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2016-12-28 16:30:37 -08:00
Z Hypervisor
2016-12-26 16:42:48 -08:00
2016-12-28 16:30:37 -08:00
A minimal hypervisor based on QEMU, with HTTP API
- kvm kernel module
- Qemu (Specifically, qemu-system-x86_64)
- brctl (part of bridge-utils on Ubuntu)
- an ethernet bridge named br0
- it must run as root
- Check out this repo, install using pip3
- Create a config (see example/zd.json)
- Run `zd -c|--config /path/to/zd.json`
*GET /api/v1/machine/:id/start*
Start a machine given its id
*GET /api/v1/machine/:id/stop*
Stop a machine given its id
*GET /api/v1/machine/:id/restart*
Stop a machine given its id
*GET /api/v1/machine/:id*
Get the description of a machine or all machines if no id passed
*PUT /api/v1/machine/:id*
Create a new machine or update an existing machine. Params:
2017-02-23 20:43:46 -08:00
- machine_id: alphanumeric name for the machine
2016-12-28 16:30:37 -08:00
- machine_spec: serialized json object describing the machine. See the 'spec' key of example/ubuntu.json
*DELETE /api/v1/machine/:id*
Delete a machine give its id
2016-12-26 16:42:48 -08:00
2017-02-23 20:43:46 -08:00
*GET /api/v1/machine/:id/property/:property*
Get the current value of a machine's property
*PUT /api/v1/machine/:id/property/:property*
Create or update a machine's property. Params:
- machine_id: alphanumeric name for the name
- property: name of the property to modify or create
- value: serialized json object to set as the value
*DELETE /api/v1/machine/:id/property/:property*
Remove a property from a machine
2016-12-28 18:43:07 -08:00
*GET /api/v1/disk/:id*
List all disks or a specific disk if passed
*PUT /api/v1/disk/:id*
Create a storate disk to use with machines. Params:
- disk_spec: serialized json object describing the disk. See the 'spec' key of example/ubuntu-root.json and example/ubuntu-iso.json
*DELETE /api/v1/disk/:id*
Delete a disk by ID