up automatically. Users of the default settings could see improvements of up to 3x or more on reading and writing. - Compression of local persistent cache files has been disabled by default (but there is still an option to turn it back on). Operational experience showed that it didn't actually save that much disk space, while substantially slowing down the reading and writing process (2-4x). - Add an option, ``cache-local-dir-read-count`` to limit the maximum number of persistent local cache files will be used to populate a storages's cache. This can be useful to reduce startup time if cache files are large and workers have mostly similar caches. 2.0.0b4 (2016-07-17) ==================== - Add experimental support for umysqldb as a MySQL driver for Python 2.7. This is a gevent-compatible driver implemented in C for speed. Note that it may not be able to store large objects (it has been observed to fail for a 16M object---it hardcodes a ``max_allowed_packet`` of exactly 16MB for read and write buffers), and has been observed to have some other stability issues. 2.0.0b3 (2016-07-16) ==================== - Add support for ZODB 5. RelStorage continues to run on ZODB 4 >= 4.4.2. - Add support for tooling to help understand RelStorage cache behaviour. This can help tune cache sizes and the choice to use Memcached or not. See :issue:`106` and :pr:`108`. - Fix a threading issue with certain database drivers. 2.0.0b2 (2016-07-08) ==================== Breaking Changes ---------------- - Support for cx_Oracle versions older than 5.0 has been dropped. 5.0 was released in 2008. - Support for PostgreSQL 8.1 and earlier has been dropped. 8.2 is likely to still work, but 9.0 or above is recommended. 8.2 was released in 2006 and is no longer supported by upstream. The oldest version still supported by upstream is 9.1, released in 2011. Platform Support ---------------- - Using ZODB >= 4.4.2 (*but not 5.0*) is recommended to avoid deprecation warnings due to the introduction of a new storage protocol. The next major release of RelStorage will require ZODB 4.4.2 or above and should work with ZODB 5.0. - Change the recommended and tested MySQL client for Python 2.7 away from the unmaintained MySQL-python to the maintained mysqlclient (the same one used by Python 3). - PyMySQL now works and is tested on Python 3. - A pure-Python PostgreSQL driver, pg8000, now works and is tested on all platforms. This is a gevent-compatible driver. Note that it requires a PostgreSQL 9.4 server or above for BLOB support. - Support explicitly specifying the database driver to use. This can be important when there is a large performance difference between drivers, and more than one might be installed. (Also, RelStorage no longer has the side-effect of registering ``PyMySQL`` as ``MySQLdb`` and ``psycopg2cffi`` as ``psycopg2``.) See :issue:`86`. Bug Fixes --------- - Memcache connections are explicitly released instead of waiting for GC to do it for us. This is especially important with PyPy and/or ``python-memcached``. See :issue:`80`. - The ``poll-interval`` option is now ignored and polling is performed when the ZODB Connection requests it (at transaction boundaries). Experience with delayed polling has shown it typically to do more harm than good, including introducing additional possibilities for error and leading to database performance issues. It is expected that most sites won't notice any performance difference. A larger discussion can be found in :issue:`87`. Performance ----------- - Support a persistent on-disk cache. This can greatly speed up application warmup after a restart (such as when deploying new code). Some synthetic benchmarks show an 8-10x improvement. See :issue:`92` for a discussion, and see the options ``cache-local-dir`` and ``cache-local-dir-count``. - Instances of :class:`.RelStorage` no longer use threading locks by default and hence are not thread safe. A ZODB :class:`Connection ` is documented as not being thread-safe and must be used only by a single thread at a time. Because RelStorage natively implements MVCC, each Connection has a unique storage object. It follows that the storage object is used only by a single thread. Using locks just adds unneeded overhead to the common case. If this is a breaking change for you, please open an issue. See :pr:`91`. - MySQL uses (what should be) a slightly more efficient poll query. See :issue:`89`. - The in-memory cache allows for higher levels of concurrent operation via finer-grained locks. For example, compression and decompression are no longer done while holding a lock. - The in-memory cache now uses a better approximation of a LRU algorithm with less overhead, so more data should fit in the same size cache. (For best performance, CFFI should be installed; a warning is generated if that is not the case.) - The in-memory cache is now smart enough not to store compressed objects that grow during compression, and it uses the same compression markers as zc.zlibstorage to avoid double-compression. It can also gracefully handle changes to the compression format in persistent files. 