#!/usr/bin/env python3 STREAM_STATUS_ACTIVE = 0 STREAM_STATUS_PAUSED = 1 STREAM_STATUS_ERROR = 2 import sys import os import os.path import cherrypy import json import signal from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from libs import database from libs import recordTick from datetime import datetime if __name__ == '__main__' or 'uwsgi' in __name__: appdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) appconf = { '/': { #'tools.proxy.on':True, #'tools.proxy.base': conf["base"]["url"], 'tools.sessions.on':True, 'tools.sessions.storage_type':'file', 'tools.sessions.storage_path':appdir+'/sessions/', 'tools.sessions.timeout':525600, 'request.show_tracebacks': True }, '/static': { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': appdir+"/static/" } } cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.socket_port':3000, 'server.thread_pool':1, 'server.socket_host': '', 'sessionFilter.on':True, 'server.show.tracebacks': True }) cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 5 # env - jinja2 template renderer env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(appdir, "templates"))) # db - slightly custom sqlite3 object. rows = db.execute(query, args) db = database() # REC - recorder thread - see recordTick.py #REC = recordTick(db) def render(template, args): templatesCache = pysite.cacheTemplates() defaults = {"templates":templatesCache} for item in args: defaults[item] = args[item] return quickRender(template, defaults) def quickRender(template, args): template = env.get_template(template) return template.render(args) class siteRoot(object): def __init__(self): print("Siteroot init !") self.templateCache = self.cacheTemplates() def cacheTemplates(self): templateFiles = os.listdir("jstemplates/") templateList = [] nameList = [] for item in templateFiles: name = item.split(".") templateList.append({"name":name[0],"content":open("jstemplates/"+item,"r").read().replace("\t", "").replace("\n","")}) nameList.append(name[0]) return quickRender("templates.html", {"names":json.dumps(nameList), "templates":templateList}) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return render("html.html", {}) @cherrypy.expose def htmltest(self): return render("html.tpl", {}) #index.exposed = True @cherrypy.expose def templates(self): return self.templateCache class api(object): def __init__(self): self.REC = recordTick(db) @cherrypy.expose def tick(self): self.REC.tick() return "OK" @cherrypy.expose def getStreams(self): streamList = db.execute('SELECT * FROM "streams" ORDER BY "name" ASC;') for stream in streamList: stream["time"] = db.execute('SELECT * FROM "times" WHERE streamid=?', [stream["id"]])[0] stream["files"] = self._getFiles(stream["id"]) stream["recorder_status"] = self.REC.streamStatus(stream["id"]) stream["is_running"] = stream["recorder_status"] not in [0, -1] # idle states return json.dumps(streamList) def _getStream(self,id): streamList = db.execute('SELECT * FROM "streams" WHERE "id"=?', [int(id)]) for stream in streamList: stream["time"] = db.execute('SELECT * FROM "times" WHERE streamid=?', [stream["id"]])[0] stream["files"]=self._getFiles(id) stream["recorder_status"] = self.REC.streamStatus(stream["id"]) stream["is_running"] = stream["recorder_status"] not in [0, -1] # idle states return streamList[0] @cherrypy.expose def getStream(self, id): return json.dumps(self._getStream(id)) @cherrypy.expose def changeStatus(self, streamid, status): streamid = int(streamid) db.execute('UPDATE "streams" SET "status"=? WHERE "id"=? ;', [status, streamid]) return json.dumps({"result":True}) @cherrypy.expose def changeTimeDay(self, streamid, day, value): streamid = int(streamid) value = value == "true" col = "" if day == "daysu": col="su" elif day == "daym": col="m" elif day == "dayt": col="t" elif day == "dayw": col="w" elif day == "dayr": col="r" elif day == "dayf": col="f" elif day == "daysa": col="sa" else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, message="Day not found") db.execute('UPDATE "times" SET "'+col+'"=? WHERE "streamid"=? ;', [1 if value else 0,streamid]) return json.dumps({"result":True}) @cherrypy.expose def changeName(self, streamid, value): streamid = int(streamid) db.execute('UPDATE "streams" SET "name"=? WHERE "id"=?', [value,streamid]) return json.dumps({"result":True}) @cherrypy.expose def changeUrl(self, streamid, value): streamid = int(streamid) db.execute('UPDATE "streams" SET "url"=? WHERE "id"=?', [value,streamid]) return json.dumps({"result":True}) @cherrypy.expose def changeTime(self, streamid, startHour, startMin, endHour, endMin): startHour=int(startHour) assert startHour>=0 and startHour<=23 startMin=int(startMin) assert startMin>=0 and startMin<=59 endHour=int(endHour) assert endHour>=0 and endHour<=23 endMin=int(endMin) assert endMin>=0 and endMin<=59 db.execute('UPDATE "times" SET "starthour"=?, "startmin"=?, "endhour"=?, "endmin"=? WHERE "streamid"=? ;', [startHour, startMin, endHour, endMin, streamid]) return json.dumps({"result":True}) def _filterName(self, input): allowed="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789-" input = input.replace(" ", "-").lower() output=[] for i in range(0, len(allowed)): if input[i:i+1] in allowed: output.append(input[i:i+1]) return ''.join(output) @cherrypy.expose def createStream(self, data): data = json.loads(data) assert not data["name"] == "" assert not data["url"] == "" assert data["time"]["su"] or data["time"]["m"] or data["time"]["t"] or data["time"]["w"] or data["time"]["r"] or data["time"]["f"] or data["time"]["sa"] dirName = self._filterName(data["name"]) rowid = db.execute('INSERT INTO "streams" ("user", "name", "url", "directory", "status", "message") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', [0, data["name"], data["url"], dirName, data["status"], ""]) db.execute('INSERT INTO "times" ("streamid", "su", "m", "t", "w", "r", "f", "sa", "starthour", "startmin", "endhour", "endmin") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', [ rowid, data["time"]["su"], data["time"]["m"], data["time"]["t"], data["time"]["w"], data["time"]["r"], data["time"]["f"], data["time"]["sa"], data["time"]["startHour"], data["time"]["startMin"], data["time"]["endHour"], data["time"]["endMin"] ]) return json.dumps({"result":rowid}) def _getFiles(self, id): stream = db.execute('SELECT * FROM "streams" WHERE "id"=?', [int(id)])[0] recordingsDir = "files/output/"+stream["directory"]+"/" files = [] if os.path.exists(recordingsDir): files = os.listdir(recordingsDir) files.sort() allFiles = [] for i in range(0, len(files)): item = files[i] if item[0:1]==".": continue; size = os.path.getsize(recordingsDir+item) allFiles.append({ "filename":item, "directory":recordingsDir, "streamdir":stream["directory"], "filenum":i, "bytes":size, "mbytes":round(size/1024.0/1024.0, 2), "date":os.path.getctime(recordingsDir+item) }) return allFiles @cherrypy.expose def getFiles(self, id): files = self._getFiles(id) return json.dumps({"data":files}) @cherrypy.expose def download(self, id, fn): files = self._getFiles(id) item = files[int(fn)] raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/static/output/"+item["streamdir"]+"/"+item["filename"], 302) @cherrypy.expose def getUrl(self, id, fn): files = self._getFiles(id) item = files[int(fn)] return json.dumps({"result":"/static/output/"+item["streamdir"]+"/"+item["filename"]}) @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.response_headers(headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml')]) def getPodcast(self, id): stream = self._getStream(id) # Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:13:48 +0000 for f in stream["files"]: f["date"]=datetime.fromtimestamp(f["date"]).strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0800") return str.encode(render("podcast.html", { "stream":stream, "builddate": datetime.now().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0800")#Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:13:48 +0000 })) @cherrypy.expose def getRecStatus(self, id): return json.dumps({"data":self.REC.streamStatus(int(id))}) pysite = siteRoot() pysite.api = api() print( "Ready to start application" ) if(len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1]=="test"): print("test!") application = cherrypy.quickstart(pysite, '/', appconf) else: sys.stdout = sys.stderr cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'embedded'}) application = cherrypy.tree.mount(pysite, "/", appconf)