
233 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "helpers.h"
#include "pfparser.h"
/*UDP server-related mostly lifted from https://cs.nyu.edu/~mwalfish/classes/16sp/classnotes/handout01.pdf*/
#define DF_MONTH_LEN 9
/*TODO numeric indicator for month?*/
struct Datefields {
char month[DF_MONTH_LEN];
int day;
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
/*TODO check max app name length*/
#define MSG_APP_LEN 64
struct Message {
int priority;
char application[MSG_APP_LEN];
struct Datefields date;
pf_message data;
void panic(const char* s) {
int parse_priority(char* message, int* priority, int* position) {
Given a string that begins with a message something like: <123>foo
Parse out the number (123) and place it in the passed `priority` int pointer
The position after the final `>` will be placed in the passed `position` int pointer
Returns 0 on success or something else on failure
/*Must have >3 chars to form <x> priority*/
if (strlen(message) < 3) return 1;
/*Must start with <*/
if (message[0] != '<') return 1;
char digits[4];
memset(&digits, '\0', sizeof(digits));
int num_digits = 0;
int pos = 1;
/*bool found_priority_end = false; // TODO*/
while (pos < 4) {
if(!isdigit(message[pos])) return 1; /*priority must be numeric*/
digits[num_digits] = message[pos];
if (message[pos] == '>') {
/*TODO if escape the loop because pos >= 4, we never found '>'*/
if (num_digits == 0) return 1; /*empty priority <> ?*/
*priority = atoi(digits);
*position = pos;
return 0;
int parse_datefield(char* message, struct Datefields* date, int* position) {
Given a message+position pointers, where message + position in a string like:
May 10 03:09:59 filterlog: 5,,,....
Parse out the date and place the fields in the passed datefields struct pointer
Position will be advanced to the character after the parsed data
/*char month[8];
memset(&month, '\0', sizeof(month)); makes valgrind happy as the above char contains uninitialized memory*/
int date_length;
if(sscanf(message + *position, "%"STR(DF_MONTH_LEN)"s %d %d:%d:%d%n",
date->month, &(date->day), &(date->hour), &(date->minute), &(date->second), &date_length) != 5) {
return 1; /*Failed to parse all desired fields*/
*position += date_length;
return 0;
int parse_application(char* message, char* application, int* position) {
int app_length;
if(sscanf(message + *position, "%"STR(MSG_APP_LEN)"s%n", application, &app_length) != 1) { /*%n not counted in returned field count*/
return 1; /*Failed to parse all desired fields*/
if(strlen(application) < 2) return 1; /*Expect at least chars*/
application[app_length-1] = '\0'; /*Remove the trailing :*/
*position += app_length;
return 0;
int parse_message(struct Message* result, char* message) {
parse a message like:
<134>May 10 03:09:59 filterlog: 5,,,1000000103,cpsw0,match,block,in,4,0x20,,239,27547,0,none,6,tcp,40,,,57159,11111,0,S,3919167832,,1024,,
Assumes null termed string
int priority = 0;
int position = 0;
if(parse_priority(message, &priority, &position) != 0) return 1;
result->priority = priority;
position++; /*Now sits on the first character of the ISOTIMESTAMP*/
Note: does not parse a full iso timestamp, only the format above*/
struct Datefields date;
if(parse_datefield(message, &date, &position) != 0) {
return 1;
result->date = date;
position++; /*position now at beginning of HOSTNAME field*/
filterlog: 5,,,1000000103,cpsw0,match....*/
char application[MSG_APP_LEN];
if(parse_application(message, application, &position) != 0) return 1;
memcpy(result->application, application, sizeof(application));
position += 1; /*pass over the space*/
/*printf("remaining: '%s'\n", message + position);*/
/*trim original message to only the CSV portion*/
int msglen = strlen(message);
int datalen = msglen - position;
memmove(message, &message[position], datalen);
/*zero the rest of the message*/
memset(&message[datalen], 0, msglen - datalen);
/*pf_message result_msg;*/
if(pfparse_message(message, &(result->data)) != 0) return 1;
/*char msg_remaining[4096];
memset(&msg_remaining, '\0', sizeof(msg_remaining));
memcpy(msg_remaining, &message[position], strlen(message) - position);
printf("'%s'\n", msg_remaining);
memmove(message, &message[position], strlen(message) - position);
printf("'%s'\n", message);*/
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]);
/*Parse port number to integer*/
char* portend;
unsigned int portl;
portl = strtol(argv[1], &portend, 10);
if (portend == NULL) panic("strtol");
assert(portl < USHRT_MAX);
unsigned short port = (unsigned short)portl;
/*Create socket*/
int sock_fd;
char msg[4096];
if ((sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
/*Set socket options*/
int one = 1;
setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one));
/*Bind socket*/
struct sockaddr_in my_addr, my_peer_addr;
memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr));
my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
my_addr.sin_port = htons(port); /*host to network short - converts a *s*hort from the *h*ost's to *n*etwork's endianness*/
if (bind(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0)
panic("bind failed");
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
while (1) {
int size_recvd;
if ((size_recvd = recvfrom(sock_fd, /* socket */
msg, /* buffer */
sizeof(msg), /* size of buffer */
0, /* flags = 0 */
(struct sockaddr*)&my_peer_addr, /* whos sending */
&addrlen /* length of buffer to receive peer info */
)) < 0)
assert(size_recvd < sizeof(msg)); /*messages can't be longer than our buffer*/
assert(addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
printf("\nGot message: %s\n", msg);
/*TODO should we check that msg[size_recvd] == \0 ?
printf("From host %s src port %d got message %.*s\n",
inet_ntoa(my_peer_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(my_peer_addr.sin_port), size_recvd, msg);*/
struct Message result;
/*printf("XXXsize: %lu", sizeof(result)); // curious how big the struct gets
printf("msg[size_recvd] is: %d", msg[size_recvd]);*/
msg[size_recvd] = '\0'; /*We receive 1 full string at a time*/
if(parse_message(&result, msg) != 1) {
printf("message is valid:\n\tpriority: %d\n\tapplication: %s\n\tDate: %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
"\tInterface: %s\n\tIP version: %d\n",
result.priority, result.application, result.date.month, result.date.day, result.date.hour,
result.date.minute, result.date.second, result.data.iface, result.data.ipversion);