2.0.0b1 (2016-06-28) ==================== Breaking Changes ---------------- - Update the ZODB dependency from ZODB3 3.7.0 to ZODB 4.3.1. Support for ZODB older than 3.10 has been removed; ZODB 3.10 may work, but only ZODB 4.3 is tested. - Remove support for Python 2.6 and below. Python 2.7 is now required. Platform Support ---------------- - Add support for PyPy on MySQL and PostgreSQL using PyMySQL and psycopg2cffi respectively. PyPy can be substantially faster than CPython in some scenarios; see :pr:`23`. - Add initial support for Python 3.4+ for MySQL (using mysqlclient), PostgreSQL, and Oracle. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed ``loadBefore`` of a deleted/undone object to correctly raise a POSKeyError instead of returning an empty state. (Revealed by updated tests for FileStorage in ZODB 4.3.1.) - Oracle: Packing should no longer produce LOB errors. This partially reverts the speedups in 1.6.0b2. Reported in :issue:`30` by Peter Jacobs. - :meth:`.RelStorage.registerDB` and :meth:`.RelStorage.new_instance` now work with storage wrappers like zc.zlibstorage. See :issue:`70` and :issue:`71`. Included Utilities ------------------ - zodbconvert: The ``--incremental`` option is supported with a FileStorage (or any storage that implements ``IStorage.lastTransaction()``) as a destination, not just RelStorages. - zodbconvert: The ``--incremental`` option works correctly with a RelStorage as a destination. See :pr:`22`. With contributions by Sylvain Viollon, Mauro Amico, and Peter Jacobs. Originally reported by Jan-Wijbrand Kolman. - PostgreSQL: ``zodbconvert --clear`` should be much faster when the destination is a PostgreSQL schema containing lots of data. *NOTE*: There can be no other open RelStorage connections to the destination, or any PostgreSQL connection in general that might be holding locks on the RelStorage tables, or ``zodbconvert`` will block indefinitely waiting for the locks to be released. Partial fix for :issue:`16` reported by Chris McDonough. - ``zodbconvert`` and ``zodbpack`` use :mod:`argparse` instead of :mod:`optparse` for command line handling. Performance ----------- - MySQL: Use the "binary" character set to avoid producing "Invalid utf8 character string" warnings. See :issue:`57`. - Conflict resolution uses the locally cached state instead of re-reading it from the database (they are guaranteed to be the same). See :issue:`38`. - Conflict resolution reads all conflicts from the database in one query, instead of querying for each individual conflict. See :issue:`39`. - PostgreSQL no longer encodes and decodes object state in Base64 during database communication thanks to database driver improvements. This should reduce network overhead and CPU usage for both the RelStorage client and the database server. psycopg2 2.4.1 or above is required; 2.6.1 or above is recommended. (Or psycopg2cffi 2.7.4.) - PostgreSQL 9.3: Support ``commit-lock-timeout``. Contributed in :pr:`20` by Sean Upton. Other Enhancements ------------------ - Raise a specific exception when acquiring the commit lock (:exc:`~relstorage.adapters.interfaces.UnableToAcquireCommitLockError`) or pack lock (:exc:`~relstorage.adapters.interfaces.UnableToAcquirePackUndoLockError`) fails. See :pr:`18`. - ``RelStorage.lastTransaction()`` is more consistent with FileStorage and ClientStorage, returning a useful value in more cases. - Oracle: Add support for getting the database size. Contributed in :pr:`21` by Mauro Amico. - Support :class:`ZODB.interfaces.IExternalGC` for history-free databases, allowing multi-database garbage collection with ``zc.zodbdgc``. See :issue:`47`. Project Details --------------- - Travis CI is now used to run RelStorage tests against MySQL and PostgreSQL on every push and pull request. CPython 2 and 3 and PyPy are all tested with the recommended database drivers. - Documentation has been reorganized and moved to `readthedocs `_. - Updated the buildout configuration to just run relstorage tests and to select which databases to use at build time. 1.6.1 (2016-08-30) ================== - Tests: Basic integration testing is done on Travis CI. Thanks to Mauro Amico. - ``RelStorage.lastTransaction()`` is more consistent with FileStorage and ClientStorage, returning a useful value in more cases. - zodbconvert: The ``--incremental`` option is supported with a FileStorage (or any storage that implements ``IStorage.lastTransaction()``) as a destination, not just RelStorages. - zodbconvert: The ``--incremental`` option is supported with a RelStorage as a destination. See :pr:`22`. With contributions by Sylvain Viollon, Mauro Amico, and Peter Jacobs. Originally reported by Jan-Wijbrand Kolman. - Oracle: Packing should no longer produce LOB errors. This partially reverts the speedups in 1.6.0b2. Reported in :issue:`30` by Peter Jacobs. 