
96 lines
3.0 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pfparser.h"
int pfdata_parse(char* message, pf_data* result) {
printf("pfparse: '%s'\n", message);
char* token;
int field = 0;
/* Parse the first X fields
They are: <rule-number>,<sub-rule-number>,<anchor>,<tracker>,<real-interface>,<reason>,<action>,<direction>,<ip-version>
We only collect rule-number, real-interface, reason, action, direction, ip-version */
while ( (token = strsep(&message, ",")) != NULL) {
printf("%02d: %s\n", field, token);
switch (field) {
case 0: /* Rule number*/
{ /*language limitation, the `char*` label (or `unsigned`) is not supported after a switch case TODO look up the underlying reason again*/
char* rnend;
long int rulenum = strtol(token, &rnend, 10);
if(rnend == NULL) return 1;
result->rulenum = (int)rulenum;
/*if(result->rulenum == NULL) return 1;*/
case 4: /*iface*/
if(strlen(token) > IFACE_LEN) return 1;
memcpy(result->iface, token, strlen(token));
case 5: /*reason*/
result->reason = strcmp(token, "match") ? pf_hit_other : pf_hit_match; /*TODO error on unexpected*/
case 6: /*action*/
result->action = strcmp(token, "block") ? pf_hit_block : pf_hit_pass; /*XXX*/
case 7: /*direction*/
result->direction = strcmp(token, "in") ? pf_dir_in : pf_dir_out; /*XXX*/
case 8: /*ip-version*/
char* ipvend;
long int ip_ver = strtol(token, &ipvend, 10);
if(ipvend == NULL) return 1;
result->ipversion = (int)ip_ver;
if(result->ipversion == 4) {
/*parse ipv4 fields*/
- TOS, hex as a string field starting with "0x" or empty
- "Explicit Congestion Notification" - or empty, we will ignore
- TTL, int
- packet ID, int (seemingly useless?)
- fragment offset, int (???)
- flags ("none" or some string, each flag is an uppercase(?) character)
- protocol id, int
- protocol name, string
else if(result->ipversion == 6) {
/*parse ipv6 fields*/
- class, hex as a string field starting with "0x"
- flow label, "data" ???
- hop-limit, int (like ttl)
- protocol name, string
- protocol id, int
} else {
return 1; /*unknown ip version*/
/*Parse <ip-data>*/
- packet length, int
- source addr, string (ipv4 OR ipv6!)
- dest addr, string (ipv4 OR ipv6!)
/*Parse optional <protocol-specific-data>*/
return 0;