import cherrypy import logging import json import subprocess from threading import Thread class Mountable(object): """ Macro for encapsulating a component's config and methods into one object. :param conf: cherrypy config dict for use when mounting this component """ def __init__(self, conf=None): self.conf = conf if conf else {'/': {}} def mount(self, path): """ Mount this component into the cherrypy tree :param path: where to mount it e.g. /v1 :return: self """ cherrypy.tree.mount(self, path, self.conf) return self class ZApi(object): def __init__(self, master): """ Main component of the API service. Inits and assembles the various classes. Provides .run() and .stop() to control it. :param master: parent BastionController reference. """ self.master = master self.app_v1 = ZApiV1(self).mount('/api/v1') # self.app_root = BSApiRoot(self).mount('/api') # self.ui = Mountable(conf={'/': { # 'tools.staticdir.on': True, # 'tools.staticdir.dir': os.getcwd() + '/ui/build', # TODO don't hardcode # 'tools.staticdir.index': 'index.html'}}).mount('/ui') cherrypy.config.update({ 'sessionFilter.on': True, 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit', 'tools.sessions.timeout': 525600, 'request.show_tracebacks': True, 'server.socket_port': 3000, # TODO configurable port 'server.thread_pool': 25, 'server.socket_host': '', 'server.show_tracebacks': True, 'server.socket_timeout': 5, 'log.screen': False, 'engine.autoreload.on': False }) def run(self): cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block()"API has shut down") def stop(self): cherrypy.engine.exit()"API shutting down...") class ZApiV1(Mountable): """ Provides the /v1/ api. """ def __init__(self, root): super().__init__(conf={ "/machine": {'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()}, # "/task": {'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()}, # @TODO this conf belongs in the child # "/logs": { # 'tools.staticdir.on': True, # 'tools.staticdir.dir': root.master.log_path, # 'tools.staticdir.content_types': {'log': 'text/plain'} # } }) self.root = root self.machine = ZApiMachines(self.root) # self.task = BSApiTask(self.root) # self.control = BSApiControl(self.root) # self.socket = ApiWebsockets(self.root) @cherrypy.expose def index(self): yield "It works!" @cherrypy.expose def create_disk(self, datastore, name, size, fmt): """ WORKAROUND for creating qemu disks TODO replace me """ assert fmt in ["qcow2", "raw"], "Disk format is invalid" assert name.endswith(".bin"), "Disk must be named .bin" disk_path = self.root.master.datastores[datastore].get_filepath(name) img_args = ["qemu-img", "create", "-f", fmt, disk_path, "{}M".format(int(size))]"Creating disk with: %s", str(img_args)) subprocess.check_call(img_args) return name @cherrypy.popargs("machine_id") class ZApiMachineStop(object): """ Endpoint to stop running machines """ exposed = True def __init__(self, root): self.root = root def GET(self, machine_id): """ If the machine exists, stop it gracefully. This happens asynchronously. """ assert machine_id in self.root.master.machines Thread(target=lambda: self.root.master.forceful_stop(machine_id)).start() return machine_id @cherrypy.popargs("machine_id") class ZApiMachineStart(object): """ Endpoint to start stopped machines """ exposed = True def __init__(self, root): self.root = root def GET(self, machine_id=None): """ Start the machine """ self.root.master.machines[machine_id].start() return machine_id @cherrypy.popargs("machine_id") class ZApiMachineRestart(object): """ Endpoint to restart machines """ exposed = True def __init__(self, root): self.root = root def GET(self, machine_id=None): """ Start the machine TODO can we not repeat this from Stop/Start? """ assert machine_id in self.root.master.machines self.root.master.forceful_stop(machine_id) self.root.master.machines[machine_id].start() return machine_id @cherrypy.popargs("machine_id") class ZApiMachines(): """ Endpoint for managing machines """ exposed = True def __init__(self, root): """ Endpoint to modify machines. PUT and DELETE require the machine not be running, which can be managed with the stop and start methods below """ self.root = root self.stop = ZApiMachineStop(self.root) self.start = ZApiMachineStart(self.root) self.restart = ZApiMachineRestart(self.root) def GET(self, machine_id=None, action=None, summary=False): """ Get a list of all machines or specific one if passed :param task_id: task to retrieve """ summary = summary in [True, 'True', 'true', 'yes', '1', 1] machines = {} for _machine_id, machine_spec in self.root.master.machines.items(): machine = {"machine_id": _machine_id, "_status": machine_spec.machine.get_status()} if not summary: machine.update({"machine_type": machine_spec.machine_type, "spec": machine_spec.serialize()}) machines[_machine_id] = machine if machine_id is not None: try: return [machines[machine_id]] except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=404) else: return list(machines.values()) def PUT(self, machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec): """ Create a new machine or update an existing machine :param machine_id: id of machine to create or modify :param machine_type: set machine type (currently, only "q") 'param machine_spec: json dictionary describing the machine. see the 'spec' key of example/banutoo.json """ assert machine_id not in self.root.master.machines or \ self.root.master.machines[machine_id].machine.get_status() == "stopped", \ "Machine must be stopped to modify" machine_spec = json.loads(machine_spec) self.root.master.add_machine(machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec, write=True) return machine_id def DELETE(self, machine_id): """ Delete a machine. Raises 404 if no machine exists. Raises error if machine is not stopped :param machine_id: ID of machine to remove """ try: assert self.root.master.machines[machine_id].machine.get_status() == "stopped", \ "Machine must be stopped to delete" except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=404) self.root.master.remove_machine(machine_id) return machine_id