1.6.0 (2016-06-09) ================== - Tests: Use the standard library doctest module for compatibility with newer zope.testing releases. 1.6.0b3 (2014-12-08) ==================== - Packing: Significantly reduced the RAM consumed by graph traversal during the pre_pack phase. (Tried several methods; encoded 64 bit IISets turned out to be the most optimal.) 1.6.0b2 (2014-10-03) ==================== - Packing: Used cursor.fetchmany() to make packing more efficient. 1.6.0b1 (2014-09-04) ==================== - The local cache is now more configurable and uses ``zlib`` compression by default. - Added support for ``zodburi``, which means you can open a storage using "postgres:", "mysql:", or "oracle:" URIs. - Packing: Reduced RAM consumption while packing by using IIBTree.Set instead of built-in set objects. - MySQL 5.5: The test suite was freezing in checkBackwardTimeTravel. Fixed. - Added performance metrics using the perfmetrics package. - zodbconvert: Add an --incremental option to the zodbconvert script, letting you convert additional transactions at a later date, or update a non-live copy of your database, copying over missing transactions. - Replication: Added the ro-replica-conf option, which tells RelStorage to use a read-only database replica for load connections. This makes it easy for RelStorage clients to take advantage of read-only database replicas. - Replication: When the database connection is stale (such as when RelStorage switches to an asynchronous replica that is not yet up to date), RelStorage will now raise ReadConflictError by default. Ideally, the application will react to the error by transparently retrying the transaction, while the database gets up to date. A subsequent transaction will no longer be stale. - Replication: Added the revert-when-stale option. When this option is true and the database connection is stale, RelStorage reverts the ZODB connection to the stale state rather than raise ReadConflictError. This option is intended for highly available, read-only ZODB clients. This option would probably confuse users of read-write ZODB clients, whose changes would sometimes seem to be temporarily reverted. - Caching: Use the database name as the cache-prefix by default. This will hopefully help people who accidentally use a single memcached for multiple databases. - Fixed compatibility with persistent 4.0.5 and above. 1.5.1 (2011-11-12) ================== - Packing: Lowered garbage collection object reference finding log level to debug; this stage takes mere seconds, even in large sites, but could produce 10s of thousands of lines of log output. - RelStorage was opening a test database connection (and was leaving it idle in a transaction with recent ZODB versions that support IMVCCStorage.) RelStorage no longer opens that test connection. - zodbconvert: Avoid holding a list of all transactions in memory. - Just after installing the database schema, verify the schema was created correctly. This affects MySQL in particular. 1.5.0 (2011-06-30) ================== - PostgreSQL: Fixed another minor compatibility issue with PostgreSQL 9.0. Packing raised an error when the client used old an version of libpq. - Delete empty transactions in batches of 1000 rows instead of all in one go, to prevent holding the transaction lock for longer than absolutely necessary. - Oracle: Fix object reference downloading performance for large RelStorage databases during the garbage collection phase of a pack. - Oracle, PostgreSQL: Switch to storing ZODB blob in chunks up to 4GB (the maximum supported by cx_Oracle) or 2GB (PostgreSQL maximum blob size) to maximize blob reading and writing performance. The PostgreSQL blob_chunk schema changed to support this, see notes/migrate-to-1.5.txt to update existing databases. - zodbconvert: When copying a database containing blobs, ensure the source blob file exists long enough to copy it. 1.5.0b2 (2011-03-02) ==================== - Better packing based on experience with large databases. Thanks to Martijn Pieters! - Added more feedback to the packing process. It'll now report during batch commit how much of the total work has been completed, but at most every .1% of the total number of transactions or objects to process. - Renamed the --dry-run option to --prepack and added a --use-prepack-state to zodbpack. With these 2 options the pre-pack and pack phases can be run separately, allowing re-use of the pre-pack analysis data or even delegating the pre-pack phase off to a separate server. - Replaced the packing duty cycle with a nowait locking strategy. The pack operation will now request the commit lock but pauses if it is already taken. It releases the lock after every batch (defaulting to 1 