import re import string from tvsort.common import Season, Show, EpInfo NORMAL_SEASON_EP_RE = re.compile(r'(([sS]([0-9]{2}))x?([eE]([0-9]{2}))?)') # match something like s01e02 NORMAL_SEASON_EP_RE2 = re.compile(r'(([0-9]+)[xX]([0-9]{2}))') # match something like 21x04 DATE_SEASON_EP_RE = re.compile(r'((201[0-9]).([0-9]{1,2})?.([0-9]{1,2})?)') # match something like 2017-08-3 COMMON_CRAP = [re.compile(i, flags=re.I) for i in [r'(720|1080)p', r'hdtv', r'(h.?)?x?264(.[a-z0-9]+)?', r'(ddp\d\.\d)?', r'web(\-?(dl|rip))?', r'[\.\-\s](amzn|amazon)[\.\-\s]', r'dd.5.\d', r'AAC2.\d']] class EpisodeParseException(Exception): pass def parse_episode(fname): """ Given a file name, parse out any information we can from the name :return: """ # Remove file extensions item = fname.rstrip(".mkv").lower()#TODO make this better # Extract season information # And remove seasons info chars from the working name epinfo = None match = or if match: fields = match.groups() if len(fields) == 5: whole, _, season, _, episode = fields else: whole, season, episode = fields if season and not episode: epinfo = EpInfo(fname, Season.special, int(season), None, None) else: assert season and episode epinfo = EpInfo(fname, Season.by_season, int(season), int(episode), None) # delete everything after the episode number pos = item.find(whole) if pos >= 10: item = item[0:pos] else: # unless it makes it too short item = item.replace(whole, "") else: match = if match: whole, year, month, day = match.groups() assert year is not None if month: month = int(month) if day: day = int(day) epinfo = EpInfo(fname, Season.by_date, int(year), month, day) # delete everything after the episode number pos = item.find(whole) if pos >= 10: item = item[0:pos] else: # unless it makes it too short item = item.replace(whole, "") else: raise EpisodeParseException("Could not parse episode {}".format(repr(fname))) # Remove common torrenty names for crap in COMMON_CRAP: item = crap.sub("", item) # Remaining chars should be a show name and possibly and episode title. And random bs allowed_chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits item = ''.join([i if i in allowed_chars else " " for i in item]).strip() return epinfo, item def sub_bucket_name(show, major, minor, extra): if show.mode == Season.by_date: return str(major) elif show.mode == Season.by_season: return "Season {}".format(major) else: return ''