import os from random import randint class TapDevice(object): """ Utility class - adds/removes a tap device on the linux system. Can be used as a context manager. """ def __init__(self): self.num = randint(0, 100000) def create(self): os.system("ip tuntap add name {} mode tap".format(self)) def destroy(self): os.system("ip link delete {}".format(self)) def __str__(self): return "tap{}".format(self.num) def __enter__(self): self.create() return str(self) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.destroy() class Machine(object): """ All runnable types should subclass this """ def __init__(self, machine_spec): self.spec = machine_spec def run_machine(self): """ Run the machine and block until it exits (or was killed) """ raise NotImplemented() def stop_machine(self): """ Ask the machine to stop nicely """ raise NotImplemented() def kill_machine(self): """ Stop the machine, brutally """ raise NotImplemented() def get_datastore_path(self, datastore_name, *paths): """ Resolve the filesystem path for a path in the given datastore """ return self.spec.master.datastores.get(datastore_name).get_filepath(*paths)