second processing). This makes the packing process faster while at the same time yielding to regular ZODB commits when busy. - Do not hold the commit lock during pack cleanup while deleting rows from the object reference tables; these tables are pack-specific and regular ZODB commits never touch these. - Added an option to control schema creation / updating on startup. Setting the ``create-schema`` option to false will let you use RelStorage without a schema update. - Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.0, which is capable of returning a new 'hex' type to the client. Some builds of psycopg2 return garbage or raise an error when they see the new type. The fix was to encode more SQL query responses using base 64. - With the new shared-blob-dir option set to false, it was possible for a thread to read a partially downloaded blob. Fixed. Thanks for the report from Maurits van Rees. - Support for "shared-blob-dir false" now requires ZODB 3.9 or better. The code in the ZODB 3.8 version of ZODB.blob is not compatible with BlobCacheLayout, leading to blob filename collisions. 1.5.0b1 (2011-02-05) ==================== - Added a state_size column to object_state, making it possible to query the size of objects without loading the state. The new column is intended for gathering statistics. A schema migration is required. - Added more logging during zodbconvert to show that something is happening and give an indication of how far along the process is. - Fixed a missing import in the blob cache cleanup code. - Added a --dry-run option to zodbpack. - Replaced the graph traversal portion of the pack code with a more efficient implementation using Python sets (instead of SQL). The new code is much faster for packing databases with deeply nested objects. 1.5.0a1 (2010-10-21) ==================== - Added an option to store ZODB blobs in the database. The option is called "shared-blob-dir" and it behaves very much like the ZEO option of the same name. Blobs stored in the database are broken into chunks to reduce the impact on RAM. - Require setuptools or distribute. Plain distutils is not sufficient. 1.4.2 (2011-02-04) ================== - Fixed compatibility with ZODB 3.10. As reported by JĂźrgen Herrmann, there was a problem with conflict errors. The RelStorage patch of the sync() method now works with ZODB 3.10. - Fixed a bug in packing history-free databases. If changes were made to the database during the pack, the pack code could delete too many objects. Thanks to Chris Withers for writing test code that revealed the bug. A schema migration is required for history-free databases; see notes/migration-to-1.4.txt. - Enabled logging to stderr in zodbpack. 1.4.1 (2010-10-21) ================== - Oracle: always connect in threaded mode. Without threaded mode, clients of Oracle 11g sometimes segfault. 1.4.0 (2010-09-30) ================== - Made compatible with ZODB 3.10.0b7. - Enabled ketama and compression in pylibmc_wrapper. Both options are better for clusters. [Helge Tesdal] - Oracle: Use a more optimal query for POSKeyError logging. [Helge Tesdal] - Fixed a NameError that occurred when getting the history of an object where transaction extended info was set. [Helge Tesdal] 1.4.0c4 (2010-09-17) ==================== - Worked around an Oracle RAC bug: apparently, in a RAC environment, the read-only transaction mode does not isolate transactions in the manner specified by the documentation, so Oracle users now have to use serializable isolation like everyone else. It's slower but more reliable. - Use the client time instead of the database server time as a factor in the transaction ID. RelStorage was using the database server time to reduce the need for synchronized clocks, but in practice, that policy broke tests and did not really avoid the need to synchronize clocks. Also, the effect of unsynchronized clocks is predictable and manageable: you'll get bunches of transactions with sequential timestamps. - If the database returns an object from the future (which should never happen), generate a ReadConflictError, hopefully giving the application a chance to recover. The most likely causes of this are a broken database and threading bugs. 1.4.0c3 (2010-07-31) ==================== - Always update the RelStorage cache when opening a database connection for loading, even when no ZODB Connection is using the storage. Otherwise, code that used the storage interface directly could cause the cache to fall out of sync; the effects would be seen in the next ZODB.Connection. - Added a ZODB monkey patch that passes the "force" parameter to the sync method. This should help the poll-interval option do its job better. 