# Streamrecord *** A python3 web app to record internet radio streams and present them in a podcast ### Requirements - python3 - sqlite3 - jinja2 - cherrypy - uwsgi - mkvmerge - avconv ### Installation - Checkout the source to somewhere on your system. In the examples below, the path to the root of the source is /home/streamrecord/app/. Cd to here. - Write the config for uwsgi, start that daemon - Write the config for nginx, and view the page. - Create a symbolic link in static/ pointing to files/output/. Command: `mkdir files/ ; mkdir files/output/ ; mkdir files/temp/ ; ln -s ../files/output static/test ` - Add a cron job to call http://my.server/api/tick every minute. Podcast usage: each schedule has a numerical id. To view the podcast, http://my.server/api/getPodcast?id=[number] ### Uwsgi config Something like: ``` [uwsgi] uid = streamrecord pid = streamrecord plugins = python3 touch-reload = /home/streamrecord/app/app.py chdir = /home/streamrecord/app/ wsgi-file = /home/streamrecord/app/app.py callable = application master = true processes = 1 socket = pidfile = /tmp/streamrecord.pid enable-threads = true no-threads-wait = true die-on-term = true ``` ### Nginx config Something like: ``` server { listen 30000; listen [::]:30000 ipv6only=on; include uwsgi_params; access_log /var/log/nginx/stremrecord.log; location / { uwsgi_pass; } location /streamrecord/static/ { autoindex off; alias /home/streamrecord/app/static/; } } ```