
125 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from a import Tile, loadmap, getneighbors, findpath
def char2tile(char):
return {"#": Tile.WALL,
".": Tile.OPEN}[char]
def tile2char(tile):
return {Tile.WALL: "#",
Tile.OPEN: "."}[tile]
def main():
minpower = 24 # found with some guesswork, change to suit your needs
while True:
print("Trying", minpower)
result = rungame(minpower)
if result:
minpower += 1
def rungame(powerlevel):
field, units, width, height = loadmap("input.txt")
for u in units:
if u.cls == "E":
u.power = powerlevel
rounds = 0
while True:
# print("BEGIN ROUND", rounds)
# input()
# Put units into the order they'll be updated
units.sort(key=lambda u: u.pos[0] + u.pos[1] * 1000)
units_toupdate = units[:]
# Process units in order
while units_toupdate:
current_unit = units_toupdate.pop(0)
# Find desirable destinations - squares that border an enemy
enemies = [u for u in units if u.cls != current_unit.cls]
dests = set()
for enemy in enemies:
dests.update(getneighbors(field, enemy.pos))
occupied = {u.pos for u in units if u != current_unit} # Omit occupied dests
dests -= occupied
if current_unit.pos not in dests:
# No targets in range, unit must move
costs = [] # list of (dest, pathlength, firstmove)
for dest in dests:
unitscoords = {u.pos: u for u in units}
path = findpath(field, current_unit.pos, dest, unitscoords)
if not path:
costs.append((dest, len(path), path[-1]))
if costs: # A path to a dest exists
costs.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
closest_cost = costs[0][1]
next_moves = []
for cost in costs:
if cost[1] == closest_cost:
next_moves.sort(key=lambda i: i[0][0] + i[0][1] * 1000)
current_unit.pos = next_moves[0][2]
if current_unit.pos in dests:
unitscoords = {u.pos: u for u in units}
targets = [] # Units we can hit from where we are
for pos in getneighbors(field, current_unit.pos):
if pos in unitscoords and unitscoords[pos].cls != current_unit.cls:
targets.sort(key=lambda t: t.hp) # We want to hit the lowest hp'd units
lowhp = targets[0].hp
candidates = []
for target in targets:
if target.hp == lowhp:
targets = candidates
# reading order for targets
targets.sort(key=lambda i: i.pos[0] + i.pos[1] * 1000)
target = targets[0]
target.hp -= current_unit.power
if target.hp <= 0:
if target.cls == "E":
return False
if target in units_toupdate:
if len(enemies) == 1:
print("End of combat")
hpsum = sum([u.hp for u in units])
print("Rounds:", rounds)
print("HP sum:", hpsum)
print("Answer:", hpsum * rounds)
return True
rounds += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':