import os import logging import subprocess from time import sleep from threading import Thread from zhypervisor.util import TapDevice, Machine class QMachine(Machine): machine_type = "q" def __init__(self, spec): Machine.__init__(self, spec) self.proc = None self.tap = TapDevice() self.block_respawns = False # TODO validate specs def get_status(self): """ Return string "stopped" or "running" depending on machine status @TODO machine status consts """ return "stopped" if self.proc is None else "running" def start_machine(self): """ If needed, launch the machine. """ if self.proc: raise Exception("Machine already running!") else: qemu_args = self.get_args(tap=str(self.tap))"spawning qemu with: {}".format(' '.join(qemu_args))) sleep(1) # anti-spin self.proc = subprocess.Popen(qemu_args, preexec_fn=lambda: os.setpgrp(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # TODO handle stdout/err - stream to logs? Thread(target=self.wait_on_exit, args=[self.proc]).start() def wait_on_exit(self, proc): """ Listener used by above start_machine to restart the machine if the machine exits """ proc.wait()"qemu process has exited") self.proc = None if not self.block_respawns and self.spec.options.get("respawn", False): self.start_machine() def stop_machine(self): """ Send the powerdown signal to the running machine """ if self.proc:"stopping machine %s", self.spec.machine_id) self.proc.stdin.write(b"system_powerdown\n") self.proc.stdin.flush() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def kill_machine(self): """ Forcefully kill the running machine """ print("Terminating {}".format(self.proc)) if self.proc: self.proc.terminate() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def get_args(self, tap): """ Assemble the full argv array that will be executed for this machine """ argv = ['qemu-system-x86_64'] argv += self.get_args_system() argv += self.get_args_drives() argv += self.get_args_network(tap) return argv def get_args_system(self): """ Return system-related args: - Qemu meta args - CPU core settings - Mem amnt - Boot device """ args = ["-monitor", "stdio", "-machine", "accel=kvm", "-smp"] args.append("cpus={}".format("cores", 1))) # why doesn't this work: ,cores={} args.append("-m") args.append(str("mem", 256))) args.append("-boot") args.append("cd") if"vnc", False): args.append("-vnc") assert type("vnc")) == int, "VNC port should be an integer" args.append(":{}".format("vnc"))) return args def get_args_network(self, tap_name): """ Return network related qemu args """ args = [] for iface in"netifaces"): iface_type = iface.get("type") if iface_type == "tap": if "ifname" not in iface: iface["ifname"] = tap_name iface["script"] = "/root/zhypervisor/testenv/bin/zd_ifup" # TODO don't hard code iface["downscript"] = "no" args.append("-net") args.append(QMachine.format_args(iface)) return args # return ['-net', 'nic,vlan=0,model=e1000,macaddr=82:25:60:41:D5:97', # '-net', 'tap,ifname={},,downscript=no'.format(tap_name)] def get_args_drives(self): """ Inspect props.drives expecting a format like: {"file": "/tmp/ubuntu.qcow2", "index": 0, "if": "virtio"} """ drives = [] for drive in"drives", []): drive_info = dict(drive) drives.append("-drive") # translate datastore paths if neede if "file" in drive_info: drive_info["file"] = self.get_datastore_path(drive_info["datastore"], drive_info["file"]) del drive_info["datastore"] drives.append(QMachine.format_args(drive_info)) return drives @staticmethod def format_args(d): """ Given a dictionary like: {"file": "/dev/zd0", "index": 0, "if", "virtio"} Return a string like: file=/dev/zd0,index=0,if=virtio """ args = [] for item, value in d.items(): if item == "type": args.insert(0, value) else: args.append("{}={}".format(item, value)) if not args: return None return ','.join(args)