1.4.0c2 (2010-07-28) ==================== - Fixed a subtle bug in the cache code that could lead to an AssertionError indicating a cache inconsistency. The inconsistency was caused by after_poll(), which was ignoring the randomness of the order of the list of recent changes, leading it to sometimes put the wrong transfer ID in the "delta_after" dicts. Also expanded the AssertionError with debugging info, since cache inconsistency can still be caused by database misconfiguration and mismatched client versions. - Oracle: updated the migration notes. The relstorage_util package is not needed after all. 1.4.0c1 (2010-06-19) ==================== - History-preserving storages now replace objects on restore instead of just inserting them. This should solve problems people were having with the zodbconvert utility. - Oracle: call the DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function directly instead of using a small package named ``relstorage_util``. The ``relstorage_util`` package was designed as a secure way to access the DBMS_LOCK package, but the package turned out to be confusing to DBAs and provided no real security advantage. People who have already deployed RelStorage 1.4.x on Oracle need to do the following: GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOCK TO ; You can also drop the ``relstorage_util`` package. Keep the ``relstorage_op`` package. - Made compatible with ZODB 3.10. - MySQL: specify the transaction isolation mode for every connection, since the default is apparently not necessarily "read committed" anymore. 1.4.0b3 (2010-02-02) ==================== - Auto-reconnect in new_oid(). 1.4.0b2 (2010-01-30) ==================== - Include all test subpackages in setup.py. - Raise an error if MySQL reverts to MyISAM rather than using the InnoDB storage engine. 1.4.0b1 (2009-11-17) ==================== - Added the keep-history option. Set it to false to keep no history. (Packing is still required for garbage collection and blob deletion.) - Added the replica-conf and replica-timeout options. Set replica-conf to a filename containing the location of database replicas. Changes to the file take effect at transaction boundaries. - Expanded the option documentation in README.txt. - Revised the way RelStorage uses memcached. Minimized the number of trips to both the cache server and the database. - Added an in-process pickle cache that serves a function similar to the ZEO cache. - Added a wrapper module for pylibmc. - Store operations now use multi-insert and multi-delete SQL statements to reduce the effect of network latency. - Renamed relstorage.py to storage.py to overcome import issues. Also moved the Options class to options.py. - Updated the patch for ZODB 3.7 and 3.8 to fix an issue with blobs and subtransactions. - Divided the implementation of database adapters into many small objects, making the adapter code more modular. Added interfaces that describe the duties of each part. - Oracle: Sped up restore operations by sending short blobs inline. - Oracle: Use a timeout on commit locks. This requires installation of a small PL/SQL package that can access DBMS_LOCK. See README.txt. - Oracle: Used PL/SQL bulk insert operations to improve write performance. - PostgreSQL: use the documented ALTER SEQUENCE RESTART WITH statement instead of ALTER SEQUENCE START WITH. - Moved MD5 sum computation to the adapters so they can choose not to use MD5. - Changed loadSerial to load from the store connection only if the load connection can not provide the object requested. - Stopped wrapping database disconnect exceptions. Now the code catches and handles them directly. - Use the store connection rather than the load connection for OID allocation. - Detect and handle backward time travel, which can happen after failover to an out-of-date asynchronous slave database. For simplicity, invalidate the whole ZODB cache when this happens. - Replaced the speed test script with a separately distributed package, ``zodbshootout``. - Added the ``zodbpack`` script. 1.3.0b1 (2009-09-04) ==================== - Added support for a blob directory. No BlobStorage wrapper is needed. Cluster nodes will need to use a shared filesystem such as NFS or SMB/CIFS. - Added the blob-dir parameter to the ZConfig schema and README.txt. 1.2.0 (2009-09-04) ================== - In Oracle, trim transaction descriptions longer than 2000 bytes. - When opening the database for the first time, don't issue a warning about the inevitable POSKeyError on the root OID. - If RelStorage tries to unpickle a corrupt object state during packing, it will now report the oid and tid in the log. 1.2.0b2 (2009-05-05) ==================== - RelStorage now implements IMVCCStorage, making it compatible with ZODB 3.9.0b1 and above. - Removed two-phase commit support from the PostgreSQL adapter. The feature turned out to be unnecessary. - Added MySQL 5.1.34 and above to the list of supportable databases. - Fixed minor test failures under Windows. Windows is now a supportable platform. Information about older releases can be found :doc:`here `.